Shinobi Life Online

Shinobi Life Online Category => Shinobi Life Online Clans & Organizations => Shinobi Life Online Clans => Topic started by: taigakun on June 22, 2016, 01:35:48

Title: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on June 22, 2016, 01:35:48

Spoiler: show
As I didn't just want to see a clan like this, my clan die out, I asked Leebz for permission to run Himistu and he agreed. I know that most of the people who made up Himistu have left and that people think  that this clan is dead but no, a clan like this can't just die out, and it won't. I decided to take over the clan since no one else was prepared to and to be the one who would now oversee it's growth. I want to rebuild the clan, re open it to anyone and everyone who wants to join us and help this clan retain its place as the biggest clan in SLO. And i know that many people think that this clan will no longer grow because some our most active members have left but that isn't true. The Himistu clan didnt become great because it had the strongest players in game or the most active, it because this huge and popular because we were all family to each other in this clan, and that was something everyone loved and respected. So this clan is will grow again, and anyone who wants to join us is very welcome, and as we all used to say, "Family, before all else."

I'll clean out the names of the people no longer in the clan and now, lets start afresh shall we? The Himitsu will dominate once again.

Founder: Leebz -  Onimaro Himitsu (,990.0.html)

Leader: taigakun - Taiga Himitsu (;topicseen#new)
Current Affiliation: Hidden Thunder (You may migrate from or to other villages)

Mostly Populated: Hidden Thunder (Most Himitsu in village by full MMO release will determine where we base our clan)

Village Population:
Hidden Hill (6)
Hidden Thunder (20)
Hidden Volcano (3)
Hidden Haze (1)
Hidden Snow (10)
Hidden Ash (2)
Hidden Metal (3)
Hidden Dust (1)

Clan history:
100 years ago the founder of this clan, Saisho Himitsu, was a great Shinobi with much mystery.
He and 2 others all started a clan each depending on their personal history.
Saisho Himitsu had a deep history, full of lies of who he was and who his family was.
He was left by his parents into a foster home where he was adopted by a couple who treated him as a slave telling him he was 'Nothing but a burden, a mistake of their love' which was not the case, they was not his parents and he was not a burden of their love.

He swore when he was old enough he'd get his revenge on the two for what they did and discover the real truth to why he was left alone.
Years past and Saisho now knew many jutsu from secret training with three of his friends who was apart of the ninja academy to which his foster parents didn't allow him to be apart of. He barged into his foster parents bedroom and weaved hand signs for a strong jutsu, he was self taught in, and killed them both. To this day no outsiders of the Himitsu clan know what jutsu was done that day. After that he left the village and started a new clan, the Himitsu Clan, a name given to himself after going rogue.

He helped build the small village with the other two he met after going rogue and it started from there.
He fell in love with a young woman, started a family and more villagers came to the new village joining with the Himitsu clan inside the village making it grow more and more. Saisho was content with what he helped make and protected it with his life for generations to come.

The Himitsu was once from a small village that showed strength. Not a village that was great but was close to being so.
They was happy in this village, doing small missions here and there from travellers all over.
As business was getting good the other great villages attacked showing no mercy to the little village.
They had some fine shinobi fighting for the village but couldn't compare to the sheer numbers facing them.
The Himitsu became a travelling clan with no village to call home. Where they once lived out happy lives was now a vision of ash and destruction.

Many of the Himitsu died that day and the rest of the clan had to flee or die. The Himitsu travelled far and wide looking for a home but trusted no one and without trust many villages turned them away. Who would want the risk of being attacked by an inside clan? It seemed the Himitsu would travel forever as a lost clan.

This clan found settlement inside the Hidden Thunder village but doesn't trust its people due to their history. How could they trust others when they weren't trusted themselves?
The Leader, Hugi Himitsu, gave up a lot of men to arrive to this village, being attacked by travelling shinobi from different villages for their food, water and money. People saw them as travelling bandits rather than a lost travelling clan so this was allowed in the enemies eyes so Hugi Himitsu knew he had to plead with a Kage to allow his clan into their village and the Thunder was willing in return of their clans men to do missions for the village.

The Himitsu live out through  the village now with new generations being born into the village not knowing of the clans dark past and the leader wanted to keep it that way. He didn't want the new generations to know the pain their elders suffered to get into this village, to give them a home. It is unknown if the Himitsu have a Kekkei Genkai because they are so secretive even to the Kage of the village yet the Kage trusts them with no reason other than the work they do for the village being done with such high standards. A Kage would be foolish to let a clan like that go without a good enough reason, not that the Himitsu plan on a coo to overthrow the Kage anyhow. They are grateful for what he had done for their clan.

Himitsu plans:
The plans for the Himitsu is to protect their own inside the village. They obey the Kage obediently but if they had to choose between the Kages life and a comrade of their clan? The clan comes first.

They just want to get their numbers back to what they once was and protect the next generation of their clan. With such secrets inside of them they attract a lot of attention from other clans, good and bad. For now their goals are to help out the Hidden Thunder by carrying out missions but who knows where the clan will lead in the future. That is to be decided by the next generation, after all, the elders want to protect them and support them in any way possible. The elders want to see what they decide without knowing what happened in the past, fearing if they knew they'd be bent by revenge and not have their true desires come out.

