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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - SharpPsycho

Pages: [1]
Shinobi Life Online Character / Shinjo Uchidan
« on: June 18, 2017, 05:41:58 »
Name:Shinjo Uchidan
Hairstyle: Fringe hiding my hair, a little spikey to one side
facial features: a decent sized scar through my right eye that is covered by my hair
Hair color: Darkish ginger
Eye color:Rich Purple
Blood type:O+
Primary chakra nature:Fire
Hidden Village:Ex-inferno
Organisation: Shishadan
Clan: Uchidan
Good or evil at heart?: Both, what happens on this plain does not interest me much, however i have been apart of some
wrong doings that must be made right. The current kage arent fit for the job. So we will make a new era of Kage which
controls all of the nations properly.

Description of the character's personality: keeps himself at bay from others, quite literal, logical and tactical about
all situations.but is easily distracted by something unusual and unique.
Met again and trained with Two chosen brothers that reformed the Uchidan clan with the struggling task to watch over them
and keep them out of harms way.

Description of the character's history:
being involved in a conspiracy to kill the new kage,
i was severly punished by him killing my family.. leaving me with a scar to serve as a reminder for all. Now with a
devastating goal of Conquering the world.

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