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Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Organisation list
« on: August 27, 2016, 23:16:50 »
The aim of this thread is to help new players with deciding what organisation they would like to choose.
Extremely inactive orgs have been left out.
If you'd like me to add your organisation, simply send me a message.


Kako no Yami
Purpose: Will stand for what is right at all times, give people second chances to fulfill their desires.
Purpose: They will protect Nature and its Animals, they will do so by trying to learn Sage Mode.
Purpose: Direct opposite of Katakiuchi. Will protect their village and help the nation.
Purpose: Want to hunt rogue ninja and collect kekkei genkai & legendary weapons. Will also slaughter chakra beasts.
Iryo Buntai/Medical Squad
Purpose: To provide medical assistance wherever possible.
Godai Temple
Purpose: To find and master all jutsu and share them only among the students. To gain a reputation as the most skilled and legendary shinobi of the world. To one day have respect and influence at a near Kage level.
Purpose: The Jyuunishin annihilate any major threats in the SLO world. Legendary beasts, Organizations, Rouge ninja, etc.
Purpose: Organise army, working as peacekeepers to protect the civilians.
Purpose: They exist to protect the innocent and those who need help. They fight against those who want to conquer, rule the world and those who deprive peace from everyone.


Mars' Ramen
Purpose: To spread Ramen across the land.
Purpose: To become the best. An independent organisation with affiliations to no one. To become an unstoppable force.
Purpose: To train and have an influence on Shinobi Life Online.
Purpose: To help ninja achieve independent greatness and grow together as a group. Will provide their service to anyone for money.
Purpose: To earn money through villagers and anyone who wishes to use their services, they're available to anyone. Basic "hitman for hire" concept.
Purpose: Main goal is to go from village to village gathering legendary shinobi who can truly be remarked as the best.
Purpose: No specific goal set, It's just a bunch of Shinobis banded together under the same name that can do whatever they want.
Jutsu Hunter
Purpose: To develop and discover new and ancient jutsu.
Gure Ryoken
Purpose: To trade with other organisations and become powerful enough to influence the game. Will deal with anybody.
Zenchi No
Purpose: To control information and become powerful in the ninja world with intelligence no one else has.
Purpose: Very independent, goal is to reach the top. Wants to regain the glory of Vongola.
Bōeki no tanzō, The smiths of trade.
Purpose: To keep the trade flowing by whatever means.
Tatsujin 8
Purpose: The Tatsujin 8 Operates as business offering a Gold standard in range of services.
Purpose: Our Goal is it to become the Strongest Genjutsu Organisation that will ever Exist.
The Creed


Purpose: They are the Shinobi who wish to destroy the Kages and rid of their corrupt village system. They will unite the world under their banner.
Purpose: To make everyone's lives hell, triggering death and being genuine assholes.
Purpose: To destroy everything you make. Bring Hell on Earth.
Purpose: Their main goal is to achieve peace and maintain balance between the nations/organizations. They have their own definition of peace and consider that "The goal justifies the means"

Games / Question of the day [QOTD #1]
« on: August 13, 2016, 18:06:04 »
This was a shower thought and it appeared to be quite controversial and a lot of discussion went into this when I first asked my guinea pig @SirTroll. From now on I will try and give you guys some questions which might be interesting to receive feedback from.

The first question is truly rather questionable and thought-provoking as it involves basic human emotions towards family.
Enough stalling, here it goes;

Q: Would you kill your parents and siblings (if any) in order to be miraculously transported to the shinobi world, and why?

  • You are randomly allocated a village, jutsu type (gen, nin, tai) and beginning chakra nature.
  • You spawn as your current real-life age, so if you're above 18 you're going to look weird if you want to join the academy with the minors as classmates.
  • There is no time-frame in which you have to perform the assassination, you can take your time and plan things out to execute a painless killing.

Extra information:
You can embark on a journey like many other ninja in the Naruto universe. This means that you can join organisations, work as Anbu and essentially experience the life as the shinobi you've always wanted.

