Forum > Shinobi Life Online Clans

The Yamazaki Clan

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The Yamazaki Clan

Founder: The Golden Sage

Leader: Katugsuchi Yamazaki

Affiliation: Hidden village of dust

Clan history:

Centuries ago, The Yamazaki clan thrived in a land beautifully hidden in whirlpools of water. Along with the other clans they prospered and lived peacefully together. They had temples scattered throughout the village completely made out of the finest cuts of marble, where the yamazaki youngers would be sent to learn the hidden secrets of the clan. They were taught  the thoughts of the wise ones who followed the way of the golden sage. In here they learned the theory of dimensional space-time ninjutsu, genjutsu and finally the sage mode of the golden path.

The golden sage was the first ancestor of the yamazaki, who taught that 3 is the wisest number and taught his followers 3 techniques that were 3 techniques deep and wide. Legends tell of time when the village was outnumbered by 10,000 to 1 and the legendary sage summoned a golden dragon to repel the attack

Ever since the yamazaki have been constantly developing their techniques and sticking to their ways to protect the village, with the help of their relative clan they have incorporated fuuin-genjutsu technique that seals a target in genjutsu permanently and used it to exchange jutsus with others within different dimensions. However due to the fear of the yamazaki by neighboring villages the village was destroyed and left the few remaining yamazakis to flee for a new home. The hidden village of dust, it came to be for most and the first thing they did was make a temple out of marble teaching their traditions and what's left of the surviving jutus of the teaching of the golden sage.

Unique traits: Humorable, Trustworthy, Wise, Hypnotic.

Strengths: Powerful Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, shrikunjutsu, slight of mind, tactical planning

Weaknesses: kenjutsu, taijutsu, kyujutsu, friendly

Rival clans:

Allied clans:
Sabaku Kuchikomi
Nii clan
Shizen clan

Wise Sage - leader of the clan, takes care of politics
Wise ones - they takes care of the clan issues
Yamazaki Ambassador - runs the embassy that protects Yamazakis in a foreign land
Yamazaki Diplomat - lives in a foreign land working for the ambassador
Yamazaki Shinobi - Distinguish students of the marble temple
Yamazaki Student - taught the teachings of the golden sage
Yamazaki Youngers - Sent to learn at the marble temple

HermitTheSage (Katugsuchi Yamazaki)
Jukeblook (Juke Yamazaki)
Emerich (Emerich Yamazaki)
RCKitchen (Shikimara Yamazaki)
Smoket (Smoket Yamazaki)
Hasato (Hasato yamazaki)
Wolfeye1 (Itsuke Yamazaki)
Yeeet11(Jugulno Yamakazi)
Bensor (Bensor Yamazaki)
Sabajet (Sabajet Yamazaki)
Hynlor (Hynlor Yamazaki)
Lokendo007 (George Yamazaki)
Philos (Michio Yamazaki)
RenNiaski (Ren Yamazaki)
shawn_stylizzz (Yukan Yamazaki)
albex8 (Katatukuna Yamazaki)
CaioDarT (Dart Yamazaki)
joaovictor1(Victor Yamazaki)
phonyxShinobi (Kirto Yamazaki)
Kokeshen (Akugi Yamazaki)
animeoveraddict(Kashyo Yamazaki)

To apply for a role, Reply On this Post With The Following:[/b]
1. Name:
2. Gender:
3. Charkra nature:
4. Spoken Languages:
After you've been accepted add this to the clan field at your forum profile page
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Good luck bud

Thanxs man

May your clan thrive and your strength best all of your enemies. Unless you make my clan an enemy. Then you can wish. Just kidding  ;D
Anyways, good luck!

Looks nice, good luck with the clan! Welcome to the Dust Village ;)


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