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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Jutsu Individuality and Flexibility
« on: December 30, 2017, 18:35:31 »
Not every jutsu is the same.

However, in game, every time a jutsu is cast, you end up with the same result.

Currently, the more a jutsu is used, the better a user gets at it. However this only means that every person with a maxed out fireball will have the exact same fireball. A huge fireball the size of a house that obliterates everyone in its way. This may be useful in war, but what if you want to be discreet? Or hide how powerful you are in order to not become a target? Or you know someone is following you but you don't want them to know exactly how powerful you are? Or what if you only need a modest sized fireball but you don't want to sacrifice damage?

My suggestion is that as a user increases their skill at a single jutsu, their control over every aspect of the jutsu increases. You will be able to use a house sized fireball and obliterate a dozen noobs but also use a concentrated beam of fire at a single target. But if you use a concentrated beam of fire, shouldn't it be more powerful?

Well lets take the fireball for example. A weak, narrow, short flame is released when a noob uses it, but a wide, far reaching, powerful flame is released when a master uses it.

My suggestion is that when you cast a fireball, you have a choice to change;
  • the intensity of the flame
  • the width of the flame
  • the length flame
  • the height of the flame
  • chakra efficiency

However, increasing one of these values will come at the cost of another. For example, if one were to use a wide, tall, far reaching flame, there would be almost no damage caused. But if one were to make a flame that were several pixels wide and high, it would be alot more powerful. You could make the jutsu more chakra efficient (use less chakra) but you would be left with a pretty weak and tiny flame.

You basically have the option to 'toggle' between these values. However, as you get BETTER at the jutsu (by using it more), you can get more 'points' to toggle with. Meaning that at a master level, you can choose a wide, high flame but also a narrow, far reaching one with maximum intensity and maximum chakra effeciency. (You do not have to use all the 'points' available so you can reduce the height of the jutsu if you want and keep everything else maxed out.)

I've made a little table to illustrate the idea better - all the values are random and off the top of my head.

Both Noobs have 222 "points"

Fireball Jutsu at NoobLevel Option A

  • the intensity of the flame     50             50 hp damage per second
  • the width of the flame         100            10m wide
  • the length flame                 50              5m long
  • the height of the flame       17              1.7m high
  • chakra efficiency                 5               450chakra per second

Fireball Jutsu at Noob Level Option B

  • the intensity of the flame     30             30 hp damage per second
  • the width of the flame         10             1m wide
  • the length flame                 150            150m long
  • the height of the flame        10              1m wide
  • chakra efficiency                 22              280chakra per second

The same jutsu has been cast with 2 different results.

Maybe at a master level, there could be 10000 'points' to play around with. And maybe, just maybe, no cap to each individual attribute. An illustration of what a master at fireball jutsu could do with 10000 points;

Fireball Jutsu at Master Level

  • the intensity of the flame   5000         5000 hp damage per second
  • the width of the flame       2500          250m wide
  • the length flame               1250          125m long
  • the height of the flame      1250         125m
  • chakra efficiency               0              1000 chakra per second

A fireball like Madara's

Fireball Jutsu at Master Level

  • the intensity of the flame   2500         2500 hp damage per second
  • the width of the flame        250           25m wide
  • the length flame                250           25m long
  • the height of the flame      250           25m
  • chakra efficiency               2500         10 chakra per second

This time, you haven't used all 10000 points. This may be intentional. You have the option to hold back your strength, which is a layer of the game that is not otherwise present. Every fireball is max strength when you use it, even if you're only training with someone far weaker than you.

At the end, every single fireball jutsu will be different, because they are used by different people with people prioritising different attributes to the jutsu. By extension, every single jutsu will be different. The system is very very similar to jutsu creation in that sense, but there is no room for abuse, and it doesnt even need to be monitored.

A point system also allows for a measurable way to calculate how much better someone gets at a jutsu.  We know that every time a jutsu is used in combat you get better at it. Spamming fireballs into a wall won't improve it but using it against someone else will. With this system, every time a jutsu makes contact/affects an opponent, you could gain one 'point' to distribute amongst its attributes. So a master who has used the jutsu 10000 times will have 10000 points and a soft cap could be introduced at this point so instead of every successful use adding one point, every 10 successful uses add a point to be distributed.

