Shoutout to @CaioDarT for the character design <3
Personal InformationAge: 17
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Hidden Metal Village
Place of Residence: Hidden Metal Village
Occupation: Kage Candidate
Birthday: August 3rd
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Bloodtype: 0-
Status: Alive
Clan: Tsunagami - Leader
Organisation: Roguhanta - Mura Purotekuta
AppearanceHeight: 5’11’’
Weight: 70kg
Skin Colour: Pale
Hair Colour: White and Grey
Eye Color: Red
Ninja InfoChakra Type: Lightning
Fighting Style: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Strengths: Ninjutsu and Genjutsu
Jutsu Weaknesses: Taijutsu and Sealing
PersonalityRyuzaki is a serious guy, mainly because of his childhood. Being the leader of his family's clan, Tsunagami, from an age of just 6 made it necessary for him to grow up faster than most people his age. He never grew a sense of humour as a child, as he had no friends to joke around with. Growing up, Ryuzaki only talked to his elders, personal teachers and his older brother, Kris. He was always taught to not kill people, to spare people's lives and grant everyone a second chance. But the rage and frustration that was created from the civil war when he was only 4, created a monster within him, a monster that Ryuzaki has been learning to control.
Hidden MetalRyuzaki has been a large part of the Hidden Metal from birth. Being the leader of one of the two dominant clans, he was destined to protect and give his life for the metal. This sense of purpose excited Ryuzaki. Even though he was the face of Tsunagami, he didn't get to make many decisions, and didn't really have authority over the higher ups of the clan. Instead of trying to run the clan, he focused on building connections, getting to know strong opposition, as well as making friendships with the right people even with his social issues. Within this journey of building relations, he ran into numerous higher ups, who all seemed suspicious of Ryuzaki, but still took the time to understand and get to know him. Ryuzaki hated making friends, he had little trust in others, but he knew he had to for the greater good of the metal.
Running For Kage of MetalHistoryAfter being hit with the responsibilities of his clan at such a young age, Ryuzaki didn't want to have anything to do with leading his village. He didn't feel like people would support his efforts, as most of the Tsunagami had died in the civil war, and he didn't have many friends. He thought his brother deserved to have some sort of power, and thought his kind, jokey personality would be perfect for the role. However, his brother refused. He didn't believe he was worthy enough to take the role, and refused the responsibility. He wanted to be his brothers sentinel, protect him in any way possible and in so believed that any major responsibility would hinder his efforts in doing so.
Ryuzaki had become good friends with Reminance Kaiyo, the Kage of the Thunder. Being bordered countries, it was easy for Ryuzaki to go see him, and discuss their issues. Remi was aware of Ryuzaki's capabilities as a shinobi, and in so invited him to become a member of his organisation, Roguhanta. Ryuzaki wanted to be a regular member, a send out as such, but Reminance had other plans. He offered to train Ryuzaki, take him under his wing and teach him how to use maximum efficiency of his lightning style.
After months of training, Ryuzaki'a speed control, chakra usage and unpredictability had grown to a stage where only a talented few could touch him in battle. He had mastered a powerful jutsu, an adaption of the Chidori, the big shidori, which was almost impossible to counter. Ryuzaki finally felt as if he was able to support and protect his village and clan, and believed he was strong enough to stand up to any threat. During this time, Remi had suggested that Ryuzaki became Kage numerous times, but he still felt as if he wasn't the right person for it. He believed that the growing power of Ennia was becoming the perfect foundation for metal, and that their elder, America, was already doing everything right.
Ryuzaki was away for a few months, and began to miss his brother. He couldn't wait to see him to show off his new skills, but at the same time he knew he was in for a bollocking because he didn't tell anyone how long he was going for. After arriving back from his journey, Ryuzaki wasn't hesitant to challenge his brother to a joustle. tbh, he knew he was going to win, but naturally kept a serious feel about himself. They stood at opposite sides of the rather small sized palaces yard, Ryuzaki looking like he's out to kill. Kris seemed rather calm, not knowing of the training that Ryuzaki had gone through and the prowesses he had gained. Kris charged at him, releasing a bombardment of wind bullets. Ryuzaki dodged past them all with ease, or so he thought. A sharp pain grew in his lower thigh, lag bullet. The confusion from this mysterious jutsu captured Ryans attention, “wtf even is this game” he thought to himself. Kris hastily appeared through the smoke screen engulfing Ryuzaki, but this was his greatest mistake. Lightning surrounded Ryuzaki's body, pulling Kris towards him. His hand lit up into a blinding white, the noise emitting from it was strong enough to destroy quad-layered glass. He quickly thruster it towards Kris’s chest, before stopping it just at the tip of his clock. The surge from the electricity was enough to knock him out. Kris laid on the floor, not dead but just a bit dazed. “What was that?” Kris whispered in a troubled voice. It was none other than the big shidori.
After many weeks of training and sparring, Kris was still not able to keep up with his little brother. He had remembered all the talks they had about him become the Ka. He realised that Ryuzaki was the only one strong enough to protect the village from large threats, even if he isn't politically experienced. He spent days persuading and convincing Ryuzaki this was the right thing to do, but Ryuzaki was too stubborn to listen. He wanted to use his strength to fight the strongest rather than side with them. However, the constant nagging finally got to him. Ryuzaki, with some reminding from his brother, finally remembered his ambitions to protect everything he loves, and to stop unnecessary conflict. With realising this, he knew that becoming the Kage was the best way to achieve his goal and after some talk with his clan elders, he decided to run for the Kage. He knew that he would have to try extra hard as he wasn't very known and didn't have that much support. He trained day and night to make sure he can best his opponent without taking any hits, to maximise his opportunity. He's was determined to do it for his village, but mostly for his brother.
I may do more soon if I can be bothered. Hope you liked it. If you see any issues, have any criticisms or suggestions on how to improve it, post them on here or send me a pm