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Author Topic: keiji saika son of the sea,s  (Read 2790 times)

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keiji saika son of the sea,s
« on: December 16, 2014, 09:05:58 »
Name: Keiji saika
Hairstyle:lazy front long back
Facial hair:none
Hair color:red
Eye color:brown
Blood type: type a
Primary chakra nature:water
Village:hidden in the waves
Clan: saika clan
Good or evil at heart?: does whats best for his village

Description of the character's personality:daring and emotionless but still cracks jokes time to time.

Description of the character's history: keiji is a ninja in the service of the hokage of the village hidden in the waves. He is loyal to the hokage and will kill anyone who threatens the rise of the village. keiji describes himself as the 'guardian of the sea'.keiji firsts aided the hokage in his quest for independence, eliminating anyone who can prevent rise in the country, such as the the smalls villages and the rising sino clan. soon at the age of 17 he was promoted the leader of the saika shinobi clan after the death of the last leader who fell in the great battle of god,s hill due to his maturity and exceptional skill in battle while still assisting the hokage. years later he is still the leader of the saika ninja with fellow ninja  kuro who aids him in his operations but soon is betrayed by him and joins the hidden village of the hills. When the hokages of the village hidden in the waves and hidden in the hills conflict settles, kuro regrets for have to side in the opposing side as he wants to see a perfect world with keiji. After saving kuro from the black ops of the village hidden in the hills during one of their invasion,s, he faces him once more as allies. However, keiji has to fight and kill kuro later on when he becomes the leader of seven peace keepers after the victory of the red mountain battle. Later, keiji  goes on to live a peaceful life, as kuro had envisioned him to.

keiji weapon is the gold katana  and a sickle. Typical of the ninja, keiji has good running and attacking speed. He has an agile fighting style and ninjutsu skills making him a formidable opponent. keiji is one of the few ninja alive from the first era of the hidden waves.


Online mamita

Re: keiji saika son of the sea,s
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2024, 12:14:24 »
Maaan I keep hearing this lore reference about a Red Mountain Battle, is this my dang country we talking about here? Looks like every last village had a part in that scrap!

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