Unique traits: Secretive

Strengths: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu

Weaknesses: Family (They put family first which can put missions at risk)

Rival clans:

Allied clans:
Tsukegami Clan (
Kiirioissen (,1521.msg18879.html#msg18879)
Kagome Clan (
Sandāreisu clan (
Kamakiri (
Kaiyõ Clan (

Members (65):
Leebz - Onimaro Himitsu (,990.0.html)(Founder)
taigakun - Taiga Himistu (;topicseen#new)(Leader)
Kayleb - Kayleb Himitsu (;u=4287)
Higashi - Higashi Himitsu (;u=7168)
Jedikan - Raishi Himitsu (,1113.0.html)
Mythik - Ryota Himitsu (;u=6556)
CookieFacePrimoz - Emi Himitsu (,1278.msg15373.html#msg15373)
Rassunekka - Rass Himitsu (;u=6451)
Atomic_Ghost - Tobimaru Kamino Himitsu (;u=8783)
Teamaren - Teamaren Himitsu (;u=8729)
Tomurn - Yundama Himitsu (,1413.0.html)
chX - chX Himitsu (;u=11602)
Tenzin - Grypha Himitsu (,1628.msg21067.html#msg21067)
VaprJonin - Hiashi Himitsu (,1646.0.html)
Zaurusu - Zaurusu Himitsu (;u=11974)
Rednas - Rednas Himitsu (;u=6987)
StrawHatSeyi - Tenzo Himitsu (;u=7161)
Uchiha Slade - Shun Himitsu (;u=12258)
Eythynhkh - Huirama Himitsu (,1712.0/topicseen.html)
Nas - Isei Himitsu (,1740.msg22657.html#msg22657)
Devilthekiller - Devil Himitsu (,1769.0/topicseen.html)
Joca94 -Bloodpanda Himitsu (;u=1059)
Strider - Strider Himitsu (;u=13659)
Simga - Sumi Himitsu (;u=14290)
YouBetterRun - Koguro Himitsu (;u=12733)
mislav000 - Ataki Himitsu (,1884.0/topicseen.html)
Hiruko -  Hiruko Himitsu (,1904.0/topicseen.html)
Hiashi - Hiashi Himitsu (;u=14846)
Kotetsu  - Kotetsu Himitsu (;u=14859)
Kuri - Kuri Himitsu (;u=14883)
Jale - Jale Himitsu (;u=15092)
Lanya - Lanya Himitsu (;u=15177)
Allias - Allias Himitsu (;u=15241)
Resolios - Resolios Himitsu (;u=9493)
NaruPieceZ - Pluton Himitsu (;u=16097)
Narutoi - Narutoi Himitsu (;u=16158)
wjc11 - Hikaru Himitsu (;u=17313)
Cryptonexin - Gukan Himitsu (
Oathkeeper - Kirito Himitsu (;u=18924)
thehshaynemeister - thehshaynemeister Himitsu (;u=19231)
Nico - Nico Himitsu (;u=22258)
Stevevy - Reciiibos Himitsu (;u=23629)
Seguro416 - Hirochi Himitsu (;u=23627)
TREW -Ichiro Himitsu (;u=23632)
Keita - Keita Himitsu (;u=19554)
Lord Mini - Ramaj Himitsu (;u=2813)
Ghost0000 - Ghost Himitsu (;u=23930)
Hakashe42 - Hakashe Himitsu (;u=24250)
TrickyDevil - Keiko Himitsu (;u=24449)
SKarthik -  S. Karthik Raj Himitsu (;u=19378)
Kuria Himitsu - Kuria Karasu Himitsu (;u=24664)
Diamond Lee -Diamond Lee Himitsu (;u=24728)
JT_EPIC - Itsuki Himitsu (;u=24129)
Aethrandur -  Shiratori Himitsu (;u=24986)
Xassassin - Kamiko Himitsu (;u=6540)
Uraheki - Uraheki Himitsu (;u=26031)
Takami - Takumi Himitsu (;u=26044)
CADAEMOS - Kada Himitsu (;u=28276)
Kazmaru - Kazmaru Himitsu (;u=28199)
Rhyco - Mizuken Himitsu (;u=28922)
Kushuto - Kushuto Himitsu (;u=28919)
ChepChep - Hidekazu Himitsu (;u=24308)
Olympus - Nobusumi Himitsu (;u=30151)
Jonny - Nasuki Himitsu (;u=30525)
Kazuya Hitarashi - Kazuya Himitsu (http://";u=34284")

All himitsu members PM me for Himitsu's discord

Join us, and be part of something great. Something greater than gold and silver and every other material possession there is. Join us and be part of a family

1. Respect all members.
2. Keep the secrets of the clan a secret.
3. Rogue ninjas will be hunted down ASAP.
4. No racial or sexual offence.
5. At-least try and be as active as you can

To join use this layout:
Ninja Rank(If possible):
Chakra Nature(s):
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):

Forum Profile clan code:
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: The Himistu Clan
Post by: Zama on June 22, 2016, 01:41:16
Good luck with this! Really glad that you guys aren't quitting on it! :D
Title: Re: The Himistu Clan
Post by: taigakun on June 22, 2016, 01:42:10
Good luck with this! Really glad that you guys aren't quitting on it! :D

Thank you ;)
Title: Re: The Himistu Clan
Post by: Manuster on June 22, 2016, 01:43:37
Goddamit yes!! Much needed!!! +rep!!!

