Forum > Naruto Fanworks

Guess who it is

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It's one of my great masterpieces. Your challenge is to tell, which character (from Naruto) I sketched.
The first one will receive a special reward that is a sketch of his/her character.
If you only post to whine, how useless/shitty this post was, then please move along! Thank you! Good luck to the rest! :)

Too easy, it's Sasuke after he left Konoha. Give me my reward


--- Quote from: DrSuhi on December 28, 2016, 11:08:49 ---Too easy, it's Sasuke after he left Konoha. Give me my reward

--- End quote ---

We have a winner, I will send your reward soon :)

This died way to fast, let's have another round.
Guess this bad boy

a Leeeee


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