Shinobi Life Online

Shinobi Life Online Category => Shinobi Life Online Clans & Organizations => Shinobi Life Online Organizations => Topic started by: mamita on October 20, 2016, 17:40:55

Title: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: mamita on October 20, 2016, 17:40:55
                             Bōeki no tanzō

                              Founder: Long forgotten.
                              Leader: Jubokko Senpai
                              Affiliation: Independent
                              Allies: None
                              Enemies: None
                              We have been here for a long time.
                              The name of our original founder has
                              long been forgotten. As to what we are...

                              We are an order dedicated to materialism.
                              We are an order of merchants, bankers,
                              and mercenary associates everywhere.

                              If somebody wants to buy or sell weapons,
                              items, clothing, or other materials,
                              we can offer a fair price for it.

                              If somebody wants to store their money or take
                              out a loan, we can arrange it with one of our bankers.

                              If a mercenary is looking for work,
                              or somebody needs the services of one,
                              we can provide both.

                              We do not discriminate based on color,
                              race, preferred gender, sexual orientation,
                              religion, wealth, location, methods, morals,
                              or allegiances for either players or their characters.

                              Whether you are kage, village, nation,
                              or mere shinobi. If you are a rogue-nin,
                              a mercenary organization, or another merchant,
                              we will serve you.

                              We are Bōeki no tanzō, the smiths of trade.

                              Purpose: To keep the trade flowing by whatever means.

                              Unique features: Each member is given a token to indicate
                              rank and position. These can come in the form of a necklace,
                              bracelet, ring, earring, armlet, or some other form of jewelry.

                              Ranks: There are three branches- Hammer, Flame, and Anvil-
                              and several ranks within our organization:
Spoiler: show
                                                           The Smith:
                              Head of Bōeki no tanzō, the Smith has the most say in all
                              decisions regarding the organization.
                                                  The Forge/ Council of 13:
                              Comprised of the Smith and the four representatives of each branch,
                               the council decides what happens when change is required within
                               the organization. This is accomplished by voting.
                                                    The Four of the Flame/ Head Bankers
                               There are four head bankers who govern all others in the org,
                               and handle important matters related to their branch.
                               The symbol of all bankers is a flame, for without the fire to heat
                               the metal, how can the smith forge anything?
                               The head bankers token is a painted flame.
                                                             The Anvil/ Head Merchants:
                              Like the bankers, there are four merchants with authority
                              over others in their area, who handle the matters of trade.
                              The symbol of all merchants is the anvil, for without a surface
                              to ply his craft, how can the smith shape anything?
                              Their token is a painted anvil.
                                                    The Hammer/ Head Mercenary Associates:
                              The mercenary associates have their four as well, who's duty
                              it is to guide others in hiring and providing work for mercenaries.
                              The symbol of our mercenary associates is the hammer,
                              for the smith cannot beat his project into shape without it.
                              Their token is a painted hammer.

                              Beneath of four, there are several ranks, indicated by tokens
                              forged with metals of varying value.
                              The longer a member has been in ther branch, the higher they
                              are promoted. More experience means they can be trusted with
                              more, and good results will make them highly valued.
                              The following table shows the ranks and their token metal.
                              Metal                            Rank

                              Platinum                       Master
                              Gold                              Expert
                              Silver                            Achieved
                              Iron                              Journeyman

                              What each branch does:
Spoiler: show
                              What bankers do:
                              1: Protect stored money
                              2: Loan money

                              What merchants do:
                              1: Buy low, sell high!

                              How mercenary associates work:
                              1: Mercenary asks for work
                              2: Sign him on as a temporary asset.
                              3: Client needs a mercenary.
                              4: Offer mercenary available job. If he accepts,
                              5: Deduct a fee from client and send him on his way.

                              As of 12/2/2016, There is a new role.

                              The Weapons:
                              These are shinobi picked for our personal squad of agents.
                              Skilled in combat and physical confrontation,
                              they collect debts, defend the organization and it's property when necessary,
                              and hunt down any who wrong us.
                              They are employed only in situations where mercenaries are not available.
                              Codenames are to be themed around weapons.
                              Their token is a trench knife.

                              Rules: There are a number of policies for our organization.
Spoiler: show
                           1: Never give out information about clients,
                              to anybody, for any reason, for any amount of money.
                              This is to ensure the privacy of our clients and their business.
                              2: Anybody may join, regardless of background.
                              3: Terms of service: No discrimination for ethnicity, color,
                              religion, wealth, preferred gender, or sexual orientation.
                              4: Excepted from joining and our dealings are
                              hackers, cheaters, BR, and anybody who violates the
                              aforementioned terms of service.
                              5: Nobody is obliged to tell you what they are doing
                               with whatever you gave them.
                              6: We do not ally with others unless it is absolutely necessary.
                              Our individuality is a very important aspect of our organization!
                              7: The Council must vote to disband the organization.
                              8: Keeping merchandise is not allowed unless you pay for it yourself.
                              9: If a council member or the Smith steps down/ retires, they must find
                              a worthy successor to their title before leaving.
                             10: Retired members get 50% off all dealings with us.
                             11: You may be a member of any other organization(s),
                              as long as it is permitted by them.
                             12: Members may be provided masks and clothing to conceal their
                               identities if they feel it necessary.
                             13: As stated before, the organization itself may not take sides.
                             However, this does not prohibit two members from, for example,
                             being in opposing clans/orgs/villages/nations, etc. Just don't involve us.