Sooo glad to see the clan back, everything you said was true man!!

And I'm not even a Himitsu member xD
Title: Re: The Himistu Clan
Post by: taigakun on June 22, 2016, 01:47:10
Goddamit yes!! Much needed!!! +rep!!!

Sooo glad to see the clan back, everything you said was true man!!

And I'm not even a Himitsu member xD

Thanks Manuster, I appreciate it ;)
Title: Re: The Himistu Clan
Post by: json243 on June 22, 2016, 02:45:22
Glad you kept it alive
Title: Re: The Himistu Clan
Post by: Kings_Head on June 22, 2016, 05:17:38
Good to see it coming back, good luck with everything Taiga hopefully it'll go back to how it used to!!
Title: Re: The Himistu Clan
Post by: Yamasukage on June 22, 2016, 08:38:31
I'm so glad to see my boy running Himitsu T-T I'm so proud
Title: Re: The Himistu Clan
Post by: Reminance on June 22, 2016, 08:53:14
@taigakun Why not ask Vreg for him to give you the official Himitsu thread though?
I mean :/

Anyways goodluck with leading ^^
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on June 22, 2016, 09:01:30
Glad you kept it alive
Good to see it coming back, good luck with everything Taiga hopefully it'll go back to how it used to!!
Thank you guys, and hopefully it will

I'm so glad to see my boy running Himitsu T-T I'm so proud
^^. And as requested, the Sandāreisu clan are part of our allied ;)

@taigakun Why not ask Vreg for him to give you the official Himitsu thread though?
I mean :/

Anyways goodluck with leading ^^
Well i talked to Leebz about that and Vreg was already pretty tired of always changing the ownerership of the thread and that's why the thread got locked. But it's np problem, we are starting anew after all ;) 
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Mars on June 22, 2016, 10:46:41
Are you sure you're up to this? You've got to be active

I honestly don't care about Himitsu on SLO anymore but good luck buddy
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on June 22, 2016, 10:50:13
Are you sure you're up to this? You've got to be active

I honestly don't care about Himitsu on SLO anymore but good luck buddy
Yes i know that. I'm done with everything i had to do that was hindering me from being as active as i wanted to be, so i'm going to be on much more now

And thanks man
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Sanji on June 22, 2016, 15:06:43
good luck bro,and you should edit Rival clans cu they already delete himitsu name from there
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on June 22, 2016, 15:19:35
good luck bro,and you should edit Rival clans cu they already delete himitsu name from there
Alright i will, and thanks Sanji
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Husky on June 27, 2016, 15:24:20
I resign from the Himitsu clan.
Goodluck to all.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on June 27, 2016, 15:54:56
I resign from the Himitsu clan.
Goodluck to all.
Alright removing you from the members list
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Leebz on June 28, 2016, 12:12:57
Remove the waiting list bud and I am going to be as active as I can because I will forever be Himitsu <3
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Reminance on June 28, 2016, 12:15:11
The thread changed quite a bit, why not re-do it?
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Leebz on June 28, 2016, 12:16:51
The thread changed quite a bit, why not re-do it?
Agree completely with this. Take note Taiga ;)
Maybe you could ask the godly Remi to make you a thread layout. He is pretty good at making them xD
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on June 28, 2016, 12:50:51
Remove the waiting list bud and I am going to be as active as I can because I will forever be Himitsu <3
Alright, will do ;)

The thread changed quite a bit, why not re-do it?
Agree completely with this. Take note Taiga ;)
Maybe you could ask the godly Remi to make you a thread layout. He is pretty good at making them xD
Haha if you have the time remi, I wouldn't mind you helping me out :)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Reminance on June 28, 2016, 12:56:37
Remove the waiting list bud and I am going to be as active as I can because I will forever be Himitsu <3
Alright, will do ;)

