Name: Chikaze Yoba Akaihono
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140
Hairstyle: Messy
Facial hair: None
Hair color: Many different shades of brown.
Eye color: Red
Blood type: O
Primary chakra nature: Fire
Hidden Village: Kazangakure (Hidden Volcano)
Clan: Agni
Organizations: Boeki no Tanzo, Hyakki Yagyo
Good or evil at heart?: Good
Description of the character's personality:
Wishes to protect his village,
and is loyal to his friends.
Secretly fears public embarassment.

Description of the character's history:
A long time ago, in the land of Yago...
Near the border of the Volcano and Ash territories,
a child was born in a small village.
His name was Chikaze Yoba.
Born to a poor couple, Chikaze was curious
from a young age. He watched travelers come
and go as a child, wondering where they came from,
what their lands were like, what food they ate.
There was a tree near his home, an old, gnarled denizen of the land
that had been there since before the village was built.
Chikaze was always unnerved by it at night, for the moonlight made it's form
out to be similar to that of a person's. Chikaze never liked it.
As a child, Chikaze watched the storyteller of the village
around the campfire on nights when the old man spun his tales.
He told of the Okami Okuri, who stalked travelers through woods and mountains,
devouring them if they tripped. He weaved images of the Yuki-Onna, the beautiful
woman in the snow, who could only be seen during the blizzard.
He sang of the Yatagarasu, the three-legged crow who served as heaven's messenger.
But the one that stayed in Chikaze's mind the most was the Jubokko,
a tree born in battlesoaked bloodfields where countless had died,
nursed by the blood of the fallen. Thereafter, the tree would only drink blood.
Indistinguishable from any other tree, the Jubokko would wait until a person
came close, then pierce their skin with it's branches, which would form into tubes.
It would then drain their blood until they died. Whenever the old man told that story,
Chikaze could not help but think of the old tree outside his home.
When Chikaze was six, a boy stopped in the village.
A youth, not much older than twelve,
he had black hair and clothing, and red eyes.
Chikaze's interest was peaked.
He found the boy sitting by the old tree
that spring morning. Sareko paid no heed
to Chikaze, until the child walked right up
to him and asked, "Who are you?"
Sareko eyed him. "I'm Sareko."
The child grinned. "Cool! I'm Chikaze!"
And so Sareko Akaihono, shinobi of the Hidden Volcano,
and Chikaze Yoba met.
Chikaze and Sareko were sitting together, when
the older child suddenly asked if Chikaze had
ever seen ninjutsu. Chikaze confirmed that he had not.
Sareko smiled. Forming a few hand signs, he blew out, and
a flame billowed from his lips.
Chikaze's mind was, quite frankly, blown.
He peered into Sareko's mouth to see
if he had a dragon in there.
When he found no reptiles, he was confounded.
Where had the flame come from?
Sareko could barely contain his laughter at
the small child's utter confusion.
Chikaze then remembered what Sareko had
done with his hands. He mimicked the shapes,
blew out- and a tiny flame formed on his breath.
It was then Sareko's turn to be astonished.
Chikaze had a talent, it seemed.
The Hidden Volcano had a shortage of shinobi.
Due to this, Sareko decided to ask Chikaze's
family if they would be interested in
letting him take the child to be trained as
a ninja. His parents leaped at the chance
for Chikaze to live a better life.
And so, later that year, Chikaze was taken
to the Hidden Volcano to learn ninjutsu.
6 years passed, until Chikaze graduated from
the ninja academy. Sareko was now 18,
and was waiting to congratulate Chikaze.
Eventually, Sareko chose to become Chikaze's mentor
in ninjutsu. For four years, Chikaze trained under Sareko,
until the boy had made the rank of Chunin.
Then Chikaze branched out to live on his own.
When he was 20, Sareko invited him to join Hyakki Yagyo.
Chikaze knew of the organization, and how they bound yokai spirits
to themselves, forming ties to gain strong partners and companions.
Indeed, Chikaze had seen Sareko's Ryuu as a child,
and he had always wanted such a comrade himself.
The yokai were bound to follow and share chakra with their partner,
but if either strayed too far from the other, the connection was strained,
and both were pained and lost chakra as a result.
The deal was made with both parties consent.
Chikaze leaped at the chance to gain a yokai partner of his own.
He was accepted into the organization, and was tasked with deciding on a yokai to befriend.
Chikaze remembered his old village's storyteller,
and the tree outside of his home, that looked as a man in the moonlight.
A small smile formed on his lips.
The tree seemed like any other in the field, but what made it stand out
was the ground around it, littered with the frames of small animals.
Chikaze approached cautiously, feeling for a presence as he had been taught.
When he neared the tree, he felt it.
He reached out, and touched it's consiousness.
The tree's psyche recoiled, suprised by this new sensation.
Normally, a Jubokko lives out it's life by waiting for prey to come to it,
and does not ponder what lies beyond it's immediate reach.
Chikaze intended to change that.
Slowly, Chikaze introduced himself to the tree,
and communicated his desire to bond with it.
The tree seemed reluctant. What interest would it have in the outside world?
It had everything it wanted here, and knew of naught else save blood and sunlight.
Chikaze smiled, and shared a memory.
(Sitting around a campfire at night, listening to the storyteller speak of the Okami Okiru,
who preyed on travelers in the mountains and forests, devouring them if they tripped or fell.)
The tree was astonished. It had never known these sensations before-
the warmth of a fire, sand between one's toes. It wanted more.
It accepted his offer, and the deal was struck. A thin tendril of chakra reached from
the souls of both, intertwining and fusing. Chikaze gasped as sudden pain wracked his body,
and fell, writhing on the ground until the pain then faded to a bearable extent.
The Jubokko immediately withered away, leaving naught but a dead husk,
but the yokai's spirit had left it's body, and it now hovered near Chikaze, drifting on the wind.
A curiousity had been born in the Yokai's bark, insatiable as the earth itself. Chikaze started walking.
Rumors surrounded Chikaze once he returned of his new friend.
A Jubokko of all things to choose? Such a strange yokai! Among dragons and wolves,
members smiled to hear of the man who had chosen a tree for a partner.
Eventually, Chikaze gained a new name... Jubokko Yoba.