Jutsu will be assigned 'points' out of battle. In your menu, you will have the option to save 3 presets for each jutsu and name them as you like. Once you cast the jutsu normally, you will be able to press any of 3 keys to select which preset you use. (This shouldn't affect the pace of battle, these keys will be chosen by the user and will not be keys that are assigned to anything else and they just have to be tapped once, after the normal handsigns)

Fireball Jutsu:
1. Wide and long [H]
2. Narrow and effecient [G]
3. Holding back [F]

Assuming the keys F, G and H are unused, to cast a fireball you have saved into slot 1, you would type in the normal fireball jutsu and then H immediatly. If you don't press H, your character will simply hold the last sign, ready to cast it.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: SLO Memorial
« on: December 30, 2017, 17:41:29 »
how do i make my own clan or organization???

wtf nibba how do you get this lost

@Fraudulent (child_snoopy)
@ImTheKage (youre really not m8)

i dont see a capitalised F in your posts, can u please show some respect for the dead

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Treaties and Killzones
« on: December 30, 2017, 17:37:53 »
Personally I would like 2 characters one that owns and operates a poison shop and is a Genjutsu medical ninja. But I also would like to play a Long rang ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu sage!!
So I think 2 characters is good unless your saying it's possible to be a Genjutsu medical ninja, poison expert, longrange ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu master, with sage mode!!? In witch case never mind!! I'll just be unstoppable!! Lol

you can do that though...just wouldnt be a master of any rip

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: SLO Memorial
« on: December 28, 2017, 13:52:00 »
No seriously, just post a post with the letter "F". It won't count as a shitpost, Nova promised.

I'll let it slide once, also aren't there more permabanned members that would earn your respect.
Kamashe was also a prime example oF shitposting and getting himself permabanned for misbehaving.

HA! love it

and i thought of kamashe but....I only want to add people that will be missed

I think Mars is back. Not sure though.
And what about Reminance? Just saying if he doesn't come back.

nah remi left but he'll probably be back

mars tho got rekt

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: SLO Character :D
« on: December 28, 2017, 13:37:43 »
ah yes, the totally uninspired, uncopyrighted, unhaxxed, unique, 3 tailed purple fox

is ur dad a kage too with the ability to instantaneously teleport at will?

where the fuck are my adoring fans

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Player Vaults
« on: December 28, 2017, 01:09:58 »
Never heard of this

I think people will have houses? not sure tbh

there will defintely be clan exclusive areas so if there are vaults then they will probably be moved there. although i like the idea of an exclusive, individual hideout. the map will be huge so it might be possible

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / SLO Memorial
« on: December 28, 2017, 00:41:28 »
Gone but not forgotten. The heroes...legends....and retards of our time.

This is a memorial of the great personalities of SLO who have left us to go on to the afterlife (NibbaTensei)

@Mars - Kuria - First Kage of the Hidden Hill

Over 2500 Posts (Top 1)
321 Reputation (Top 2)

@America - Fulvius - First Kage of the Hidden Metal

Over 500 Posts (Top 20)
284 Reputation (Top 3)

Please type F to pay respects
No seriously, just post a post with the letter "F". It won't count as a shitpost, Nova promised.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Treaties and Killzones
« on: December 27, 2017, 23:13:47 »
I think that there might be a lower probability of permadeath but not a complete lack of it.
That's the way they want it!! The possibility of perma death with out a large risk of it!! The borders are all safe zones until the   Outposts are captured then the week players should withdraw to the village/or switch characters, while more skilled and advanced players defend the village . A village will need economic players. And only players willing to loose there characters should take part in wars!! I think that this is why multiple characters in the same village and clan per player should be allowed. If a player has a economic character and a battle character they should be able to switch between the two, if the village is under attack!!

multiple characters!??!? this is shinobi LIFE online

you dont get second chances, you dont get a rego and you dont get a backup - if you ded - you DEAD and that should apply to your character too. 2 characters will defeat the point of the perma death. when you die youre supposed to lose EVERYTHING.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: Teikoku Clan
« on: December 27, 2017, 23:06:35 »
i was so confused when i saw my comment on this on the 24th, didnt realise it was last year at first

rereading r clan thing i notice your clan claims to be independent but also has "unreasonable" loyalty to its village

what if the village goes to war? stay independent or "unreasonably" follow them in war?

Music / Re: Defrosting SLO with icy tunes
« on: December 27, 2017, 19:38:43 »

why is it all the same?