The thread changed quite a bit, why not re-do it?
Agree completely with this. Take note Taiga ;)
Maybe you could ask the godly Remi to make you a thread layout. He is pretty good at making them xD
Haha if you have the time remi, I wouldn't mind you helping me out :)
Sure just pm me whenever.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Naizen on July 01, 2016, 19:45:21
Name: Niko
Ninja Rank(If possible): chunin
Chakra Nature(s): lightning,fire
Village:Hidden Thunder
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Tiajutsu,
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on July 01, 2016, 20:29:24
Name: Niko
Ninja Rank(If possible): chunin
Chakra Nature(s): lightning,fire
Village:Hidden Thunder
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Tiajutsu,
Welcome, Niko.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Naizen on July 01, 2016, 20:39:50
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: adithya on July 02, 2016, 15:13:45
Bros, Idk if this is how i'm supposed to do this, but Im out of himitsu (SLO) .-.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on July 02, 2016, 17:14:25
Bros, Idk if this is how i'm supposed to do this, but Im out of himitsu (SLO) .-.
Haha it doesnt matter how you do it lol but best of luck man
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Stevevy on July 28, 2016, 14:07:33
Ninja Rank:-------
Chakra Nature(s): All
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Seguro416 on July 28, 2016, 14:08:13
Ninja Rank(If possible):Chunnin
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning , Fire
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):Taijutsu , Ninjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on July 28, 2016, 14:11:09
Ninja Rank:-------
Chakra Nature(s): ---
Ninja Rank(If possible):Chunnin
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning , Fire
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):Taijutsu , Ninjutsu
Accepted. Welcome to Himitsu Seguro and Reciiibos. Looking forward to seeing you guys around too
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: TREW on July 28, 2016, 14:23:43
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible):
Chakra Nature(s): Storm
Village: Okagakure
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on July 28, 2016, 14:25:37
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible):
Chakra Nature(s): Storm
Village: Okagakure
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu
I'd like for you to check this thread: and see all the chakra natures and choose a proper one(or two) then re apply :)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: TREW on July 28, 2016, 14:28:48
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible):
Chakra Nature(s): Wind
Village: Okagakure
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on July 28, 2016, 14:29:27
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible):
Chakra Nature(s): Wind
Village: Okagakure
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu
Much better :) Welcome to Himitsu trew
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Lord Mini on August 02, 2016, 01:16:18
Ninja Rank(If possible):N/a
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):?n/a
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on August 02, 2016, 01:19:23
Ninja Rank(If possible):N/a
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):?n/a
Accepted and welcome to Himitsu

Quick update: I might not be able to come online until Monday, so any members looking to apply will get a response then. Good luck
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Ghost0000 on August 10, 2016, 20:45:17
Ninja Rank(If possible):N/a
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning and wind
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):Ninjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on August 10, 2016, 20:50:02
Ninja Rank(If possible):N/a
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning and wind
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):Ninjutsu
Accepted. Welcome to Himitsu Ghost
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Fraudulent on August 11, 2016, 11:00:16
No point in beating a dead horse. But good luck with it.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on August 11, 2016, 11:13:16
No point in beating a dead horse. But good luck with it.
When the 1st gen of Katakuichi all left at once, wouldn't this phrase be useful then? Now look at Kata... better than ever.

Anyways thank you.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Reminance on August 11, 2016, 11:39:19
No point in beating a dead horse. But good luck with it.
When the 1st gen of Katakuichi all left at one, wouldn't this phrase be useful then? Now look at Kata... better than ever.

Anyways thank you.
Couldn't agree more with this ^^
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Leebz on August 14, 2016, 21:22:12
No point in beating a dead horse. But good luck with it.
When the 1st gen of Katakuichi all left at one, wouldn't this phrase be useful then? Now look at Kata... better than ever.

Anyways thank you.
This could not have been put any better. Proud of you Taiga and I love that you have kept things running bro. Keep it up and always feel free to PM me on Skype as it is where I am most active for now :)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on August 14, 2016, 21:32:56
No point in beating a dead horse. But good luck with it.
When the 1st gen of Katakuichi all left at one, wouldn't this phrase be useful then? Now look at Kata... better than ever.

Anyways thank you.
This could not have been put any better. Proud of you Taiga and I love that you have kept things running bro. Keep it up and always feel free to PM me on Skype as it is where I am most active for now :)
No problem Leebz and it's good to see you back on the forums man(even if it's just for a while)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Hakashe42 on August 21, 2016, 22:11:56
Name: Hakshe
Ninja Rank(If possible):None at the moment
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning
Village: None
Specialization: Genjustu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on August 22, 2016, 00:53:24
Name: Hakshe
Ninja Rank(If possible):None at the moment
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning
Village: None
Specialization: Genjustu
Accepted. Welcome to Himitsu Hakashi. Looking forward to seeing you around.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: TrickyDevil on August 28, 2016, 18:35:36
Name: Keiko
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank: Chunin
Chakra Natures: Earth, Lighting, and Water release
Kenkai Genkai or Chakra natures: Wood style
Previous Village:Hidden Cloud
Specialization: Ninjutsu and taijutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on August 28, 2016, 20:11:20
Name: Keiko
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank: Chunin
Chakra Natures: Earth, Lighting, and Water release
Kenkai Genkai or Chakra natures: Wood style
Previous Village:Hidden Cloud
Specialization: Ninjutsu and taijutsu
Check out this thread: to see all the villages we'll have in SLO and their specific chakra natures, then re apply with the correct info :3
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: mamoudou52404 on August 28, 2016, 22:30:53
seems like ur growing a lot @taigakun i knew u'd be a good leader :)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: TrickyDevil on August 28, 2016, 22:45:34
Name: Keiko
Ninja Rank:N/A
Chakra natures: Fire release and Earth Release
Kenkai Genkai or chakra natures:N/A
Previous Village:Kazangakure
Specialization:Ninjustsu and Taijutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on August 29, 2016, 06:04:49
Name: Keiko
Ninja Rank:N/A
Chakra natures: Fire release and Earth Release
Kenkai Genkai or chakra natures:N/A
Previous Village:Kazangakure
Specialization:Ninjustsu and Taijutsu
Much better :) Welcome to Himitsu Keiko.