                             Punishments for violating these rules include:
                             First offense: 1 day suspension
                             Second offense: 1 week suspension
                             Third offense: Permanent suspension
                             If a violation is severe enough, the council can vote
                             to permanently prohibit a member from any further dealings.

                               Smith: Jubokko Senpai (me)
                               Head Merchant: Toichi Tsukegami (waly206)
                               Head Banker: Sareko Aikohono (adithya)
                               Head Hammer: Chikai (SpeakingRain)
                               Blade (Codename)
                               Moon Blade (Codename)

                              If you wish to join, please PM me or another council member.
                              Credits to RaphoZentel for the awesome new logo!
Code: [Select]
[url=]Bōeki no tanzō[/url][br][br][right]
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Post by: Mars on October 20, 2016, 17:57:06
I really like the concept of this org.
Good luck buddy, I hope it goes well! :)
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Post by: Ken on October 20, 2016, 17:59:12
I like the logo. I just don't like the lay-out of the thread, maybe reorganize it to look better :D
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Post by: Hiruko on October 20, 2016, 18:02:34
Thats actually a nice concept. But the layout is too much in the middle of the thread ^^.
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Post by: mamita on October 20, 2016, 18:40:29
It's finished everybody! Please survey the entire thing and let me know what you think!
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Post by: Hiruko on October 20, 2016, 18:42:55
As I said. The layout is too much in the middle ^^. The Logo is veeery nice
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Post by: mamita on October 20, 2016, 18:45:19
What's wrong with it being in the middle?
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Post by: Hiruko on October 20, 2016, 18:46:23
What's wrong with it being in the middle?
Nothing. Its just looking weird. Thats what i want to say ^^. If you want you can let it like this. But I think its looking weird. Your decision ^^.
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Post by: mamita on October 20, 2016, 18:50:38
I don't think it looks wierd personally
I was aiming for the middle to look more...centered?
I don't know. But what do you think of the org as a whole?
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Post by: Hiruko on October 20, 2016, 18:53:31
Its a very nice concept to see like a trading, armorsmith, bank org. Its not like a normal ninja org. Its just different, and thats the nice thing ^^. I Hope you will get good memebrs ;)
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Post by: mamita on October 20, 2016, 18:59:50
Yeah. I noticed that nobody had made something like this yet, so I decided to seize the opportunity while it lasted. I hope to spur along the economy!
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: taigakun on October 20, 2016, 19:23:54
Best of luck with the org bud.
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: Diamond Lee on October 20, 2016, 20:57:10
Gj nice org I hope you get some good members!
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: Tsunayoshi on October 20, 2016, 20:58:25
Good luck Mamita. Glad you got around to make the org you were talking about so much time ago. ^^
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: Ghost0000 on October 20, 2016, 21:10:31
Good luck with your org looks great  ;)
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: DarthTyrael on October 20, 2016, 21:44:20
Gonna make that mad dough.
Good luck with getting rich ;)
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: mamita on October 20, 2016, 21:53:33
Gonna try.
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: Reminance on October 20, 2016, 23:45:58
Goodluck bruv ^^
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on October 21, 2016, 02:27:24
good good.. I'm surely gonna open an account in your banks one day X)
wish u luck SENPAI!
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: mamita on October 21, 2016, 04:05:34
You'll be welcome to, @Toratsume Nyshn!
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: mamita on October 22, 2016, 00:15:46
I am proud to announce I have my first member, waly206!
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: Sewshut on October 22, 2016, 00:46:31
I am proud to announce I have my first member, waly206!
Nice! Hope you get lots more and grow this into something big, good luck.
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: mamita on October 22, 2016, 01:40:22
Thanks! :D
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: superman12566 on October 22, 2016, 07:09:08
Very nice
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: mamita on October 28, 2016, 08:53:31
...Need more members xD
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: mamita on November 19, 2016, 16:57:47
I am pleased to announce the arrival of my newest member, adithya!
He will be the head banker, and help out with moneys.
Speaking of which.... Still haven't worked out how taxes will work...
K, sounds good sir. Will try to keep it from happening again.
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: adithya on November 19, 2016, 16:59:37
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: UchihaTsukumi on November 19, 2016, 17:01:26
I am pleased to announce the arrival of my newest member, adithya!
You have been visited by double post police. No ticket today, but better edit your last post.
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: Nova on November 19, 2016, 17:05:35
I am pleased to announce the arrival of my newest member, adithya!
You have been visited by double post police. No ticket today, but better edit your last post.

I thank you for trying to help out, however in this case you're wrong.
His previous post was done 3 weeks prior to that post.

Double posts being done in a short amount of time are a no-go, however in this case enough time has gone by, for it to even count as an offense.
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: UchihaTsukumi on November 19, 2016, 17:11:42
I am pleased to announce the arrival of my newest member, adithya!
You have been visited by double post police. No ticket today, but better edit your last post.

I thank you for trying to help out, however in this case you're wrong.
His previous post was done 3 weeks prior to that post.

Double posts being done in a short amount of time are a no-go, however in this case enough time has gone by, for it to even count as an offense.

Way-w8, please, tell me where could i read this?
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: CADAEMOS on March 21, 2017, 18:32:25
Damnn!!!! This looks awesome, might consider joining up myself...
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: adithya on March 21, 2017, 18:43:00
Damnn!!!! This looks awesome, might consider joining up myself...


Mamita is away for a while due to internet problems

PM me for Boeki's discord.
Title: Re: Bōeki no tanzō
Post by: M on March 21, 2017, 20:10:06
It looks promising. I look forward to when there's an economy.
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