Part 19 - B

After a tiresome evening of introductions and storytelling to the fascinated farming family, the 3 Himitsu clansmen had been led to their rooms. Despite the overwhelming feeling of inadequacy amongst them, they were still treated as heroes to the unexposed farm workers. Many of who had never come across an actual shinobi before. The awe was such that they were even readily prepared to evacuate their rooms for the shinobi, despite the protests that it wouldn't be necessary.

Several hours later, deep into the middle of the night and the house had finally settled into silence. 2 of the shinobi were asleep, however one of them sat on his bed, fully dressed for combat and more awake than ever. Taiga Himitsu took a deep breath, closed his eyes and flipped the mental switch to activate his chakra sensing. Bright lights of chakra exploded into view around him. He shut off the skill immediately, physically reeling from the intensity of chakra around him. The large body of chakra he had sensed earlier was literally placed right on top of him, nearly blocking out every other chakra signature in the vicinity and causing a terrible backlash. He spent several minutes in a daze, nearly knocked out by the sheer intensity he had sensed.

At this proximity it was also easy to tell that the chakra signature was not Vuregu's. It also became clear to Taiga why he had sensed only one other chakra signature at the settlement, despite the presence of several other humans. In the half second Taiga had had his chakra sensing on, the sheer magnitude of intensity had managed to block out every other chakra signature around him. Even those of the shinobi in the adjacent rooms.

Once he had recovered, Taiga climbed out of bed and snuck out down the corridor in a flash. He climbed out of the window at the end of the hall and dashed up the side of the house, knocking the wall lightly every few metres with his kunai. He reached the roof and climbed onto it, continuing to tap his kunai against the tiles. He had almost reached on top of where his room was when he heard a hollow echo bounce back to him. Normally, Taiga would've been the last one to potentially agitate such a naturally gifted being. However the retreat of the previous day was still weighing heavily on his mind. Particularly with the lack of information available it. Brimming with curiosity and an urge to do something, Taiga cast a Lightning Fist jutsu and punched through the roof.

A shocked, confused and terrified face woke up in a panic. A lanky boy with extraordinarily pale skin, big brown eyes and moppy, black hair stared at Taiga. The two stared at each other for several seconds before the whites of the boys eyes turned a dark, brown, matching the brown of his eyes and wood exploded - no other word would describe the effect - exploded from the boys hands, shoving Taiga metres into the air. Taiga landed towards the edge of the roof, and clambered to his feet to find the boy jumping off the opposite edge of the roof.

Taiga cast 2 jutsu, he jumped off the roof in chase with Feet of Lightning as a Lightning clone went to warn the inhabitants of the house.

The boy was a slow runner, awfully unfit, however he made up for that with repeated obstacles. Walls, ledges, spikes and pillars rose out of the ground to impede, trip and impale Taiga. However it wasn't the first time Taiga was chasing a retreating foe and it wouldn't be the last. Taiga steadily caught up and when he was just an arms width away, the teen turned around a look and upon seeing how close Taiga was, a look of utter panic crossed his face. This was when Taiga truly witnessed the kids power. The boy pushed the air in front at Taiga's chest and another pillar of wood rose out of the ground, heading straight for his chest. He managed to dodge it, the blow hitting him mostly in his arm. However, despite the glancing blow, there was still enough force to knock Taiga back. Another pillar of wood rose from the ground beneath him and knocked him dozens of feet into the air. Taiga flailed wildly and began casting Wind Style: Calm Descent but he landed before the jutsu was complete. However Taiga didn't land on the ground; he landed on a smooth, wooden, circular surface, sliding down till he landed on the ground in a heap.

He climbed to his feet and took several steps back, his mouth agape. Before him was a simple, but huge wood dome jutsu. If he hadn't seen it before he wouldn't have believed it but the timid kid he had just met bore Eyes of the Wood God, the ability to manipulate the Wood-Style at an inhuman ease and scale.

Taiga kept walking back, trying to see around the dome. It was over a kilometre wide, cutting straight through several of the buildings and 3 of the barns. Half the settlement had disappeared under it while it reached so high it blocked out the moon when one stood right beside it. The amount of chakra required would've been immense...and the ease....Taiga hadn't seen the kid use a single hand sign throughout the altercation. A completely untrained, probably fugitive kid with the eyes of a literal god. Taiga practically licked his lips at the potential.

