Forum > Shinobi Life Online Suggestions

battle scars?

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i am wondering what you guys would think of adding a battle scar function?
like if your character is hurt in a fight, then i mean really hurt "20 hp to go" or even gets defeated and then your opponent lets you live you can end up with a BATTLE SCAR.
maby you get attacked by a fire user and then you will end up with a nasty "burn scar" i dont know if thats what it is called in english :P
swords knives and all that gives a you big or smal cut maybe even to lose one eye.
and so on and so forth with all the other stuff.

i personally believe that would be so awesome but maybe it's too complicated and to far out of reach , i don't know shit about developing games ;D
well plz tell me what you guys thingk of this idea? :)

I think this is a brilliant idea. But their should be an option to turn it off if you're not the kind of person that wants your character running around with half of his face.

now thats tru, maby just make a "hide button" with on/off


--- Quote from: hammarsten1991 on August 17, 2014, 15:50:40 ---now thats tru, maby just make a "hide button" with on/off

--- End quote ---

no because that wouldnt be realistic.... if you dont want a per,a scar then dont die. easy as tht

Wait so does he mean that you would only scar if somebody defeated you but let you live? Because I'm probably going to get hit by many fireball jutsus but I shouldn't get severely scarred every time


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