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / Health and Chakra regen
« on: July 02, 2016, 19:37:38 »
I've been sparring with a couple members from my clan for the past 2 days and I have to say it's pretty fun; and to an extent competitive.

You have included the following fundamental functions which I am really impressed by;
-Dodging in all directions.
-Backflip, a fancy way to dodge by throwing yourself backwards.
-Several offensive Jutsu, needless to say 'Firebreath' is op and needs to be toned down. It can melt users in like 3 seconds.
-Chakra regeneration.

One thing that troubles me is chakra during combat, more specifically 1v1.
I fail to have a proper duel when I constantly have to stop and wait for a couple seconds (sometimes a minute) for my chakra gauge to fill up so that I can resume battle. My suggestion is for us to have a larger chakra pool, enough to be able to cast several abilities and dodge + run around above 50KPH. OR lower the chakra consumption rate of abilities and sprint + remove it for dodging.

This way battles will not only be far more enjoyable but users would also be able to last in constant combat (abilities + sprint) for longer than 45 seconds.

Health regen
Whenever we finish a fight, we have to get someone to kill us in order for our health to reset.
Could we have an option to restart our character with full health, or activate effective hp regen?

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Website suggestions.
« on: April 09, 2016, 00:38:47 »
My apologies @Vreg, I understand if I'm a constant annoyance to you with these in the chat-box, but I think that making a post with all of my forum suggestions would be the best thing to do so we can come back to them in the future.

We have hundred's of users who register every week, and most of them don't bother staying for multiple reasons. I'd like to assume that one of the reasons is because they don't find the website and forum appealing.
Here we go.

Improved shoutbox.
Sure the shoutbox is neat and functioning now, but why stop there? I think we can all agree that improving the visuals and mechanics of the shoutbox for easier navigation will only be a positive for us.
For instance:

Having a small icon preview before a user's username.
I'm personally not too fond of having this, but for some it could be an improvement and I'm not too fussed about it.
My suggestion is; having a miniature version (around the same size as the animated gifs Sennin donator's have. 25x25) of the user's profile avatar before their username. Not really a big change, literally just a preview.

Something like this: (blame the admins for the ugly shoutbox, it was the only forum I found that had one).

Basic profile preview upon user selection in the shoutbox.
I think that having a basic preview of a user's profile upon clicking their username in the shoutbox would be quick and easy, instead of having to see their full profile just to find something small like; date account was created, PM/their website/add to friends list etc. The preview will also include an enlarged version of the user's avatar.
The preview would pop-up on your screen and the rest of the website would dim out.

Take a look:

Shoutbox theme
I'm not too bothered about the theme, but maybe you can get one of your artists to design an SLO themed shoutbox. Right now it just looks plain and simple.

Website improvements.
One thing that I think we should improve on is the alert system for threads, mentions and messages.
It would be such a reward to have a decent alert system instead of having to always refresh the page to see if a thread has been replied to.
Take a look:

Whenever a thread you've commented on gets replied to, there would be a red tag that pops up from 'Alerts' with the number of notifications you have.
To the left of it we see an 'Inbox' tag, it works exactly the same as the alerts - all of this happens in real-time, unlike the current notification system.

Your own profile

Why is it just randomly hovering to the left of the website? (Don't abuse me please).
Instead of having such a weird self profile previewer, I suggest we have a tab for it located to the right (or left) side of the navigator.
Something like this:

In my opinion, it makes the entire layout of the website look appealing and neat.

Congratulations if you've read through all this. Leave a comment.

Anime / Personal favourites
« on: April 05, 2016, 15:46:15 »
These are just my personal all-time favourite anime which I recommend you watch.
Some of them you might like some maybe not. A lot of them are mainstream and you most likely already know about them.


Great action-packed anime with a decent storyline. Personally I found it boring at around ep70 or 80. Usually top 3 on most anime websites.