"Erm...crap. I was going to introduce you tomorrow but....urgh...well..... I see you've met my nephew... Tatsuo....Tatsuo Toratsume."

Taiga turned around in surprise to see the guard who had brought him here in his pajamas, standing awkwardly in the cold. A dozen questions ran through his head at once but his mouth could only say one thing.

"Wait. What?"

happy bday to me - 24th

murry krismuz to me - 25th

hapi readng to u - 26th

A Hamlet: a small settlement, generally one smaller than a village.

Last Time
Spoiler: show
Hayame and Vizier continue their journeys. Mars meets the plaque left at the site of Jyuunshin. Hanna gets her revenge for the Toratsume clan. Diamond Lee annoys both Satomi and Taiga.

Part 19 - A

"The Great Wood Sage", "The strongest woman in all the world.", "The Sage of the Forest" were a few of the nicknames granted to her by the public.

Of course, if one were to ask Shishida Amigake why she was a shinobi, she would pridefully mention that she was just humbly passionate about fighting and that the hero worship that came along with it was nothing but an minor benefit. She would of course, never refuse to indulge the public and it is commonly noted that she coincidentally strides through the centre of Morigakure whenever she returns from a mission. In fact she was doing so right now, only with a distinct lack of hero worship. Not that she was bothered. She fought only for the thrill of a good fight. Only.

That being said, she barged into the Kage building mumbling under her breath about the ungratefulness of the common public.

She slung the 2 unconscious shinobi from her back unto the ground and looked around, confused about the relative quiet around the building. The Kage building was usually a hub of activity 24 hours a day; yet she stood in its common room and it was unerringly quiet.

"Good evening Shishida. We've been expecting your return." Shishida jumped at the sudden voice by her side. It was disconcertning how Hanna could get so close to her without a single disturbance of noise or chakra. Although she WAS the Head of ANBU...She decided to brush it off as another peculiarity of the woman and turned to her clan-mate with a question.

"Which tailed beast was it? The earth one? Please tell me it was the earth one, I hear it -"

"There was no tailed beast attack. The villagers are staying indoors on their own volition...I have declared a week of mourning."

"Wait. What? What happened? Did Aoi die? Did he die defending the village??? That doesn't make sense, he would never do that... Urgh. And I wanted to fight him as well."

"He is dead, but that is not the reason for mourning."

Shishida's eyes narrowed.

"Does this have anything to do with the distinct smell of death that I smell from the south?"

 As a member of Jyuunshin, Shishida was completely aware of the location of the hidden base. And upon noticing the strong smell coming from the direction she knew she had to investigate its cause.

"Please. I know what you're thinking -"

"I have to go." Shishida turned to leave but Hanna was already standing in front of her, blocking her path.

 "Please, just listen. There is nothing you can do. It is too late." However Hanna's attempts at calming Shishida down only served to do the opposite. She was grabbed by the taller, stronger woman and lifted up to Shishida's height.

"What do you know?" Shishida snarled the words.

"I...I'll explain it if you come, if..if you come but the secret is out...Jyuunshin's base is not

"Wait. Those 2 unconscious shinobi I bought in, they're brother assassins from one of the Fire nations...Inferno or Volcano. I bought them in for questioning, however I may have wounded the younger one quite seriously..."

"It is no matter. They'll be treated and held in the prison cells till a later date."

Hanna had led Shishida to the War Room. The Morgakure War Room was a brightly-lit, expansive room with an ancient, oval table made of an unknown and indestructible wood that spurted from a hole in the ground. She stood outside the large, imposing doors and looked at Shishida seriously.

"Everything will make sense soon, I promise you. But Shishida, please know that you..."

Hanna unceremoniously opened the doors and Shishida saw that each and every seat around the table was filled, all but one. Far across the room, with a chair slightly bigger, slighty higher and slighter cleaner than the others; this seat had a blue and green hat placed on on the table in front of it. A hat with 4 points and the symbol of Morigakure on each of its 4 sides. The hat of the Morikage, and the white cloak to match.
"...are all we have." finished Hanna.

Taiga Himitsu had always been good at sensing chakra. It was a skill he practiced often, and was exceedingly skilled at. All living things gave off a chakra signature, even more so shinobi, whose chakra was for more plentiful and refined than civilians.

