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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - m4r1us

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 88
Music / where i creat character?
« on: March 03, 2018, 15:17:17 »
CaN. i be HoKAGhE? :o

General Discussion / Re: BTS Is Fucking Dope
« on: June 11, 2017, 10:45:52 »
Reason for the post and what this post is.
Because I am unable to raise my postcount through any other means than reviving these dead-ass posts from 2015 I am making a new one. I'm still dumb as fuck. :ddddddd

FTFY. Please show up at your local vet in order to be neutered.

General Discussion / Re: Is God real
« on: June 11, 2017, 10:41:05 »
Post your opinion in a respectful manner. Hopefully a mature debate will start.
@Shivraj I'm not salty or anything but I actually want this discussion.
I'll try and counter any argument disregarding the existance of god
I would hope he isn't if I were you, I heard he has an aversion to beta cucks. Please show up at your local vet in order to be neutered.

Introduction / Re: Hi (Intro)
« on: March 09, 2015, 04:29:03 »

General Discussion / Re: LoL Games!
« on: March 06, 2015, 00:29:39 »

My first ever no-deaths game. I feel so damn good.

Aaaand here's a second.

Anime / Re: Favorite Anime Op/Endings
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:10:03 »

5. Fate/Zero opening 1:

4. Claymore opening:

3. Deadman Wonderland opening:

2. Tokyo Ghoul opening:

1. Any FMA B opening, that show was just too perfect in any aspect:

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Shadow Clone Jutsu
« on: March 02, 2015, 13:54:02 »
There will be a shadow clone jutsu. Regular users of it will be able to create up to 3 clones, and the most advanced user will have up to 100. However, they will be AI programmed from what I know.
How long will we have to use this jutsu in order for us to max out the level? Will There be other types of clones? (i.e. Water clones or Wood clones)
It's not actually about maxing the jutsu. The 100 clones part will only be available to those who found a very high level Kinjutsu scroll (very rare). You can either find one, or buy one, although the latter will probably be very expensive.


wait someone told me to get 100 shadow clones you have to master the justsu by training not collecting a scroll?
Train to master, find to learn, that would be it. You can't master something you did not learn. @Yoshiro Ninja

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Spanish Translators?
« on: March 02, 2015, 13:52:51 »
When we will have a big enough fanbase and a game launched we will look into translations. Not required at the moment though. @Yoshiro Ninja

Introduction / Re: Hello
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:06:18 »

General Discussion / Re: bai [i needed one more post]
« on: March 01, 2015, 02:12:44 »

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Shadow Clone Jutsu
« on: February 27, 2015, 18:20:50 »
There will be a shadow clone jutsu. Regular users of it will be able to create up to 3 clones, and the most advanced user will have up to 100. However, they will be AI programmed from what I know.
How long will we have to use this jutsu in order for us to max out the level? Will There be other types of clones? (i.e. Water clones or Wood clones)
It's not actually about maxing the jutsu. The 100 clones part will only be available to those who found a very high level Kinjutsu scroll (very rare). You can either find one, or buy one, although the latter will probably be very expensive.


General Discussion / Was that you?
« on: February 26, 2015, 21:46:11 »

Was that you?


General Discussion / Re: How to have GiFS in your profile
« on: February 26, 2015, 19:08:12 »
Code: [Select]
Replace that link with yours. ;)
Also, make sure to right click and Copy URL (for Chrome users). This is the link you should be using:

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Village Lore Ideas
« on: February 26, 2015, 18:49:05 »
As one of the newer villages, what is known today as the Hidden Inferno, was originally an imprisonment facility where the most infamous rogues who were captured by village forces were sent to serve their inprisonment. Even though the world would have probably been a better place without most of the inmates, they were special in a sense. Extremely brilliant minds who have decided to turn against their birthplaces, and some even against the world itself were sent here from all over the place. However favorably it might have been for the villages to dispose of such dangerous threats, they were still extremely valuable, even as confined in the underground prison, that eventually got a fitting name amongst the inmates: Hell. The rocky, dark area beneath the earth was lit by torches all over the place, giving it a demonic, ominous look.

*When I have the time I'll try to be writing about a riot maybe, the inmates defeat the guards and remain trapped underground. They have to live there with the little supplies they have for the next few weeks. One of them takes over and eventually they manage to break free somehow (this will require a lot of thought). The so called Hell proves to stay true to the actual Hell, becoming a place of atonement for the captives. Then there is my biggest problem. How do these guys receive forgiveness for their crimes and how do they become an official village. I hope I will be able to figure it out.*

Props @Kai for the outline concept. ;)

Games / Re: Songs for the Soul
« on: February 26, 2015, 17:05:29 »
And just for show:

and the finishing blow...

Listen to the music...and bow...

"Now, I am the master..."-Darth Vader

Quick rhyme:
Listen to it chill your vains,
Hear it,
Hear a thousand dreams of pain,
All will fall,
By their follies' end,
None will escape,
No hearts will mend....
@Infinity I think you have us all beat with just your starting entry :)
Alright, lemme see if this can top Infinity (he's got the best ones besides House of the Rising Sun right now, imo).

57 seconds of bliss right there ^
There is a Modify button right next to quote.

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 88

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