Shinobi Life Online

Shinobi Life Online Category => Shinobi Life Online Discussion => Topic started by: TheStylee on March 11, 2017, 17:52:04

Title: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: TheStylee on March 11, 2017, 17:52:04
Hi,all of you.Im newbie here(by far what i read,u guys really dislike us,arent u ? :] ) and i dammit watched any video on youtube that contains SLO, i readed FAQ and as much as possible i could topics on forum and i have few sugestions( i guess it's the right word?!) and modification.also noticed that staff really care about ppl sugestions if they are spelled

Genjutsu :
As far as i read( im not a native english guy,dont judge to hard if i didnt read well) genjutsu will be just about cc (Crowd-control) like sleeping/snare/sounds etc.but,if a character is going to specialise to only one of that main type how can a genjutsu player defend him self in a death area?or an ambush?i mean,ill be love'd on a war/team fight but hate my self af whenever im alone in the suggestions would be to give them some genjutsu dmg-deal.

Puppet problem : That's something that concern me for real cuz' immmaa damn bad ass Sasori the topics that i read it about,some of ppl from staff say that they may approve them if we have good ideeas about how.
my ideea sounds like : as u can choose ninjutsu,taijutsu,genjutsu and what the hell si out there,puppet master should be an option to.picking your first puppet in academy,evolving it(think about it like a pet) , improving it with armour and weapons sh1ts like this,jutsu that you can learn them as ur jutsu level tree , and the most important , controling them with the right hand with the numlock numbers ( right side of keyboard).that will require dexterity,controlling and dodging ur character with wasd and controlling ur puppet and skills with the right hand.

bit later edit:

Kage's election:

As far as i read,the election are once on a mounth.On my opinions,thats completly insuficient for an economy and a ally/enemy relationship to pull out a conclusion.It's just to little 1 month.Id better suggest a 3 month mandate.This will will asure a better stability for villagers and diplomacy.
few ask that i have..
1.what's the status of the game right now ? an imaginary percent of how much it's done of betta version.(u can take as refference point the FAQ goals listed)
2.the vote system for kages,the demand for clans and etc will be in-game or forum thing (as ..samp?!)

if my english is worse than ur german,try to focus on asks ,not on judging.thx ! ^^
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: vipto on March 11, 2017, 18:46:08
as someone who will main genjutsu i don't think i should really do dmg, if you are in a death area alone (first why would you go alone?) you are genjutsu master if they ambush you use your genjutsu and run away genjutsu user will be kinda like a support
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: AY0 on March 11, 2017, 18:48:35
1.what's the status of the game right now ? an imaginary percent of how much it's done of betta version.(u can take as refference point the FAQ goals listed)

Pre Alpha, You can Check The Dev Blog For More info On SLO Recente Update;topicseen#new

I do agree About Genjutsu , Its a Good Point

2.the vote system for kages,the demand for clans and etc will be in-game or forum thing (as ..samp?!)

Kages System is Good 1Month is Plenty of Time to decide, The More experienced shinobi to get the job.

About the vote system i dont have info but you can always ask Hokages Like Reminance
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Tameshi Hinode on March 11, 2017, 19:00:45
Hello,and welcome,TheStylee.
You just got to meet the right people here,im totally fine with newbies(often,they are way nicer than veterans).
Also,there are a lot of trolls around here,dont take it too seriously.

Regarding genjutsu:
The best way,would be to team up with someone,but you could also just learn a few ninjutsus that go along well with genjutsu,or learn some taijutsu or kenjutsu.
Though....there may also be a few ways to damage someone,using a genjutsu.
,,If a victim is forced to experience a drastic passage of time in the fraction of a second Tsukuyomi is actually active, the stress on their mind would kill them, even if the genjutsu was a happy and peaceful one.''
Thats from the naruto wiki,so maybe we will see something similiar.
But if that happens,it has to be a very low ammount of damage,or it should take a lot of time and be complicated to use(or all those things),so genjutsu doesnt become too strong.

Reagarding puppets:
Thats a tricky would still need to use your mouse to move the camera,or for other things that might get added later.
Right now,i think the more realistic solution would be,to add a button that changes the number keys from handsigns,to commands for your puppet.
This could come with a few dissadvantages,depending on what kind of fine tuning is needed,to make it balanced.

Regarding the kage election:
I think that 1 month is enough.
The reason?
At the moment,a kage election seems to be more oriented on someones fighting prowess and also,how popular he is.
Thats why i think,that we will have some very...lets simply say,incompetent kage,who have no experience with diplomatics or leadership, village management and so on.
1 month is enough to give people a chance of becomming the kage,since many want to be it,but most either dont know,or dont care,that its a position that holds a lot of least its supposed to be that way.
But its not long enough to let someone seriously mess up a villages economics and relations,giving people the chance to learn from the mistakes of the last kage,and come up with something better.
If a kage does a good job,people might vote for him again.
Or they just vote for someone who is,,cool''......

1.The game is far,far,far....from beeing finished.
Maybe someone else will give you a more specific answer.

