Shinobi Life Online

Shinobi Life Online Category => Shinobi Life Online Clans & Organizations => Shinobi Life Online Clans => Topic started by: Toratsume Nyshn on June 22, 2016, 18:38:08

Title: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on June 22, 2016, 18:38:08

Clan Name: Toratsume
Clan Logo: Given as above
Founder: Tsumemoto "Toratsume" Yamazaki
Clan Leader: (Ichitsume-sama) Takeshi Toratsume
Affiliation: Morigakure (
Clan History: The founder of the clan, the First Ichitsume, Tsumemoto Yamazaki was born in the village of Okagakure ( to Hamura and Shinju Yamazaki, vets and owners of a pet shop. His name means "The Orignal Claw".
One day, when Tsumemoto was 8 years old, he saw some shinobis training in the clearing near the woods close to his house. He crept near the ninjas for a better view but his presence was sensed by one of the ninjas and he mistook him for a spy and projected a shuriken toward him which Tsume intercepted in time and was able to throw it back towards the ninja with astonishing agility. The ninja appreciated his bravery and through a series of events, Tsumemoto was enrolled in the Oka Ninja school.
 By age 15, Tsumemoto became a chunin and was sent on a spying mission in Morigakure. While on his way back to his village after successfully completing his mission, Toratsume encounters a badly wounded Tiger who was bleeding heavily. Tsumemoto had the knowledge of Feline treatment as he had veterinarian parents. He patched up the tiger and took him to his house where his father treated the beast. Soon, the Yamazaki family came to know that the tiger could talk and move like humans. He tells them his name- Toraichi the heir to the Tiger Tribe of the Dark forest, and the circumstances responsible for his near death.
The news of a talking tiger in the Yamazaki Household spread like wildfire in the village and people from around the village came to meet him. One day, a group of chunins, and friends of Tsumemoto, were passing by the Yamazaki household when they decided to pay a visit to the Talking tiger. When they entered the house, they saw the Tiger practicing a strange Taijutsu. The five chunins, thought to test the skills of the beast and play a prank on it. Tsumemoto, entered his home at that very instant and advised the chunins not to do so. But the mischievous chunins jumped on Toraichi to surprise him, The tiger, suddenly had the vision of the five assailants who had tried to kill him and in distress, unleashed his taijutsu on them as all the five unfortunate chunins dropped dead. Tsumemoto could'nt do anything as all this happened within a few seconds.

The news reached the Kage and no sooner the Tiger was ordered to be caught and executed in public to avenge the death of the five chunins. Tsumemoto defended Toraichi as he had witnessed the truth. He even spoke to the Kage of Hidden Hill, but it was of no use as the whole shinobi society was enraged at this act and even if he did take back his order, someone will surely kill him.
Tsumemoto then told the Kage that he is going to follow the path of truth and protect the Tiger at all costs. Even his life.

 The Jonins started to attack the Yamazaki Home. In the skirmish, Tsumemoto lost his parents, who wanted to protect their son, but was able to escape the village with Toraichi. Both of them traveled for weeks before they finally reached Toraichi's settlement in the Dark Forest (Kuraimorio). Tsumemoto was praised, thanked and rewarded by Toraichi's father and the chief of the Tiger tribe. He told Tsumemoto that he had did what was just, even when everyone else went against him. He had the true spirit of a tiger and hence from that day onwards, he should be known as Toratsume (Tigerclaw) and signed the pact of Summoning with the Tigers, which explicitly states that, "Only an able and worthy Toratsume can summon the Tigers of the Kuraimorio".
Toratsume stayed with the tribe and trained with them in their Taijutsu, Tora no Waza, or "The Art of The Tiger". [It is with them that he develops the uninheritable Dojutsu, the "Ki-kyugan" ( or "the Golden eyeball" and masters it"]

Later by the age  of 35, Toratsume leaves the tribe to lead a nomadic life, during which he meets Kaori Kawaguchi and marries her. They have three children Hisashi, Hisoka and Haruo. Hisashi bonds with Ryota Ishikawa, a fire nature ninja with no memory of his past except that abandoned by his comrades. Later Ryota joins the clan as the sworn brother of Hiashi, thus giving the Toratsume clan Four orignal lineages.
The following is the family Chart of the Clan:
As of recent, A fateful friendship between Tatsuo Toratsume and Star Shizen led to an allegiance between the Toratsume and The Shizen Clan. The clan finally settles down in the village of Morigakure.