seems like ur growing a lot @taigakun i knew u'd be a good leader :)
Thanks a lot man
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: SKarthik on September 04, 2016, 14:18:59
Name:S. Karthik Raj
Ninja Rank(If possible):N/A
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning
Kekkei Genkai or Chakra Mix:N/A
Previous Village:N/A
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):N/A
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 04, 2016, 14:20:44
Name:S. Karthik Raj
Ninja Rank(If possible):N/A
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning
Kekkei Genkai or Chakra Mix:N/A
Previous Village:N/A
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):N/A

Accepted. Welcome to the clan Karthik. Looking forward to seeing you around.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Reminance on September 04, 2016, 14:22:07
Himitsu still growing strong ^^
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 04, 2016, 14:24:12
Himitsu still growing strong ^^
Always ^^
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Mars on September 04, 2016, 16:22:32
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 04, 2016, 19:02:45
Hell yeah :3
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: grayzag20 on September 07, 2016, 18:17:13
Name: Grayzag20 (Kurai Karasu) In game
Ninja Rank:N/A
Chakra natures: Fire, Wind
Kenkai Genkai or chakra natures:Sharingan , Scorch release
Previous Village:The Village Hidden by Ash ( Haigakure )
Specialization:Ninjustsu and Taijutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 07, 2016, 18:20:09
Name: Grayzag20 (Kurai Karasu) In game
Ninja Rank:N/A
Chakra natures: Fire, Wind
Kenkai Genkai or chakra natures:Sharingan , Scorch release
Previous Village:The Village Hidden by Ash ( Haigakure )
Specialization:Ninjustsu and Taijutsu
Sharingan isnt going to be in the game and you cant choose if you get a Kekkei genkai or not.

I'd like for you to re-apply with a more correct application

(PS: I should probably remove kekkei genkai option from the application because you cant choose if you get one or not haha)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Ghost0000 on September 07, 2016, 18:21:15
Name: Grayzag20 (Kurai Karasu) In game
Ninja Rank:N/A
Chakra natures: Fire, Wind
Kenkai Genkai or chakra natures:Sharingan , Scorch release
Previous Village:The Village Hidden by Ash ( Haigakure )
Specialization:Ninjustsu and Taijutsu
Sharingan isnt going to be in the game and you cant choose if you get a Kekkei genkai or not.

I'd like for you to re-apply with a more correct application

(PS: I should probably remove kekkei genkai option from the application because you cant choose if you get one or not haha)
lol taiga you should
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: grayzag20 on September 07, 2016, 20:09:02
Name: Grayzag20 (Kurai Karasu) In game
Ninja Rank:N/A
Chakra natures: Fire, Wind
Kenkai Genkai or chakra natures:Scorch release
Previous Village:The Village Hidden by Ash ( Haigakure )
Specialization:Ninjustsu and Taijutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 07, 2016, 20:49:07
Name: Grayzag20 (Kurai Karasu) In game
Ninja Rank:N/A
Chakra natures: Fire, Wind
Kenkai Genkai or chakra natures:Scorch release
Previous Village:The Village Hidden by Ash ( Haigakure )
Specialization:Ninjustsu and Taijutsu

Accepted, welcome to Himitsu Kuria. Dont go inactive on us now.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Mars on September 07, 2016, 22:32:48
lol rip guess who elses name used to be kurai himitsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 07, 2016, 23:37:20
lol rip guess who elses name used to be kurai himitsu
Hahaha i was thinking the same thing
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Hooke on September 14, 2016, 19:52:38
Name: Hooke
Gender: Male
Ninja rank:N/A
Chakra natures: Wind, Lightning
Combined chakra nature: Magnet Release
Previous Village: The village hidden by metal (Kinzokugakure)
Specialisation: Ninjutsu,Taijutsu

Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 14, 2016, 19:55:45
Name: Hooke
Gender: Male
Ninja rank:N/A
Chakra natures: Wind, Lightning
Combined chakra nature: Magnet Release
Previous Village: The village hidden by metal (Kinzokugakure)
Specialisation: Ninjutsu,Taijutsu
Accepted, Welcome to Himitsu Hokke. Looking forward to seeing you around.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Diamond Lee on September 18, 2016, 19:49:02
Name: Diamond Lee
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): Chuunin
Chakra Nature(s): Fire, secondary wind
Village: N/A
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Taijutsu, offensive ninjutsu

ill bring the fire of youth and passion to this clan ;)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Ghost0000 on September 18, 2016, 19:58:05
Name: Diamond Lee
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): Chuunin
Chakra Nature(s): Fire, secondary wind
Village: N/A
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Taijutsu, offensive ninjutsu

ill bring the fire of youth and passion to this clan ;)

bruv we lighting not fire xd
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Diamond Lee on September 18, 2016, 21:12:10

