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Shinobi Life Online Hidden Villages

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Below is a list of the Hidden Villages present in the Shinobi Life Online Universe.

The chakra natures of a Hidden Village are part of its legacy. All children born in a Hidden Village will inherit one of its two chakra natures as their primary nature. You as a player will be allowed to choose which of the two natures, respective to the village you choose, you want your character to have as its primary nature. The secondary nature of a shinobi is unlocked at a later stage of his life and is decided on equal probability for whatever chakra natures there are left. This means that your character will have 25% chance of getting whatever combination of two chakra natures you would prefer.

The combined chakra nature is the true legacy of a Hidden Village. A very small percentage of shinobi known as Legendary Shinobi who have inherited both chakra natures of a Hidden Village, also inherit that Hidden Village's combined chakra nature. Inheriting both chakra natures of a Hidden Village happens at 25% probability. Inheriting the combined chakra nature of a Hidden Village on top of that happens at an additional 0.8% probability. This all results in a total probability of 0.2% for a character to inherit a Hidden Village's combined chakra nature. Or, every 1 in a 500 players will inherit a combined chakra nature.

* Name: Okagakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Hills (short: Hidden Hill)
* Chakra Natures: All of them.
* Combined Chakra Nature: None. Shinobi of Okagakure can unlock a third nature instead, if they inherit their village's legacy.
* Name: Kaminarigakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Thunder (short: Hidden Thunder)
* Chakra Natures: Lightning Release and Water Release
* Combined Chakra Nature: Storm Release
* Name: Morigakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Forest (short: Hidden Forest)
* Chakra Natures: Earth Release and Water Release
* Combined Chakra Nature: Wood Release
* Name: Kazangakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Volcano (short: Hidden Volcano)
* Chakra Natures: Fire Release and Earth Release
* Combined Chakra Nature: Lava Release
* Name: Heizugakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Haze (short: Hidden Haze)
* Chakra Natures: Fire Release and Water Release
* Combined Chakra Nature: Boil Release
* Name: Yukigakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Snow (short: Hidden Snow)
* Chakra Natures: Water Release and Wind Release
* Combined Chakra Nature: Ice Release
* Name: Haigakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Ash (short: Hidden Ash)
* Chakra Natures: Fire Release and Wind Release
* Combined Chakra Nature: Scorch Release
* Name: Inferunogakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Inferno (short: Hidden Inferno)
* Chakra Natures: Fire Release and Lightning Release
* Combined Chakra Nature: Blaze Release
* Name: Kinzokugakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Metal (short: Hidden Metal)
* Chakra Natures: Wind Release and Lightning Release
* Combined Chakra Nature: Magnet Release
* Name: Hokorigakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Dust (short: Hidden Dust)
* Chakra Natures: Wind Release and Earth Release
* Combined Chakra Nature: Sand Storm Release
* Name: Shogekihagakure
* English: The Village Hidden by Shock Waves (short: Hidden Shock Wave)
* Chakra Natures: Lightning Release and Earth Release
* Combined Chakra Nature: Explosion Release

I really like the system you are going with can''t wait to see it in action, also the village names are cool keep up the good work.

What happened to the village hidden by ocean?


--- Quote from: json243 on August 07, 2014, 23:56:22 ---What happened to the village hidden by ocean?

--- End quote ---
Basically there is no Hidden Ocean village. There will be the Ocean Village, which won't be a hidden village but a regular shinobi village with a special ineritable jutsu that will only allow members of this village to enter and exit it. It'll basically be an isolated village safe from intruders.

Could Rogue Ninja that used to be Hidden Ocean ninja still enter?


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