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Messages - Reminance

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 172
General Discussion / Re: General discussion
« on: June 10, 2020, 17:27:08 »
Bahahahah Eternal Genjutsu

Happy that even the ex-devs and moderators are saying that Vreg all had us under his Genjutsu ;)

General Discussion / Re: I'm Back
« on: February 03, 2019, 11:58:29 »
it's dead xD

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Rōguhantā
« on: October 27, 2018, 12:37:39 »
Sup bois, welp im leaving Roguhanta since the true leader isnt there anymore, cya have fun ^_^
Spoiler: show
should have said it quite a while ago tho

There isn't any reason to be here @takami
Everybody should stop wasting their time and move on, but we can't and that is why i'm reacting to your comment.
You actually act like everyone spends their every living hour on this site like we don't got real lives or shit going for us. Please, stop acting like some prestigous cunt; it's getting kind of boring.

We get it, you had some early mid life crisis and don't consider online friends as real bonds and are just a waste of time. you already DMed us about it like a year ago, can you just actually dip now and stop acting philosophical? Nobody cares about your opinion.
@Leebz LOL gtfo leebz you dipshit

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Rōguhantā
« on: October 26, 2018, 21:12:17 »
Sup bois, welp im leaving Roguhanta since the true leader isnt there anymore, cya have fun ^_^
Spoiler: show
should have said it quite a while ago tho

There isn't any reason to be here @takami
Everybody should stop wasting their time and move on, but we can't and that is why i'm reacting to your comment.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Rōguhantā
« on: July 27, 2018, 21:46:19 »
Look whos here? The Kage?!! What the Kage leads here!!! wow. It's pretty amazing Mr. Kage Reminance, what a coincidence? I found you here then. OK, Mr. Kage, How can I join this Organization? And sorry for the kill huh? hahaha. But then, i like this organization so far and i believe this is I belong. :) <3
Hey @Megan , use this application format to apply :)

Nickname (if you have one):
What you are applying for:
If you are applying for Mura Purotekutā which village you want to be based out of:
If you are applying for Pīsukīpā who you want to be under:
Why you think that suits you:
Your first chakra nature:
Village you will start from:
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Rōguhantā
« on: July 27, 2018, 09:23:44 »
Nickname (if you have one):NightPrince
What you are applying for:Spy
Why you think that suits you:I am very good at blending in and can follow instructions
Your first chakra nature:fire
Village you will start from:land of fire
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):Ninjutsu


Character Name: Hazato Uzumaki- Shizen
Name: Rhodel Lingwa
Gender: Male
What are you applying for:  I'm applying to be a shinobi from the Village of Forest (Hidden Forest), to protect and to build peace on it.
Why think it suits you: Because it's my Ninja way. Protecting the nature is a big part of me and fighting the enemy, I will not give them mercy. I believe as a shinobi, I can lead, protect and unite.
Ninja Rank (If Possible): The rank that really suits me. Undefined.
Chakra Natures: My first chakra natures are lightning then next is water.
Kekkei Genkai or Chakra Mix: Lightning and Water release
The village you will start from: Not decided yet (Undefined)
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, and Genjutsu

Denied, as i've seen you posting multiple apps for orgs.

Name: Dazan
Nickname (if you have one): Dazon
Gender: Male
What you are applying for: To be a Chunin
If you are applying for Mura Purotekutā which village you want to be based out: n/a
If you are applying for Pīsukīpā who you want to be: n/a
Why you think that suits you: To be a great shinobi in the land of thunder
Your first chakra nature: Lightning
The village you will start:  Morigakure
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu

@Dazan Accepted, as a regular member for now.

It’s taking longer to port the village over then they thought... at least that’s the line we have bin given.
It should not take years though.

General Discussion / Re: SLO(W) update!!!
« on: March 14, 2018, 17:17:38 »
We will never have our Naruto MMOARPG we always wanted, atleast not with SLO.
Just face it and move on (don't waste your fckin valuable time like i did)

General Discussion / Re: General discussion
« on: November 22, 2017, 13:43:15 »
its like a graveyard first of all, and y'all the cold air around it, y'all need to start displaying some porn or something like that . honestly if the forum had some simple forum game like those freemium games u see on smartphones and had something to do with the roleplay side, it will atleast keep people busy and logging in. like even a stat based game to do with villages, clan, powerful shinobis 1v1 (by stats) villages vs villages (by stats) random bullshit text game like something like football manager 2008 or something
otherwise, its just gonna be quick death for the community. if theres not enough things to keeps new players in engage :(
But that is not what we want, we just want updates (even if they're small)
Updates is what keep people coming back not some forum games. (maybe for some)
It's been quite some time since the last update and SLO has seriously died out which is a pity to see.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: Raiu
« on: November 22, 2017, 13:40:02 »
Name: Chorbito
Gender: Male
Chakra Nature(s): Fire (Mostly)
Village: None
Specialization: Taijutsu
Unique Traits : Can absorb chakra
Name:Thunder Dragon
Chakra Nature(s): (Your first chakra nature)=Lightinig
Village: (Village you will start from)=Hidden Thunder
Specialization: (Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.)=Ninjutsu

@Chorbito @Thunder Dragon You're both accepted, PM me for our Discord.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Rōguhantā
« on: November 20, 2017, 19:30:50 »
Name:Thunder Dragon
Nickname (if you have one):Thunder Dragon
What you are applying for:Pisukipa
If you are applying for Mura Purotekutā which village you want to be based out of:N/A
If you are applying for Pīsukīpā who you want to be under:Zama
Why you think that suits you:Becouse I want to take order and as well learn my skill through my mission
Your first chakra nature:Fire
Village you will start from:Hidden Inferno
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):Ninjutsu
@Thunder Dragon Accepted, welcome to Roguhanta ^^
PM me for our Discord.

Introduction / Re: Something Clever :)
« on: November 06, 2017, 19:52:51 »
Welcome to SLO, Dasuke.

Introduction / Re: Finally posting
« on: October 24, 2017, 11:31:36 »
Welcome to SLO :)
If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Hidden Thunder ANBU
« on: October 22, 2017, 11:02:49 »
@takami The one you linked is not official, just to clear up confusion this thread is the only approved one.

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 172

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