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Dev Blog 8 - March 7th 2017

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Gj gj absolutely fabulous

Those puns tho...kys

--- Quote from: Whatasnipe on March 08, 2017, 20:01:15 ---

--- End quote ---

I saw this picture as the background of a song on a semi popular youtube channel...did it come from SLO????


Diamond Lee:
curious to see what the trailer will look like....

keep up the good work!

Tameshi Hinode:
Amazing graphics!
Cant wait to see the village beeing added.

...and more kenjutsu related things,ofcourse.
Speaking of that:
What is the next thing you want to implement(combat wise)?
Do you want to focus on improving allready existing jutsu,s/kenjutsu,the general movement system,or completely new things like taijutsu or new ninjutsu,s?

Great work! Specially like the aesthetics of the village, looks quite cheerful and alive even without players.

Yet it looks rather small. I understand you need to save on graphical resources but I actually wouldn't mind having sort of a loading screen on the village gates or its vicinities if you're considering implementing Conan-like warfare. I find it hard to call it a village with police department, marketplace, hospital, etc and then "only" a dozen houses. I mean the school alone seems to take as much room as the rest of the habitable village. Imagine that with only 100 players, it'd already look kinda crowded. I lose my immersion on a game quite quickly when I see something like this. It's one of my few complains about skyrim, the cities are supposed to be big and bold but you can literally jog from dragonsreach to the gates in less than 30sec.

This looks amazing guys, keep it up :D

--- Quote from: Blazefp on March 09, 2017, 01:00:37 ---Great work! Specially like the aesthetics of the village, looks quite cheerful and alive even without players.

Yet it looks rather small. I understand you need to save on graphical resources but I actually wouldn't mind having sort of a loading screen on the village gates or its vicinities if you're considering implementing Conan-like warfare. I find it hard to call it a village with police department, marketplace, hospital, etc and then "only" a dozen houses. I mean the school alone seems to take as much room as the rest of the habitable village. Imagine that with only 100 players, it's already look kinda crowded. I lose my immersion on a game quite quickly when I see something like this. It's one of my few complains about skyrim, the cities are supposed to be big and bold but you can literally jog from dragonsreach to the gates in less than 30sec.

--- End quote ---

I actually get where you are coming from tbh I also thought the village was kinda small but I never said anything about it cuz I thought the devs wouldn't add anything else as they had already planned how the village was going to look. I do believe they are implementing a system where you can add more things to the village. So maybe there is a way to fix that.


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