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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - Jamezoar

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Crashed when I log in
« on: November 17, 2022, 12:37:45 »
The exe file is a car missing 2 wheels.

That's why "this is happening"

Game's broken

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: Uzumaki Clan
« on: November 17, 2022, 12:36:35 »
damn bro, for real?

I wish when I was 10, I could get mad enough to obtain not only Jutsu from Naruto, but also powers from completely unrelated Anime shows

Sure you don't wanna throw a Bankai in there somewhere?

lmao bro take a look at your task manager while the game is "stuck"

vreg fucked the code up so bad he probably left an endless loop somewhere in there

your "specs" don't mean shit when the "game" you're playing is broken.


I wrote this?? (bump)

Introduction / Re: Hello there
« on: May 27, 2020, 16:08:26 »
You're being too optimistic, this isn't a place for optimists

Look at me man, I'm all squashed up because of this place, can't even see straight, all I have left is my pipe and magnifying glass

You don't know want to know how the people are like here, they show up, then vanish for years, then show up again, endlessly, forever... as the site stays constant and progress remains non-existent...

In more American terms...
You picked the wrong house fool !

You guys hear that too?? (it's the sound of death)

Naarutooooooooo! (you should know EXACTLY what to reply to this)

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Jutsu Creation Topic
« on: January 09, 2020, 13:03:10 »
justu name: fire ball rasengan or rasenshurken
justu type: Nenjustu
justu descripton:   a rank rasengan or rasenshurken fire type rasengan
how much chakra taken: takes amont of 55% of chakra
Rasengan -> Wind -> Short-range
Fireball -> Fire -> Long-range

Wouldn't that just burn your hand?

General Discussion / Re: Game states
« on: January 09, 2020, 13:00:49 »

Naruto Anime / Re: Neji.
« on: December 31, 2019, 22:26:10 »
Edgy Neji

Naruto Anime / Neji.
« on: December 31, 2019, 22:24:31 »

I mean, it's sort of like Second Life.
What are you supposed to do in Second Life?
Can the same be said about Naruto Life? Or Shinobi Life? Online?

General Discussion / What's the point?
« on: November 16, 2019, 12:49:11 »
We desire the achievement of goals.
We want things we do not have.
We sacrifice our time and comfort for our success.
We survive only to achieve our goals.

But what if there are no more goals to achieve?
What if you could change anything at will?
What if you had all ability?
What if you knew everything there was to know?
What if you could eliminate everything but yourself with the snap of your fingers? If you had any.. as a god.

What do you DO with such power? What do you do if you could do anything?
If there was NOTHING you cannot do, there was NOTHING impossible for you...

What would you do?

Pages: [1] 2 3 4

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