2.If the game is released,i think everything will be done ingame,but the informations might still be on the forum.

Youre not the only one here who normally speaks german,not judging you ;)

Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Reminance on March 11, 2017, 22:24:00
Still kinda hoping someone comes up with a great idea for Puppets, because i would like to see them in SLO one day.
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: DarthTyrael on March 11, 2017, 22:37:38

Puppet problem : That's something that concern me for real cuz' immmaa damn bad ass Sasori the topics that i read it about,some of ppl from staff say that they may approve them if we have good ideeas about how.
my ideea sounds like : as u can choose ninjutsu,taijutsu,genjutsu and what the hell si out there,puppet master should be an option to.picking your first puppet in academy,evolving it(think about it like a pet) , improving it with armour and weapons sh1ts like this,jutsu that you can learn them as ur jutsu level tree , and the most important , controling them with the right hand with the numlock numbers ( right side of keyboard).that will require dexterity,controlling and dodging ur character with wasd and controlling ur puppet and skills with the right hand.

Still kinda hoping someone comes up with a great idea for Puppets, because i would like to see them in SLO one day.

I'd like to point you to this thread ( of the idea Shiv and I had:

As well as Vreg's reaction:
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Reminance on March 11, 2017, 22:48:28
Ahh there goes the dream of puppet users :p
gg well played...
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: adithya on March 12, 2017, 07:56:12
I guess everyone else answered your questions here. And if you're unsure about your English, we have a discord dedicated to help you convey your thoughts better in English.

Check it out if you're interested.
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: hellaseb on March 12, 2017, 11:08:37
I think genjutsu dealing damage would be a bit too op in this game If it actually turned out to be very easy for someone to catch an enemy with it. There would have to be a way for the enemy to release itself from it to make it balanced.

Regards kage elections, I think one month is fine. If the kage does a good job of leading the village and people like him, then they will keep voting for him. If he's not fit for the job then people will keep voting for other shinobi until they find the perfect kage for them.
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Mars on March 12, 2017, 11:17:44
I think kage run time should be longer, yeah.
1 month is way too short
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Sanji on March 12, 2017, 11:43:57
I think kage run time should be longer, yeah.
1 month is way too short
i agree,2 months is good,also there has to be something like congress,why?
so if that kage fucked up they can Impeach and Elect new kage with out waiting for an other elections.
plus they can accept/refuse alliance,declare war on other village or makeing peace with them,kick a ninja from the village,print money maybe,change tex,create coaltion?
oh and the tex/print  money you can upgrade your village,or buy food for you ninjas,and pay them for the missions they complete you know this kind of shit....
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: TheStylee on March 12, 2017, 18:04:53
Hi guys again,and thx for fast answers.Now,in order:

Il try to answer some guy from this post where he asked : " why would u go alone in the wood" . maybe i dont,maybe you dont,but someone ,somewhere there is a guy that likes exploring type and dislike playing in team.or he want to search jiraya's kunai on village hiden on sands (?!) .it means he need some offensive for himself.even medical ninjas on the anime got some brutal force for deffendig themselves. in order to get the conclusion,genjutsu need a dmg-deal skills .even if they are low.
Also,as far as i read about ur thoughst on genjtusu,would be nice when u genjutsu an enemy,he should have animations on his screen.You know like..on counter counter strike when u get poped by a flash-grenade and ur screen turns full white.I mean, got it :d.

Puppet thing..
Got it lol,i never though about 3th hand xdxdxd and moving camera but there are plenty of ways to make it right.Even using WASD for moving and ERT for puppet moving .and skills like blades/flamethrower etc are your ninja skills when puppet is summoned(when he's not you may got simple skills like anyone else on skils-bar l) and use them.I mean,imagination ! :D

The kage problem,i got it.You are right.Waiting for more disscustion and a staff-member to tell us for sure here and now if we may ever have puppets.

Thx !
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Reminance on March 12, 2017, 18:13:45
@TheStylee Vreg stated we won't have Puppetry at all, so coming up with mechanics won't help.
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: mattaleks on March 12, 2017, 18:42:15
Instead of puppets I think having some kind of mech suit would be cool. We have some old CA for it
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: America on March 12, 2017, 19:03:46
Instead of puppets I think having some kind of mech suit would be cool. We have some old CA for it

Looks like a job for the Hidden Metal

Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Tameshi Hinode on March 12, 2017, 19:19:26
I think kage run time should be longer, yeah.
1 month is way too short
i agree,2 months is good,also there has to be something like congress,why?
so if that kage fucked up they can Impeach and Elect new kage with out waiting for an other elections.

A congress is a good idea.
But still,more than 1 month would be problematic.
People will complain that it takes too long till they get the chance to be the next kage.
And if the kage does a good job,there is nothing he has to worry about,regarding the next election.
Having more than 1 month,would actually just be useful for a bad kage,who knows he wont be elected again.
Again about the congress.....while i like the idea and think its needed to keep certain people in check,i also think that they cant have too much power,so the role of the kage still stays as a desireable one.
Some rules need to be added aswell.
For example,it shouldnt be allowed to search for a new kage at the first few days of the kages reign,unless he does something very terrible.
Dont want that a kage gets replaced,just because the congress doesnt like him.

Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Reminance on March 12, 2017, 19:42:51
I think kage run time should be longer, yeah.
1 month is way too short
i agree,2 months is good,also there has to be something like congress,why?
so if that kage fucked up they can Impeach and Elect new kage with out waiting for an other elections.

A congress is a good idea.
But still,more than 1 month would be problematic.
People will complain that it takes too long till they get the chance to be the next kage.
And if the kage does a good job,there is nothing he has to worry about,regarding the next election.
Having more than 1 month,would actually just be useful for a bad kage,who knows he wont be elected again.
Again about the congress.....while i like the idea and think its needed to keep certain people in check,i also think that they cant have too much power,so the role of the kage still stays as a desireable one.
Some rules need to be added aswell.
For example,it shouldnt be allowed to search for a new kage at the first few days of the kages reign,unless he does something very terrible.
Dont want that a kage gets replaced,just because the congress doesnt like him.

The elections and tests itself took longer than one month...
The role of Kage shouldn't be taken so easily, bad kages will most likely not pass in the first place so no worries about that.
There are always going to be people that complain about everything, you can't satisfy everyone.
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Sanji on March 12, 2017, 20:38:28
I think kage run time should be longer, yeah.
1 month is way too short
i agree,2 months is good,also there has to be something like congress,why?
so if that kage fucked up they can Impeach and Elect new kage with out waiting for an other elections.

A congress is a good idea.
But still,more than 1 month would be problematic.
People will complain that it takes too long till they get the chance to be the next kage.
And if the kage does a good job,there is nothing he has to worry about,regarding the next election.
Having more than 1 month,would actually just be useful for a bad kage,who knows he wont be elected again.
Again about the congress.....while i like the idea and think its needed to keep certain people in check,i also think that they cant have too much power,so the role of the kage still stays as a desireable one.
Some rules need to be added aswell.
For example,it shouldnt be allowed to search for a new kage at the first few days of the kages reign,unless he does something very terrible.
Dont want that a kage gets replaced,just because the congress doesnt like him.

The elections and tests itself took longer than one month...
The role of Kage shouldn't be taken so easily, bad kages will most likely not pass in the first place so no worries about that.
There are always going to be people that complain about everything, you can't satisfy everyone.
1 month is not good,cuz you will bee new at all of this and you will need time to know and shit,thats why more time will be good.
and the congress most be jonin and only 5,and others can vote to who can be.
and remi i think that is cuz we are in beta,and vreg time is not good,and the rules of them change every hour and such,and true there is  people that complain about everything,thats why we pay to some org to do our dirty jops so we kill those motherfuckers xa
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Tameshi Hinode on March 12, 2017, 20:49:48
I think that the kage elections will not take so long anymore,once the game is in a better state.
We might be able to shorten it to 1 week.
After the kage is done with his reign and a new one gets elected,the congress could temporary watch over the village,till a new kage is elected.

And reminance....,,bad kages will most likely not pass in the first place so no worries about that.''
If this should be true,there need to be some drastic changes to the way that a kage is elected.
Letting the candidates fight each other for the position of the kage,is not enough.
Everyone can be a good figher with enough training,but the kage has to be a good leader,beeing a good fighter is just secondary.
I think that the theoretical part of the kage exams need to get much more attention than the combat part.
In a war,id rather have a kage by my side who is diplomatic,a good tactican,charismatic and in general,a good leader.
If those qualitys are part of the kage exam,then yes,we wouldnt have to worry much about getting incompetent kage elected later.

If the reign of a kage has to be made longer....then really not more than 2 months.
Title: Re: About & talking game mechanics
Post by: Diamond Lee on March 12, 2017, 23:49:36
I think that the kage elections will not take so long anymore,once the game is in a better state.
We might be able to shorten it to 1 week.
After the kage is done with his reign and a new one gets elected,the congress could temporary watch over the village,till a new kage is elected.

And reminance....,,bad kages will most likely not pass in the first place so no worries about that.''
If this should be true,there need to be some drastic changes to the way that a kage is elected.
Letting the candidates fight each other for the position of the kage,is not enough.
Everyone can be a good figher with enough training,but the kage has to be a good leader,beeing a good fighter is just secondary.
I think that the theoretical part of the kage exams need to get much more attention than the combat part.
In a war,id rather have a kage by my side who is diplomatic,a good tactican,charismatic and in general,a good leader.
If those qualitys are part of the kage exam,then yes,we wouldnt have to worry much about getting incompetent kage elected later.

If the reign of a kage has to be made longer....then really not more than 2 months.
I firmly believe that kages should hold office for one to two months and not less. Wars would last more than three days probably and it's just unrealistic to change village leaders every weeks

And in the event the kage goes inactive, he can simply be removed from power by Vreg or whoever and a new election will be held or the elder will assure power in the interim.