Chakra Nature: Fire, Lightning

that good? ;)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Mars on September 19, 2016, 07:59:45
Name: Diamond Lee
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): Chuunin
Chakra Nature(s): Fire, secondary wind
Village: N/A
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Taijutsu, offensive ninjutsu

ill bring the fire of youth and passion to this clan ;)

bruv we lighting not fire xd

You don't have to start in the village the clan is based in.
He can start wherever he wants to start, therefore he can have whatever chakra natures he wants.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 19, 2016, 11:36:49
Name: Diamond Lee
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): Chuunin
Chakra Nature(s): Fire, secondary wind
Village: N/A
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Taijutsu, offensive ninjutsu

ill bring the fire of youth and passion to this clan ;)

bruv we lighting not fire xd

You don't have to start in the village the clan is based in.
He can start wherever he wants to start, therefore he can have whatever chakra natures he wants.

With that said, welcome to Himitsu Diamond, looking forward to seeing you around
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: JT_EPIC on September 29, 2016, 13:49:47
Name: JT_EPIC or Itsuki
Gender: male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning and water if i can
Village: N/A
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Genjutsu and maybe another one just i will say when the game more updated
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 29, 2016, 18:53:12
Name: JT_EPIC or Itsuki
Gender: male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning and water if i can
Village: N/A
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Genjutsu and maybe another one just i will say when the game more updated
Accepted, Welcome to the clan bud
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Aethrandur on September 29, 2016, 19:41:22
Name: Shiratori
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning, with Earth as a secondary if possible
Village: Hidden Shockwave
Specialization: Strong emphasis on Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, with Ninjutsu to bolster both.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 29, 2016, 21:06:59
Name: Shiratori
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning, with Earth as a secondary if possible
Village: Hidden Shockwave
Specialization: Strong emphasis on Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, with Ninjutsu to bolster both.
Accepted, welcome to the clan Shiratori
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: SpeakingRain on September 29, 2016, 22:54:20
Jesus, everyone wants to be a Himistu... XD

Btw, Taiga, on behalf of the Kamakiri, I propose an alliance.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on September 30, 2016, 03:16:20
Jesus, everyone wants to be a Himistu... XD

Btw, Taiga, on behalf of the Kamakiri, I propose an alliance.
OMG she wants them lightning nins now!
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on September 30, 2016, 05:47:55
Jesus, everyone wants to be a Himistu... XD

Btw, Taiga, on behalf of the Kamakiri, I propose an alliance.
I do accept :)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Ghost0000 on September 30, 2016, 08:48:02
Name: Shiratori
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning, with Earth as a secondary if possible
Village: Hidden Shockwave
Specialization: Strong emphasis on Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, with Ninjutsu to bolster both.
Accepted, welcome to the clan Shiratori
Welcome to the clan Shiratori Himitsu ;)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on October 01, 2016, 17:39:36
To all our current members, Pm me for Himitsu's discord. There we can get to know and talk to each other and plan different clan activities/competitions that will be done in the future.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Xassassin on October 04, 2016, 19:22:20
Name: Kamiko
Gender: female
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): fire
Village: Hidden Ash
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, a little Gen and some Tai.
[Not too active, but thought I would come back to my first clan I started in, or at least try. Depending on if you accept or not]
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on October 04, 2016, 19:59:40
Name: Kamiko
Gender: female
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): fire
Village: Hidden Ash
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, a little Gen and some Tai.
[Not too active, but thought I would come back to my first clan I started in, or at least try. Depending on if you accept or not]
You are very welcome back kamiko :)

PM me for our clan's discord
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Adrian on October 04, 2016, 21:18:16

Ninja Rank(If possible):genin
Chakra Nature(s):lightning,water
Village: Hidden Thunder
Specialization: taijustu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on October 04, 2016, 21:19:22

Ninja Rank(If possible):genin
Chakra Nature(s):lightning,water
Village: Hidden Thunder
Specialization: taijustu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Accepted, welcome to the clan Adrian

