Forum > Naruto Manga

Madara - Obito comparison

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First off I'd like to apologize for the kinda misleading title of the topic, it's because I don't think the anime got to the point where Obito becomes Juubi's jinchuriki so I didn't want to spoil it for people who watch anime.
I'd like to know what your (especially Madara fans) thoughts are regarding Juudara (Madara juubi's jinchuriki).
I personally found myself a bit disappointed by Madara's new look whilst Juubito really looked cool the first time we've seen him.



I also felt like Juudara is in some way less impressive than Juubito, not sure why that is maybe we just haven't seen him enough yet, or maybe it's because Madara was already very powerful before.

I like Juudara better, Juubito looked a little weird to me.

I think Juudara's design suits him more, he's older so he wears robes like some kind of 'elder', I don't know I just thought it was cool xD

Juudara looks better to me

Well Juubito looks like a Bleach villain, that's why I prefer that design. :D



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