Dev Blog – December 8th 2016Hey guys, what it do? It's ya boy Whatasnipe here with another large development pizza fresh out of the oven! I know it
looks like things have been going slow lately, but I assure you that is not the case. Behind the scenes at Vreg Headquarters the team has been cooking up some insane new gameplay elements that I know you guys are going to love. But I'm not going to spoil it all in the opener, so let's kick it off ladies and gents!
Texturing As always Matt has been pushing out a steady stream of content over the last month. Our change to Modularity (as mentioned in the last Dev Blog) has increased performance and the rate at which buildings can be created, as predicted. Matt is working on assembling the village, while always keeping in mind different interesting ways to traverse it. We've taken on another team member with experience in Level Design to help Matt put the village together as well as keep the Hidden Hill exciting to maneuver around. We've also started reusing our Twitch channel to show building progress live as he assembles the village, with some sweet background tunes to boot. You can find the link to our Twitch channel down below. Aside from the buildings, Matt has also been working on a slew of other little tidbits that all have their own place and importance in the game. Most notable of these items are the new weapons that we'll be seeing in the near future! That's right, if you haven't already heard, Kenjutsu is coming to an SLO near you!

Modelling/AnimationGreat news in the Modelling and Animation department, Rafael is back and there are no more army issues! He will be back to modelling certain objects that we still need or making new pieces for our modular building kits. As you've probably heard from the last Dev Blog, Darren and Matt L. have been working on the cinematic trailer with help from Aaron. Aaron's been swamped with school but he's helping more in this department than concept art currently, creating concepts for the modelling and animation guys to use as reference in their work. They've also been working on the new model's animation rig so that everything looks natural and realistic for both the trailer and the game. The rig will be worked on and improved as we go, and we're creating all of the animations necessary for our near future plans.

MusicAs far as Music goes, our boy Rustam gave us the hookup. Have a look at this new track he whipped up, but fair warning, you may want to have a seat because it's spicy. the last Dev Blog, Vreg has found a job so that he can spend more time on SLO while still being able to support himself. This means that we can now finally work on some big changes that will shape the future of SLO and push us closer to our goals. The first of these changes being Kenjutsu and a brand new movement system. Kenjutsu is still in an early WIP state and is subject to change and guaranteed to improve in the future. But we've definitely got some exciting plans currently for it. With Kenjutsu you'll be able to perform multi directional attacks and blocks on your enemies, creating a very fast and reactive gameplay environment. The position of your scabbard will also be changeable, giving a minor element of customization to spice up your look. This coupled with our new camera based movement system as well as our kickback/recoil system will change the way SLO, as you know it, is played. But these elements go deeper than what you see on the surface. It's not just a big change because "we can use sword nao". The creation and implementation of Kenjutsu along with the new movement system paves the way for so many great things to come in the future such as Taijutsu, Parkour, and more elaborate Ninjutsu. Keep that seat belt on boys and girls because we're not slowing down.

That concludes our 7th issue of the Dev Blog, next time you see us we'll be in 2017 so enjoy your winter holidays errybody ^^
In the mean time, check us out on our social media and in the shoutbox for more frequent updates!