Genetic Similarities: All clan members have predominantly black or grey hair (unless you plan to dye it), and black or brown eyes.

Unique Traits: The clan had led a nomadic life for a long while. The bloodline is of highly rare "hh" type (, the Ryota lineage is exception since he is not Tsumemoto's son still, possesses another super rare blood group, the Rh-null type (
The Clan practices the secret Taijutsu called "Tora no Waza", which utilises brute force chakra and agility.
They are the only clan till date to have summoned the Tigers of the Kuraimorio.
The Primary Chakra type varies in the four lineages.  While Hiashi and Haruo lineages are Earth Release(they were able wood style users), Hisoka is a Water release  kunoichi (the lineage consists of the most skilled water release user) and Ryota has fire Release(The most well-known fire usersof the Hidden Forest). Some clan members had mastered the Wood Release  (Tsumemoto himself was a Wood release expert).
[The clan also keeps the secret of the Uninheritable Dojutsu- "Ki-kyugan" (

Strengths: Mentally, the clan has superior observation and memorization capacities and have the knowledge of a lot of ninjutsus, taijutsus and genjutsus (even if they cannot perform them, they can identify any ninjutsu by the hand seals, taijutsu by the initial stance or attacks and prepare for it and are resistant to most of the genjutsus).

Physically, their  taijutsu is one of the most dangerous ever to exist and one of the most difficult to master.They also have massive chakra reserves which is a must for Earth release user. [in addition to that, their Dojutsu, enhances their visual prowess allowing them penetrable vision and to perform the ShinoKihikari (Gold light of death)]

Weaknesses: The only weakness the clan has is in the Ryota lineage which possess the Rh-null type of blood, due to which they are chronically anaemic and also have low chakra reserves.
The weaknesses of rest of the members varies from member to member.

Rival Clans: No specefic rival clan but the Toratsume Clan do think twice before making friends with rogue Ninjas as they had murdered and/or killed their clan members and used to harass them during their nomadic life.

Allied Clans:  Shizen_Clan (


Satori (

Rankings: Their is no formal rank structure, except for the Ichitsume-sama or "Lord First-claw" who is the most powerful Toratsume alive and four elites who form the Advisory Council of the Ichitsume called the "Hyogiin" (?).Earlier, assigning missions and the Clan's welfare were the jobs of Ichitsume-sama, but after settling in Morigakure, most of the young Toratsumes have joined the Morigakure Shinobi Force, hence The only thing the Ichitsume has to worry about is the welfare of the Clan. The head of each Lineage is their Hyogiin. Any Lineage matters shall be reported to her/him. The Hyogiin's will have their special logo like the Itchisume in the forum but in-game, they should use the Orignal Clan Logo ( which is at the Top of this post.
The following are the Logos for specified Ranks and members.
Normal Member
(          (          (          (
The forum logos of Hyogiins of the Hiashi, Ryota, Hisoka and Haruo Lineages respectively
Ichitsume's Symbol

Members: Recruitment has started, once the members are selected, they would be alloted their families. (PS; I'm still new here so my first priority is to gain some reputation right now :) )
before you apply, keep in mind that your primary chakra should either be earth or water (doton or suiton). You can be a Fire Release Ninja (Katon) if you want to join the Ryota lineage.
Spoiler: show
You can have other natures since marriages with different families is allowed in the clan, so you may end up inheriting your mother's chakra nature. :)

You must start the game as a citizen of MORIGAKURE. Then it depends on you, whether you want to join the Shinobi Army of the village or join any independent organisations or roam the world alone.
Also, if you noted it in the family tree, The clan follows the tradition of naming their progeny with 'H' and 'T' alternatively. The Ryota lineage is an exception where you find names beginning with 'R', 'Y' and 'T'. Hence I request to abide by the tradition, although it's not compulsory (i.e you can have your own name starting with any alphabet you choose :) )
1)Tatsuo Toratsume (;u=18746)
2)Tayuun Toratsume (;u=18746)
3)Rabuno Toratsume (;u=24325)
4)Takeuchi Toratsume (;u=24676)

Charecter name:
Primary Chakra Nature:
unique ability/Jutsu:
Which lineage will you prefer? (refer the family tree given above)
1) Hisashi Lineage (hh-type blood)(Earth Release)
2)Ryota Lineage (Rhnull- type blood)(Fire Release)
3)Hisoka Lineage (hh-type blood)(Water Release)
4)Haruo Lineage (hh-type blood)(Earth Release)
(The lineages are listed in order of eldest to youngest)
What made you choose this clan?

