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Episode 339 Itachi's decision

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Itachi was a good guy at heart. But he definitely made the wrong choices. I for one might have sacrificed my own life for something as my beloved village, but sacrificing the lives of my loved ones for the village I care about is just wrong.

For example, there is no excuse for killing your parents. You might consider Sasuke's life as an excuse, but Sasuke could have been saved in many different ways. Therefore Sasuke can be taken out of the equation. That just leaves his principles (no war and love 4 Konoha) and killing not only his parents but his entire clan. None of ones principles justifies killing ones parents (and ones entire bloodline).

The reason I don't hate him is that he at least realized that he made the wrong choices in the end.

I think the entire Uchiha clan deserved it. They were planning a coup, many of the people living in Konoha would have been killed in this fight. (That + all the Uchihas with their sharingan overpowers annoy me so I hope all the Uchiha are gonna die in the end, let's face it if Sasuke wasn't Kishi's fav char the Uchihas would most probably be fodders). That Danzo guy on the other hand deserved it too, all the people who deserve to die die in this manga, now I'm waiting for the same thing to happen to Sasuke and I'll be happy. Ithachi is the only likeable Uchiha for me

So the reason behind the decision to do it was because if they allowed the coup to happen, Konoha would have been in a civil war (Uchiha vs Konoha). With all the tension and population dwindling, it would've been a perfect opportunity for another village to come in and destroy Konoha for good. So it was a decision; kill part of the population now or kill the entire population later?

It might not have been the easiest decision for Itachi to make, but who else was going to kill a bunch of Sharingan users?


--- Quote from: halika on November 22, 2013, 08:04:12 ---So the reason behind the decision to do it was because if they allowed the coup to happen, Konoha would have been in a civil war (Uchiha vs Konoha). With all the tension and population dwindling, it would've been a perfect opportunity for another village to come in and destroy Konoha for good. So it was a decision; kill part of the population now or kill the entire population later?

It might not have been the easiest decision for Itachi to make, but who else was going to kill a bunch of Sharingan users?

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Great point ;)

And just as I said, most Uchihas(exceptions:Itachi, Shishui and Shisui's father) deserved what happend, and what is going to happen to them


--- Quote from: halika on November 22, 2013, 08:04:12 ---So the reason behind the decision to do it was because if they allowed the coup to happen, Konoha would have been in a civil war (Uchiha vs Konoha). With all the tension and population dwindling, it would've been a perfect opportunity for another village to come in and destroy Konoha for good. So it was a decision; kill part of the population now or kill the entire population later?

It might not have been the easiest decision for Itachi to make, but who else was going to kill a bunch of Sharingan users?

--- End quote ---
He should've done what the Third Hokage was planning, find a solution to the problem without having to kill one entire side (including women and children). He could've stepped up against the Uchihas an convinced them like a man not to do the coup. Or at the very end, if he tried to stop them with a compromise but Uchiha leaders still opposed him and wanted to continue the coup, then he could have just killed them and left the women, children and some others who were not capable of doing something on their own alive.

"But what about Danzo, he would just kill them. He only promised to save his little brother." Itachi could kill Danzo without a problem, but instead he let Danzo get to him.


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