So he sat, eyes closed, legs crossed and hands in a Tiger Sign, using his skill to judge the distance to their destination.

He could quite clearly feel the chakra of both a civilian and a shinobi. The shinobi's chakra signature was far larger than that of the civilian, however it might be possible that the civilian was considerably weak, or just very young. However as he drew nearer, both the strength of the civilian and shinobi's grew. In itself, this was expected, the closer to an individual one goes, the more intense one can sense their chakra.

The difference in chakra signatures, however was what was concerning Taiga. The weakest of shinobi had 30,40 times the chakra intensity of an average civilian of the same age, a lucky bastard with a large chakra pool may have 7/800  times the chakra intensity. Those with over 1000 were either currently using Sage Mode or a downright freak of nature.

A high chakra intensity didn't necessarily mean a bigger chakra pool. It meant a purer, rawer, more powerful chakra. A tailed beast, beings of raw chakra would permanently blind any fool who tried to use chakra sensing in their prescence.

Taiga thought of Vuregu's chakra signature. He had made the mistake of attempting to practise his chakra sensing when in the same room as Vuregu. He shuddered at the memory, he had passed out and lost the ability to sense any chakra for several days.

The chakra signature he was sensing was nowhere near as potent, however it was scarily beginning to approach such levels. It was several hundred times stronger than the civilian's next to it and that difference would only increase the closer Taiga got to the farm. He assumed it was a farm, there was nothing but farmland in all directions and the one building that could be located was... Taiga's jaw dropped. He had canceled his sensing to look out the wagon and get a feel for his surroundings, only to see that they were indeed approaching a farm. His surprise came from the fact that said farm was still kilometres away. Taiga sat down, his mind racing, if he could sense the chakra so strongly from here...

"What kind of monster are we going to?"

Her first instinct was to say no. She had said no every other time they had asked her. Saying no this time would be no different. But...but she couldn't bring herself to do it. There was something in Hanna's voice that worried Shishida. Something in her voice as she made her last statement, her last plea;

" are all we have." And thus Shishida had caved. She had listened to Hanna's recital of the events of the past week. The destruction of Jyuunshin, the sacrifice of Takashi, the slaughter of the Toratsume clan. She listened to the news of Taiga's singlehanded destruction of the fat and lazy Haikage, of how Kamiko Himitsu, the estranged Head of ANBU, had a change of heart that ultimately led her to sacrificing herself for a cause she had spent her life fighting. She listened as the list of dead was recited to her, Onimaro, Mika, the organisation she had founded with them just 12 years ago. She listened and she cried. She cried out in anger and despair and in sorrow for her friends.

Her blood boiled in rage at the thought that no one would ever know of Kamiko's sacrifice, that the Toratsume line was down to 3 or 4 farming settlements, that the Yugure were not dead. She wished for nothing more than to storm to Aoi's room and...and..and kill him. And kill the already killed man. Shishida took a deep, deep breath. He was already dead, poisoned by his own Head of ANBU. She calmed herself.

"The damage is done and the message is clear by this point. Katakiuchi...the Kirishima, whatever their alliance was, were no more attempting to take over peacefully. Onimaro's crusade against the Snow may have ended in failure, but we know that the Yugure must've suffered a huge blow. Of all the times to strike, it would be now. The country is reeling, our largest clan has been eradicated and the Kage is dead. The people think that Aoi is some sort of hero. He lied to them that the Yugure were wiped out in an effort to buy them time and win over the public's hearts. He paints Roguhanta as a corrupt organisation and the fools buy his words. They only saw a tradegy when they were told their Kage is dead. And yet they care not about the Toratsume. The Toratsume are rotting like anim-"

Hanna Amigake, calm at the beginning of her speech was starting to lose her cool. Shishida put a hand on her shoulder and nodded, thanking her silently.

"The Yugure are not all dead. But I will make Aoi's lies a reality."

She turned to her head of ANBU, who was staring at her with an intense experssion. Filled with anguish, anger and a little bit of anticipation, Shishida put on the Kage hat and spoke.

"I'm guessing there's some sort of fancy ceremony we are supposed to do. Fuck that. Alert all 10 Kages. There will be a Kage Summit in the Hidden Forest 24 hours from now. The 27th Morikage would like to make a statement."