Application Template:
Code: [Select]
[center][b]APPLICATION FORM[/b][/center]
[b] Charecter name:[/b]
[b]Primary Chakra Nature:[/b]
[b]unique ability/Jutsu:[/b]
[b]Which lineage will you prefer?[/b] [b](refer the family tree given above)[/b]
1) [color=green]Hisashi Lineage [i](hh-type blood)[/i][/color](Earth Release)
2)[color=orange]Ryota Lineage [i](Rhnull- type blood)[/i][/color](Fire Release)
3)[color=navy]Hisoka Lineage [i](hh-type blood)[/i][/color](Water Release)
4)[color=green]Haruo Lineage [i](hh-type blood)[/i][/color](Earth Release)
[i](The lineages are listed in order of eldest to youngest)[/i]
[b]What made you choose this clan?[/b]

Rules: will be declared after clan becomes at least 5 active members strong. After that the Ichitsume and the four Hyogiin members will be elected who will formulate the Clan's code of conduct. NOTE: I may have created the clan but am not the final leader unless the clan members feel the other way. Once the clan is big enough, The candidates will be suggested by the Hyogiins and the leader will be elected by the clan member's votes. The only power that I'll hold on to is a permanent Hyogiin Membership :P .

Text in red talks about the Clan's Kekkei Genkei, which as suggested by the others will have a really low probability to exist in my clan, if my clan ever happens. anyways, its just and Idea. Click Here ( to know more about Ki-kyugan. :)
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Ken on June 22, 2016, 18:50:30
Good Luck with the clan. :D
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Zama on June 22, 2016, 18:53:54
Nicely layed out, good luck with this :)
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on June 22, 2016, 18:56:04
Good Luck with the clan. :D
Nicely layed out, good luck with this :)

thanks for the support. Hope  I collect some members soon :P
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Manuster on June 22, 2016, 22:36:07
cooolio schoolio boolio poolio

nice family tree
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on June 23, 2016, 08:59:12
cooolio schoolio boolio poolio

nice family tree

Thanks, best part is I made it online :p
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Tsunayoshi on June 23, 2016, 21:08:40
I admire your guts to create a clan when you just came, +rep. :2

It looks great overall, one thing you should do is to have paragraphs, I would like to read your story, but I literally can't read a text that's so cramped up.

Beautiful. :3 I liked the logo.
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: taigakun on June 23, 2016, 21:10:31
Good luck with this
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on June 24, 2016, 05:09:25
I admire your guts to create a clan when you just came, +rep. :2

It looks great overall, one thing you should do is to have paragraphs, I would like to read your story, but I literally can't read a text that's so cramped up.

Beautiful. :3 I liked the logo.

There you go @Tsunayoshi  all "paragraphed"
Thanks for the suggestion  :) :)

Good luck with this
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Tsunayoshi on June 24, 2016, 07:55:54
Thanks, Thanks, gl with the clan.

You should play the game often to be known for your fighting skillz, dat way you can get more members! :3

Have fun, Toratsume.
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on June 24, 2016, 08:33:59
Thanks, Thanks, gl with the clan.

You should play the game often to be known for your fighting skillz, dat way you can get more members! :3

Have fun, Toratsume.
yep.. right now am persuading my friends to sign up... one did yesterdaay.... one more will today :)
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Reminance on June 24, 2016, 09:59:17
Welcome to SLO, and i wish you goodluck with your clan ^^
Be active enough and you'll get members eventually.
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: NinjaMirage on June 24, 2016, 14:36:19
It is The Shizen's pleasere to  ally themselves with The Toratsume
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Sanji on June 24, 2016, 19:15:22
 goodluck with your clan ^^
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: thearmedshadow on August 07, 2016, 23:56:50
Character name: Tayuun
Primary Chakra Nature:water
unique ability/Jutsu: water shark bullet jutsu
Which lineage will you prefer? hisoka linage
What made you choose this clan? when i was choosing a nature type i was told this clan had strong water useres so screw it right?
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on August 08, 2016, 00:21:29
Character name: Tayuun
Primary Chakra Nature:water
unique ability/Jutsu: water shark bullet jutsu
Which lineage will you prefer? hisoka linage
What made you choose this clan? when i was choosing a nature type i was told this clan had strong water useres so screw it right?

