Forum > Shinobi Life Online Organizations

SLO All-out War

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I know people have talked about this before, but I just wanted to start up a thread about it.

It seems that with tensions between some of the major orgs (Kami Senshi and Katakiuchi) have been getting high before the game has even been developed to the point where organisations can properly have wars. This is just a recipe for disaster in the forums. I believe that the two organisations have currently called a truce. This time around, it didn't seem to have a detrimental effect on the community, however it definitely did in February and something like this could explode.

I wish to invoke the Treaty of Transylvania.

* Refrain from attacking someone based on the organization he/she is in
* Try as much as possible to be friendly to other orgs, after all, at this point we're not competing for anything
* Do not confuse someone with his in-game character. This one goes especially for rogues, since certain of us are thought as villains just because we've chosen to have rogues in-game charactersAll of this only applies to the forums, it is an attempt to stop future flame wars. This is not an alliance in game between these organisations.

If you'd like to add your organisation to this treaty, please leave a reply or PM me.

List of organizations that are part of this agreement:
Mars' Ramen
11 Ronin
Kami Senshi...?  (Still a contended point)

Idk why I did this, I just thought it would be good to bring this back.

* Sorry for copying part of someone else's post, thought it was necessary to bring these points back into the spotlight so we can try and reduce the flame wars going on on the forum *

Good job J, keeping the peace.

If the peace is not kept, I swear I am making a peace loving hippie org that's gonna stay well out of the way :P
But I want to stay in Rōguhantā, and thus the peace must be kept.

Nice one j

Why Transylvania?


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