PM me for our clan's discord
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Leebz on October 05, 2016, 17:47:57
Name: Kamiko
Gender: female
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): fire
Village: Hidden Ash
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, a little Gen and some Tai.
[Not too active, but thought I would come back to my first clan I started in, or at least try. Depending on if you accept or not]
Welcome home Kamiko ^-^
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: mamoudou52404 on October 07, 2016, 04:51:15
O.O      chill... the clan is growing fast af @taigakun , leave some SLO members for me mein
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Sage32801 on October 08, 2016, 07:23:53
O.O      chill... the clan is growing fast af @taigakun , leave some SLO members for me mein

lol and congrats on such rapid growth @taigakun . I can see greatness in this clan. ^^
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on October 08, 2016, 11:26:25
O.O      chill... the clan is growing fast af @taigakun , leave some SLO members for me mein

lol and congrats on such rapid growth @taigakun . I can see greatness in this clan. ^^
Thanks guys :p The clan was great beyond compare even before i started leading
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Fraudulent on October 08, 2016, 11:28:06
I take my words back - I was wrong about you bringing back the clan.
It seems you succeeded after-all, congrats. Good luck in the future :)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on October 08, 2016, 11:29:09
I take my words back - I was wrong about you bringing back the clan.
It seems you succeeded after-all, congrats. Good luck in the future :)
Thanks Snoop ;)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Xassassin on October 09, 2016, 06:31:24
Name: Kamiko
Gender: female
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): fire
Village: Hidden Ash
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, a little Gen and some Tai.
[Not too active, but thought I would come back to my first clan I started in, or at least try. Depending on if you accept or not]
Welcome home Kamiko ^-^

Thanks leebz
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Uraheki on November 19, 2016, 22:45:11
Name: Uraheki
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning
Village: Hidden Thunder
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):Really good at Kenjustsu, but really bad at Nin-,Gen- and Taijutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on November 20, 2016, 12:14:51
Name: Uraheki
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning
Village: Hidden Thunder
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):Really good at Kenjustsu, but really bad at Nin-,Gen- and Taijutsu

Accpeted. Welcome to Himitsu ^^

PM me for our clan's discord
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Xassassin on November 26, 2016, 21:54:30
Welcome to the clan!
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Diamond Lee on November 27, 2016, 13:55:33
Name: Uraheki
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning
Village: Hidden Thunder
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):Really good at Kenjustsu, but really bad at Nin-,Gen- and Taijutsu

Accpeted. Welcome to Himitsu ^^

PM me for our clan's discord
welcome! Stay active!
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Hooke on December 08, 2016, 17:46:01
Just notifying the clan that i will be leaving, it was fun while i was in there thanks for the laughs :)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on December 09, 2016, 13:11:58
Just notifying the clan that i will be leaving, it was fun while i was in there thanks for the laughs :)
Best of luck to you man
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on December 12, 2016, 10:36:31
Himitsu and Kaiyo are now allies ^^
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: takami on December 17, 2016, 17:15:59
Name: Takumi
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Fire and if possible water
Village: Hidden Hill
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Genjutsu, ninjutsu and kenjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on December 17, 2016, 19:47:28
Accepted, welcome to Himitsu Takumi ^^

PM me for our clan's discord
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: SkullKid on December 29, 2016, 23:36:17
Tiaga i need you to send me a PM on discord please. my name there is Itami#2352
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Kazmaru on January 07, 2017, 19:09:11
Name: Kazmaru Himitsu (Himitsu if accepted in clan)
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning (2nd nature not known yet)
Village: Hidden snow
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Currently Shurikenjutsu and Kenjutsu

My character still has to be created, but I am sure of the information above.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on January 07, 2017, 19:55:17
Name: Kazmaru Himitsu (Himitsu if accepted in clan)
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning (2nd nature not known yet)
Village: Hidden snow
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Currently Shurikenjutsu and Kenjutsu

My character still has to be created, but I am sure of the information above.
Accepted. Welcome to the clan Kazmaru!!

PM me for the link to the clan's discord
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: CADAEMOS on January 08, 2017, 21:34:15
I want to become an official Himitsu club member. Could you please add me as club member.

I also want to join the discord group.

Name: Kada
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): Dont know
Chakra Nature(s): Wind (and lightning as second, if possible)
Village: Hidden Snow
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Senjutsu and Ninjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on January 09, 2017, 06:16:34
I want to become an official Himitsu club member. Could you please add me as club member.

I also want to join the discord group.

Name: Kada
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): Dont know
Chakra Nature(s): Wind (and lightning as second, if possible)
Village: Hidden Snow
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Senjutsu and Ninjutsu

Welcome to the clan Kada!!
I'll pm you our discord link
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Mars on January 09, 2017, 12:12:04
welcome 2 teh klub
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on January 09, 2017, 14:54:05
welcome 2 teh klub
Hahah lul
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Kazmaru on January 11, 2017, 18:03:16
I would like to emigrate from the hidden snow to the hidden hill.
If that is possible of course.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: takami on January 11, 2017, 18:16:39
I would like to emigrate from the hidden snow to the hidden hill.
If that is possible of course.
niceeeee, join my village :D, but you have not to specify here i think. Go here and create a character and add you are from the hidden hill xD
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on January 11, 2017, 19:43:38
I would like to emigrate from the hidden snow to the hidden hill.
If that is possible of course.
Yes it is. I'll edit the main post
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Rhyco on January 30, 2017, 07:15:07
Name: Mizuken
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): Water release
Village: Hidden Snow
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Tracking.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on January 30, 2017, 16:42:37
Name: Mizuken
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): Water release
Village: Hidden Snow
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Tracking.
Accepted. Welcome to Himitsu Mizuken. PM me for our discord server
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Xassassin on January 31, 2017, 00:54:29
Welcome new members of himitsu!
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Kushuto on January 31, 2017, 01:34:20
Name: Kushuto
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Wind
Village: Hidden Snow
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu, Ninjustsu, Summoning

Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on January 31, 2017, 07:08:20
Name: Kushuto
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Wind
Village: Hidden Snow
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu, Ninjustsu, Summoning

Accepted, welcome to Himitsu, Kushuto
PM me for the clan's discord
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Kushuto on January 31, 2017, 13:53:18
Thanks for accepting me glad to be a part of the family
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Rhyco on January 31, 2017, 14:41:51
Thanks its a pleasure to be in the fam. :)
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: takami on January 31, 2017, 16:42:20
Name: Kushuto
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Wind
Village: Hidden Snow
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu, Ninjustsu, Summoning

Name: Mizuken
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): Water release
Village: Hidden Snow
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Tracking.
Welcome in Himitsu guys  :D ;D
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: ChepChep on February 14, 2017, 16:57:06
Name: Hidekazu
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): Water release
Village: Hidden Thunder
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu, Genjutsu, and Infiltration.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on February 14, 2017, 22:45:40
Name: Hidekazu
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): Water release
Village: Hidden Thunder
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu, Genjutsu, and Infiltration.
Accepted. Welcome to Himitsu ^^
PM me for our discord server
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: IbrahimRafi on February 15, 2017, 21:43:16
Name: Bāsākā Iburahimu
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): n/a
Chakra Nature(s): Water release
Village: Hidden Hill
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu, Genjutsu, and Summoning.

Sorry but i withdraw my application, I wish you and the rest of your clan luck.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Xassassin on March 09, 2017, 01:29:35
Welcome to all the new memberz of himitsu!
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Olympus on March 14, 2017, 06:53:41
Name: Nobusumi
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Thunder, Possibly Earth as a second
Village: Hidden Thunder Village
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on March 14, 2017, 12:00:22
Name: Nobusumi
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Thunder, Possibly Earth as a second
Village: Hidden Thunder Village
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu
Welcome to Himitsu Nobu ^^
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: jedikan on March 14, 2017, 17:19:16
bienvenue to all new members
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: takami on March 14, 2017, 17:37:46
yay welcome guyss
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Leebz on March 26, 2017, 00:44:39
bienvenue to all new members
Missed your name on the forums. An OG in the midst. <3
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Johnny on March 29, 2017, 12:24:34
Name: Nasuki
Gender: male
Ninja Rank(If possible):N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Fire realease
Village: Hidden Hill
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on March 29, 2017, 16:38:34
Name: Nasuki
Gender: male
Ninja Rank(If possible):N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Fire realease
Village: Hidden Hill
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu
Accepted. Welcome to Himitsu Nasuki ^^

PM me for our discord
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Xassassin on June 25, 2017, 00:17:14
Welcome to all the new members of himitsu! Hope y'all love your new home/family.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Kazuya Hitarashi on July 31, 2017, 21:40:07
Name: Kazuya
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning
Village: Not in on yet but I want to join the Hidden Thunder
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: taigakun on August 02, 2017, 05:41:21
Name: Kazuya
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning
Village: Not in on yet but I want to join the Hidden Thunder
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu
Accepted. Welcome to Himitsu Kazuya. PM me for our clan's discord link.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Sandrito on November 17, 2017, 08:01:32
Ninja Rank(If possible):N/A
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning
Village: Not yet but want to be at hiden thunder
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):Kenjutsu

Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Xassassin on April 23, 2018, 04:39:44
Welcome to the new members, maybe we can bring back himitsu from the grave.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Sabajet on May 31, 2018, 20:00:19
Name: Sabajet
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning
Village: Kaminarigakure
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Genjutsu, Kenjutsu !
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Hazato Uzumaki on July 24, 2018, 08:48:55
Name: Hazato Uzumaki- Shizen
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): Special Jounin
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning and Water
Village: Hidden Village Hill
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Dazan on July 24, 2018, 11:48:34
Name: Dazan
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): Chunin
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning and Wind
Village: n/a
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: NinjaMirage on July 24, 2018, 22:07:16
You should @ the clan creators Dozen.
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Dazan on July 25, 2018, 04:30:06
What?  :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Jhope on August 20, 2018, 23:11:14
Name: Jung
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): Jonin
Chakra Nature(s): Earth/Fire
Village: Dont know yet
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Ninjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Jhope on August 20, 2018, 23:11:33
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Leebz on October 23, 2018, 20:21:07
Leaving, kthxbye, been fun
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: MaxPrince on October 29, 2019, 14:30:53
Name: Tomomi
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible):
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning
Village: Hidden Thunder
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Ninjutsu
Title: Re: The Himitsu Clan
Post by: Godb555 on July 10, 2020, 01:12:25
Name:Godb555:Senaku Himitsu
Ninja Rank(If possible):
Chakra Nature(s):Lightning,Wind,Water
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.)taijutsu,kenjutsu,ninjutsu
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