Welcome dude :) :) :)
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Joziah2 on August 23, 2016, 09:02:19
Charecter name: Rabuno Toratsume
Character Age: 17
Gender: Male
Primary Chakra Nature: Water
unique ability/Jutsu: Miniature Whirlpool Jutsu
Which lineage will you prefer? (refer the family tree given above) Hisoka Lineage (hh-type blood)(Water Release)
What made you choose this clan?: I actually thought the eye system and the idea of the clan would be pretty cool.

I'd like to write up a full story for this guy, but I don't have the time right now.
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on August 23, 2016, 16:38:24
Charecter name: Rabuno Toratsume
Character Age: 17
Gender: Male
Primary Chakra Nature: Water
unique ability/Jutsu: Miniature Whirlpool Jutsu
Which lineage will you prefer? (refer the family tree given above) Hisoka Lineage (hh-type blood)(Water Release)
What made you choose this clan?: I actually thought the eye system and the idea of the clan would be pretty cool.

I'd like to write up a full story for this guy, but I don't have the time right now.
Accepted! try staying active :) andPM me your discord profile. I'll add you
welcome to the clan
 ;_; < tears of joy
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: RShok on September 08, 2016, 17:01:26
Character name: Takeuchi Toratsume
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Primary Chakra Nature: Earth
unique ability/Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Nin-Taijutsu
Which lineage will you prefer? (refer the family tree given above)
1) Hisashi Lineage (hh-type blood)(Earth Release)
What made you choose this clan? I am a big fan of a mixture between earth and water (doton&suiton). I believe that strategically planned attacks can be made, due mostly to the fact that these two can modify an environment completely to our advantage. Plus my favorite ability is wood (mokuton) and I would love to master it. I loved the background story and the idea of overall abilities of this clan sounds so promising! Both Taijutsu and Dojutsu described are very well thought of and I couldn't be more sure of a better choice than choosing this Clan :) I have a lot of respect for the leader of this clan and I couldn't picture a better person to lead. On a side note, tiger is also my favorite animal hahah
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on September 08, 2016, 18:02:41
Character name: Takeuchi Toratsume
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Primary Chakra Nature: Earth
unique ability/Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Nin-Taijutsu
Which lineage will you prefer? (refer the family tree given above)
1) Hisashi Lineage (hh-type blood)(Earth Release)
What made you choose this clan? I am a big fan of a mixture between earth and water (doton&suiton). I believe that strategically planned attacks can be made, due mostly to the fact that these two can modify an environment completely to our advantage. Plus my favorite ability is wood (mokuton) and I would love to master it. I loved the background story and the idea of overall abilities of this clan sounds so promising! Both Taijutsu and Dojutsu described are very well thought of and I couldn't be more sure of a better choice than choosing this Clan :) I have a lot of respect for the leader of this clan and I couldn't picture a better person to lead. On a side note, tiger is also my favorite animal hahah
It's my favorite too. :)
Hopefully, you unlock the wood release that you want.

PS- This is one of the finest application I have come across on SLO.
Welcome to the fam.
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: EeveeLOP on January 15, 2018, 08:04:52
Charecter name: Yasuo Toratsume
Primary Chakra Nature:Katon
unique ability/Jutsu:
Which lineage will you prefer? (refer the family tree given above)
2)Ryota Lineage (Rhnull- type blood)(Fire[Release)
What made you choose this clan? Not only did it have a nice back story but I feel like it will fit me.
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on January 15, 2018, 08:35:09
Charecter name: Yasuo Toratsume
Primary Chakra Nature:Katon
unique ability/Jutsu:
Which lineage will you prefer? (refer the family tree given above)
2)Ryota Lineage (Rhnull- type blood)(Fire[Release)
What made you choose this clan? Not only did it have a nice back story but I feel like it will fit me.
Accepted ofc. (Do I even have any other option :P )
I'll DM you the stuff. (*sighs*)
Title: Re: The Toratsume Clan
Post by: EeveeLOP on January 15, 2018, 13:01:57
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