-Highschool of The Dead

Excellent anime if you're into that blood and gore shit. In a nutshell: Zombies and badass highschool students.
A lot of fan service so beware of the ecchi. Loads of guns, Katana's and big breasts.

-Kill la Kill

Nice storyline which features the development of the main character. Badass fighting scenes, a bit of drama and a lot of ecchi. A lot

-Angel Beats

I found Angel Beats to be quite an emotional anime, but at the same time action packed and humorous with equal strength. It's really sad though.

-Kuroko no Basuke

KnB easily secures a position in my top 10 list of favourite anime, and if you're into sports, it would do the same to you.
Outstanding story that features the development of Kagami Taiga - A highschool basketballer with big dreams.
Definitely worth watching.


Another amazing sports anime similar to KnB. This time the anime follows a storyline about a small-in-height student with amazing physical abilities who joins a highschool with a poorly structured volleyball team and helps them climb the ranks in the tournament.

-Galactik Football

Unsure if you can actually call this an anime since it wasn't made by Japanese people but Galactik Football was definitely something a lot of people (including me)have watched and adored in the past (it last aired in 2006). If you're into Football this is definitely something for you.

Strategic combat
I don't really know what to call this since it involves brains and combat.

Code Geass

One of my top 10 anime. Code Geass is a great anime that involves mecha-battles and strategy. The protagonist - Lelouch uses chess to control the battlefield and ultimately acts as the ears and eyes of his allies.

Death Note

I don't know if you can really call this strategic, but Death Note revolves around two extremely intelligent detective-like men who hide behind aliases and try to figure out who they are from scratch.
Sorry for the poor explanation, there's a lot more to this anime than what I just explained but that's just the outline.

There are many, many more anime that I can recommend but I don't want to make a massive post.
Honorable mentions:
-Mirai Nikki: Drama/Action.
-Elfen Lied: Action, Gore.
-Akame Ga Kill: Action
-Accell World: Simulator
-Log Horizon: Simulator
-Sword Art Online: Simulator
-Attack on Titan: Action/Drama.

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / Camera angle spasm.
« on: April 03, 2016, 21:41:10 »
I rarely go on the game but I noticed this straight off the bat.
If you stop and point the camera directly above your character it begins to shake vigorously.

Unsure of whether this is a known bug or a bug at-all, but I think it's worth looking into.

Kazuki (Shivraj) vs Kamashe (Kamashe)
The latest battle has been drawn and this time it's between Kazuki (Shivraj) and Kamashe (Kamashe).
We apologize for the delayed release of SLO Arena updates, we have all been busy lately.

Previous battle

Original post

Nibui Himitsu vs Kaeiro
The next battle is right around the corner and this time its Nibui Himitsu (me) going face to face with Keiro (Kai).
If you've been following the previous posts you should already know what's coming.

Previous battle

Original post

General Discussion / SLO Arena Tournament Brackets
« on: March 21, 2016, 01:17:14 »
The brackets are here!
This is kind of an update on the whole SLO Arena Tournament 'thing'. America and I are working hard on delivering these intense battles to your computer screens in text format and since we've finally received enough participants for the tournament, we've decided that it's time to make some official brackets and share them with you guys - to break (or add) some suspense.

The brackets will be altered in real time, so don't worry - you'll always be up-to-date.
You can view the brackets here:

If you're a participant, I wish you luck in your battle! :)

Previous battle

Original post

Ravennus vs Taiga Himitsu
The second battle has been selected for the SLO Arena tournament and this time it's between Ravennus (America) and Taiga (Taigakun).
We have decided to share pre-game analysis' early for this battle exclusively. Your opinions are very much appreciated.

Kamiko vs Vizier
The first battle that has been drafted for the SLO Arena tournament is between Kamiko(@Xassassin) and Vizier(@SirTroll).

I have gathered their data and plotted it on graphs for you to review and guess what the outcome would be.
The story with the battle will be posted later on by @America.