The heavy atmosphere slowly dissipated as the people in the room began to disperse, dozens of clan heads, civil servants, elders and many shinobi left to spread the word. Not of the summit, there was an individual assigned to that. But of the new Kage, "The Great Wood Sage", "The strongest woman in all the world.", "The Sage of the Forest" was finally the Morikage. And behind her, Morigakure would rise above their peers.

"And for the love of God. Can we please begin to take down the corpses. The least the Toratsume deserve is a proper burial."

Taiga had long ago concluded that Vuregu must've been waiting for them at their destination...his chakra pool was smaller and felt a lot less controlled but the quality was something he had only ever seen in Vuregu. Maybe he had gone through some sort of battle and had his chakra affected in it? It was a very wild and unlikely scenario but the only solution Taiga had at the moment. Unless of course...Taiga shook his head. That was even less likely.

The wagon rolled to a stop after almost a day of non-stop travelling and the three shinobi were out in a flash. Apparently Diamond Lee had learned his lesson and spent the better part of the last hour pretending to be asleep than actually attempting to start any conversations. The unlikely trio set found themselves in front of a 3 story high house made up of thick, carved bark. The house was surrounded by dozens of smaller stables and outhouses that made up a hamlet. Outside of that were a plethora of different crops that spread out in all directions. The wagon had traversed on a road cut straight through a field of waist-high wheat plants. It was mid summer and harvest season was at its peak. Of the 8 barns that the shinobi could see, 6 were practically overflowing with goods, and the wagon drove on to park between 2 of them, presumably to load the cargo and take it for selling. 

"Well. This is my...erm, home village...or hamlet to be more accurate." The guard from the Jyuunshin base and their guide gestured feebly to the wooden buildings.

"Not much,'s something."

"It will do." Taiga had decided to ignore the growing silence by taking control of the situation.

"We thank you for your hospitality. However I will need to follow you out of when next you go. It may be suitable for us to lay low and..." Taiga glanced at his two compatriots. "...recover our strength but ultimately we cannot stay here forever." The bearded guard nodded furiously, eager to agree.

"Erm, well...then..let me show you to your rooms. And I'd like to introduce my wife...and 3 cousins. And their parents live here too. And 2 of my aunts..."

Taiga sighed. It was going to be one of those nights.

"What the fuck?"

He knows he just died. Again. At least he was sure of it. But then why the fuck was he alive? Nibui Kirishima looked down at his naked body. He was literally unscarred. All the scars he had gotten throughout his life were gone, leaving his white skin unusually clean. The burn on left arm, the cut down his side. Even the bent middle finger on his right hand were all fixed. And yet, his body was in the best physical shape it had ever been. A stupid grin spread across his face as he looked down between his legs.

"Heh. And here I thought you couldn't get any bigger." He climbed to his feet, shakily but confidently. He remembered guarding Vuregu and a very short burst of pain spread through his body before he woke up laying down in the middle of some big ass wooden building. He thought about the scenario he woke up in. The Yugure were clearly dealing with the aftermath of some battle. He remembered seeing Mika Himitsu leaning over someones body...

"But why her of all people...?" He shook his head, not bothering to worry himself with the hypotheticals. He couldn't possibly think of an explanation as to how he had come back from the dead. Twice. Nibui was an opportunist. And immortality was an ability he was sure to abuse.

"Now...Where the fuck am I?"  He was standing in a mess of rubble and human remains. An explosion had quite clearly obliterated most of the building, the shallow crater and pulverised wood and metal quite clearly marked the epicentre. He could see the sea several kilometres to his left and beyond that, in every other direction, dozens and dozens of trees. Quite frankly, apart from the sea to his left and the clearing where this building had once stood, there were nothing else of note. Apart from the road of course. The road started at what was probably the front of this building and ran straight into the surrounding forest. It would have been an ordinary road if not for the corpses that were hung on both sides of its entire length.

"Fucking hell. Someone must have had a grudge." With nothing else to do and the realisation that he probably hadn't eaten since a past life. Nibui picked up a bent metal pole, cleared the rubble off his buttcheeks and strode down the road.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Treaties and Killzones
« on: December 22, 2017, 01:14:15 »
surprised to see this topic started by NINJAMIRAGE of all people

he must be getting old

nothing thats been said here is unplanned or unsaid

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: suggesting some stuff
« on: December 21, 2017, 12:52:42 »


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