Clan name: Dragon Clan (Clan of the twin dragons)
Clan logo:

Founder: Unknown
Leader: Irayami (for black dragons, Unknown (for Golden Dragons)
Affilations: normaly all members of the Dragon clan was monk they were spiritual people who seek calm through meditiation however after the split the primary clan was divided into black dragons and golden dragons (actualy still same power) some golden dragons they say that they live near Haigakure while black dragons they create a monastery and became part of Inferunogakure
Clan History: the legend say that the dragons came upon the skys and they took our forms, they taugh us philosophy and many other thinks then they create their monastery and they start living there helping when they must help or punish us when we must be punished however that is the legend. The monastery of Dragon is ancient nobody can say when excacly was created and who the founder was , because Dragons even if they share strong bonds with each other Black dragons and Golden dragons also share a hate bond with each other, when Izayami was to be the new leader of monastery the head of Black dragons society launch an attack on the ceremony and then Dragon clan was divided into Black Dragons who destroyed the monastery and left to found new home and Golden dragons that only a few survive and they live near Haigakure. But still many secrets was saved by both members of Black and Golden Dragons.
Unique traits: all members from Dragon clan at age of 6 years old they get the clan logo into their forehead 2 dragons fighting each other. All of them are arrogant and most of times they think that if they cant do something then nobody cans but one think that is famous for is their mysticism. They dont have a specific primary element nature however they can born only with fire , wind or lighning elements natures. If one parent is golden dragon and other black then the child 50% to born black or golden dragon.
Strenght: ninjutsu : Dragons can use fire wind or lighting elements with better efficiency and a lot stronger also they have some of their very own element jutsus , Fuinjtusu: Dragons sealed all their secrets and mystics however through the years as long with their strong chakra they start evolving their sealing power creating their very own fuinjutsu that only them can use. Unique chakra type: Dragons through training they can awake their unique chakra type that not only make their jutsus that require chakra stronger but also they need it for use their clan unique jutsus the stronger Dragons can give Shapes to their unique chakra and make it look like Dragon many beleive that is genjutsu but its not, also that unique chakra has different color the color is Golden or Black based on dragon type but not a single change based on color.
Weakness: Genjutsu: many belive that Dragon clan is good in genjutsu however genjutsu is their actualy weakness in both resisting or use it, Ninjutsu: ninjutsu for dragons is both strenght and weakness while fire wind and lighting is what they awesome , they cant use earth ninjutsu at all and they are preaty weak using water jutsus.
Rival clans: Dragon clan (black dragons for golden , golden for black )
Allieed clan :....
RAnking: Their leader is mostly a spiritual leader for both golden and black dragon clan however they have many monk traditions and ranks as long they officialy was monks
Members : Arayami Dragon (golden dragon)
Rules: not much rules for golden Dragon however their biggest rule is never to share their secrets if you do mostly your unique chakra will be sealed away but also you maybe meet your death. Black dragons as the years passed many of them became Inferunogakure assassins so they have many rules as assassins also
other infos : Black and Golden Dragon's they dont have any actualy changes on strentgh or weaknesses and their unique chakra doesnt give them any difference at all just the color change . Irayami and Izayami was brothers but that is something you must not know normaly also why Irayami is still alive ...