General Discussion / Rant thread. Warning: strong language
« on: March 15, 2016, 17:59:18 »
I was doing so fucking well in this League game and with the new release of Hextech chests where you get skins and other shit from having performed at 'S' quality, I was even more pumped about winning the game. I was carrying and assisting everywhere.

Then this cunt Ramble started fucking with me, every single death of mine was because of that bastard.
Our Yasuo kept asking to surrender, like why the fuck would you do that?
Ramble kept fucking our team up, even though we had Dragon x4 and Baron x1.
They won at the end because of their fucking hyper-carry Ramble, and one of his team mates that went 2/11 said "gg ez" post game, my levels or sodium are increasing - and to top it off, my performance was "A-". Are you fucking kidding me? Sure I'll take the loss but at-least give me a fucking chest.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Forbidden Jutsu
« on: March 04, 2016, 20:09:05 »
Forbidden Jutsus
I suppose it's quite early to be discussing forbidden techniques at the moment, but they will eventually appear in SLO. Forbidden techniques are quite an interested aspect of the ninja world and are quite a big deal when it comes to game-play, as they are literal game-changers.

So what are they?
Forbidden techniques are complex techniques of high level which will be available to master once found by a user, however it won't be so simple. The techniques are essentially trump cards for any holder to use at any time at their advantage, whether it be personal gain or to help out your village, organisation etc...

How do we obtain them?
From what I've managed to understand from @Vreg, the forbidden techniques will be sealed in 'Forbidden techniques scrolls' (name not official) and these scrolls will be scattered around different countries and embraced in obstacles to prevent "low-level" users to get a hold of - (noobs).
From what I understood, the way this will work is on a first-come-first serve basis, meaning that everyone has an equal chance of obtaining a scroll and mastering the technique within.

Now, the reason why @Vreg is planning on making it an obstacle-course type of thing is to make sure the forbidden scrolls are in the hands of capable shinobi, and not LoveGirl1334.

Okay, so what are we expecting?
At the moment we haven't thought about any forbidden techniques, but this is exactly why I've made this thread - so we can harbor our beautiful ideas here and hopefully see some of these in the game at one point.

My ideas
I'm not sure whether reincarnation is going to be a high-level medical ninja technique or a forbidden one, or even in the game at all. (@Vreg I need you to confirm this.) but I think it would be nice to have this as a forbidden technique just like in the anime we're based off of.

Vreg suggested a teleportation technique that is used for escape. E.g you're in a battle and you're losing. You unleash the forbidden jutsu and suddenly find yourself in a safe zone where nothing can harm you. To me this seems like a really cheap technique to be classified as forbidden, but hey, that's my opinion.

I honestly cant think of anything specific right now, but a technique that buffs your stats (speed, strength, agility etc..) immensely and grants two (or more) special abilities, one for offense and one for defense for a certain duration also seems like a nice forbidden technique.

Post your suggestions below and see what the community thinks.

If this does not get decent attention I'm going to sit in a corner and cry my eyes out.

General Discussion / GCSE exams next week.
« on: March 04, 2016, 18:17:34 »
So much to revise. Not enough care. Back to sleep.

10 full exercise books and 2 textbooks. I should have more but ain't spending money on that lmao.

Naruto Fanworks / Some of my artwork
« on: February 29, 2016, 16:58:16 »
Here's some context.

I am an art student and I enjoy doing my little anime sketches more than the crap we do at school (most of the time I don't pay attention).

I'll be posting my artwork on here and see how everything goes. I might have to make new threads for more artwork, depending on user traffic and feedback.

Related to this image:
As you can tell, this is Kimimaro in the early phases of my drawing. I posted this image on Snapchat, and later on once finished, I began colouring the image in... and oh boy did it look cancerous. It was disgusting. I won't be showing you the coloured in and finished version because it looks like utter shit.

Enjoy this unfinished Kimimaro.
Bad quality? Yes, because I screenshot it from my SC and had to send it on Skype so I can download it and upload here.
Criticism wanted.

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