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Shinobi Life Online Character / Isao Kirishima
« on: October 27, 2014, 20:15:34 »
Name:Isao Kirishima ( Shadow killer )

Hair color:Image
Eye color:Image
Blood type:A
Primary chakra nature:Fire
Secondary chakra nature:Lightning
Chakra mix: Blaze
Clan: Kirishima
Organization:NAMI NO KISHI
Good or evil at heart?: Both
Rank: A Rank: missing-nin

Description of the character's personality: he is intelligent and he doesnt like to talk whit peaplo

Description of the character's History: Born in Kirishima clan, Isao be noted that one of the most talented members of the famous clan. He grew up with Nunzo Kirishima, becoming best friends brother and formation as a link. Clan leader sent them on a mission (to take a roll of the clan Uyamas)
While carrying out the mission of heizugakure ninja killed his brother Marnas,
when he found out about this he was very angry and sought revenge. After three months of a ninja Kaminarigakure, named Nachemon Naro offered him to join an organization called NAMI NO KISHI and became his [apprentice]=(Kuminazora) and he accepted. After one year of training, Nachemon and Isao went on a mission to kill the village and take the scrolls techniques then Isao
learn a new technique  (Kinjutsu).


                                     I have implanted eye from maiti-ken clan




Fire Release: Isao has fully mastered Kirishima clan’s standard nature affinity by the time he was a 13.

Ligtning Release: He is very good whit lightning but he has a lot to learn.

Speed Release: Coming from a clan whose members were noted for their speed,Isao has inherited a great deal of natural speed, becoming one of the fastest shinobi.

Kenjutsu: As part of the Kirishima, Isao got taught kenjutsu from an early age.

Kinjutsu: When he join in NAMI NO KISHI he received the abilitie kinjutsu

Dōjutsu/Genjutsu: When he killed one of  Maiti-ken Clan he took his eye and received his ability.

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