Long, pushed back in the middle for viewFacial hair:
Hair color:
BrownEye color:
BrownBlood type:
A+Primary chakra nature:
FireHidden Village:
Haigakure born, Inferunogakure ResidenceClan:
KirishimaGood or evil at heart?:
GoodHikaru (Early Teens) (Later Teens)
Hikaru (Post Rōguhantā)
Description of the character's personality: Hikaru can be described as sarcastic, out-going, and lighthearted by friends and clan members in the village.
Outside of the bounds of comfort and in potentially volatile situations, he takes the form of a very grim, focused and serious person.
Hikaru is a strong believer in justice, and rarely bends the rules unless absolutely necessary. His comrades and brothers are always his top priority beside
his loyalty to the clan and upstanding it's virtues. Doesn't fare well with standard educational material, but is much more intelligent than given credit for.
Description of the character's history: Hikaru was born in Haigakure, living alone with his mother. His father, a NobleBlood of the Kirishima clan rarely visited from Inferunogakure.
As a young child, Hikaru longed to be a Shinobi like his father. Whenever his father would visit, he would beg to be trained how to fight.
His father would train him lightly in Genjutsu and Ninjutsu , but both Taijutsu and Kenjutsu were the focal points. When Hikaru was 5 years old, his father bestowed upon him
his own sword, hand crafted by a master smith in Inferunogakure. It was a replica of his fathers blade, Black handle with Red Wrappings around the Tsuka. The Wrappings exposing a blood red "家族" engraving, and the Kirishima Clan Crest just above it. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. However this feeling would be short lived, as his father had to return quickly for an important assignment. Months pass and his father had not returned. In his anxious state, he got into a fight with his mother and decided to sneak off in the middle of the night. He had no initial plan of where to go, when he overheard the driver of a supply caravan say he was stopping shortly before continuing to Inferunogakure. He quickly stowed himself away, along with the only two possessions he had brought with him; The sword, and a Red scarf. He stayed hidden among the cargo for 3 days until he came out inside of the village where the caravan had stopped. He found his way to the Kirishima Clan domain, recognizing the crest. Inquiring to one of the members about his father, he discovered that he had been killed in action a few months prior. Broken, Hikaru fell to his knees. The blade laying horizontally on the ground in front of him in it's scabbard. With no way of returning home and sorrow in his heart, Hikaru was adopted by one of the RoyalBloods under the promise that he would serve the clan
until his last breath, just as his father did. Hikaru agreed, and was inducted as a Demi-Blood.
(Will be expanded further in the future)