Shinobi Life Online

Shinobi Life Online Category => Shinobi Life Online Clans & Organizations => Shinobi Life Online Organizations => Topic started by: psychorx on November 25, 2016, 21:53:12

Title: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on November 25, 2016, 21:53:12
Hyakki Yagyō
Night Parade of One Hundred Demons

Made by @RaphoZentel

Original Founders: @mamoudou52404

Reformers: @adithya

Leaders: Council members - Buzzard - Ryuu, Dragon Yokai (;u=28)
                                             Chikai - Yatagarasu, Three Leg Crow (;u=23359)
                                             Gin - Nogitsune, Malicious Fox (;area=summary;u=24119)
                                             Waly - Onikuma, Standing Bear (;u=16077)                                             
                                             RaphoZentel - Betobeto-san, Formless Spirit (;u=20471)

Affiliation: Independent - As for whether we are pure-hearted or just evil, you can decide by our actions.

Allies: Heathen (
           Iryo Buntai/Medical Squad (

Enemies: None. Yet.

OLD (Nanatsu lore/background)
Spoiler: show
In the beginning, all animals lived in peace and harmony and one day a contest was held to see who the strongest of the animals were. The animals with the strongest spirits survived and were, The Dragon, The Fox, The Serpent, The Boar, The Bear, The Ram, and The Lion. Since only one animal could be deemed the strongest, all these animals began battling each other. The Dragon battling The Lion, while The Ram battled The Boar. The Fox battled The Serpent while The Bear woke and slept during the battle. It seemed as this battle went on for centuries as they switched opponents, but the Seven animals finally came to a conclusion that they were all evenly matched and could not beat each other. They began to accept each other as comrades and had many effects on the world as a group. One day each animal found a lost child, and took them and taught them their ways. One by one, each child became powerful, in learning the ways of their animal and began passing down their spirits to those who they deemed worthy. Every child chosen was reincarnated with the spirits of their animal and their predecessors living on inside them. Rarely would children be born with these spirits inside them, but those who were, would prove to be very powerful. Though there was one flaw in the personality of each animal. The dragon would easily anger and could not control his Wrath. The Fox, though was very generous, was cursed and could not control her Greed when it came to certain things. The Ram simply couldn't control his lust for the fox. The Serpent could not control her Envy of the other animals. The Lion was too proud and would act on his pride only, sometimes leaving him at an disadvantage. The Bear was very lazy and could not control her Sloth, he would fall asleep easily at random times. And the Boar could not control his Gluttony, eating too much at times and putting his honor/pride at risk (He sometimes eats trash). The Seven Animals, individually were unmatched by all others, but together they formed the greatest team the world had ever seen.

Hyakki Yagyō
In the abandoned temple complex, three hundred years of dust lay over everything, and parchment threatened to crumble in their hands. Mosaics and scrolls not only spoke of ways to worship demons and spirits, but to bind them to one's soul.
However, this binding was not a means of entrapment, as some villages do with chakra beasts too powerful and dangerous to be loose. Instead it was a willing bond, made between human and yokai through friendship and comradery.
Unlike sealing methods, the yokai is not trapped within the body. Unlike Summons contracts, the spirit is not forcibly called/dismissed. To those who can see spirit energy, the bond looks like a shining tether between the yokai and the human. A yokai and human bound in Hyakki manner must stay within a certain distance of each other or suffer pain and loss in chakra from stretching the tether too thin. This distance can be trained to reach two kilometers by veteran captains, though their power will always be stronger the closer they are together.

How does Yokai Bond works
Two people can seek out bonds with the same yokai breed. For example, both Tayuun-kun and Toratsu-teichou can both be bonded to a Byakko yokai.
The yokai are more often than not invisible and fly above the ground until the physically manifest. The bond allows yokai to interact with objects in a nonphysical state, and the degree to which they can depends on strength of the bond.
Furthermore, stationary yokai, such as Jubokko, are granted the ability to move freely once bonded

Goal: To train to become the shinobi we want to be/ To Impact SLO. We'd like to collect many rare jutsu secrets and forbidden techniques as well.

Council: A 5 man council, the higher rank, each one of them has their own Yokai bounded to his/her very soul.

Captains: Directly commanded by the council, the captains are divided by elements. There are five captains at the moment.
Nuu, Ho-Teichou: Kararu, Gold Winged Giant
Tatsuo, Yin-Teichou: Byakko, White Tiger
Izumi, Yang-Teichou: Betobeto-san, Formless Spirit
Kyuzaki, Kaze-Teichou: Tatarimokke, Child Possessed Owl

Special Doshi They're still under the captains but are commanded directly by the council. Each Special Doshi will have the opportunity to choose a council member to serve. There will be only five members.

Doshi They are under one of the captains' orders, they can choose between one of the captains to serve him.
They are also seen as precious comrades. They follow their leader's commands. They may be promoted or demoted, if the Council decides to make ranks for Doshis. To be promoted OR demoted his/her captain have to speak to the council and ask for a promotion/demotion.

For those who wish to apply:
Train hard.
Have fun!.
But on a more serious note,
1. Hyakki Yagyō is a close organization - a family. So have fun and respect your org mates.
2. Taking the life of another Hyakki Yagyō member will only result in you yourself being killed.
3. You should never really abandon a mission once you've taken it upon yourself, the punishment varies around mission importance (unless absolutely necessary).
4. If you are a spy for another organization or something similar, then that sucks, you probably know what will happen...

Tatsuo, Nuu, Izumi, Mamita, Calipso, Charlie "BDU", frzuh, Hisashi, Jamezoar, Juniorra, Karin, Konaka, Kyuzaki, Mako, Nate Creator, Takaoki, Tayuun, TheUnknownFromSteam, TreWolf, TrueSage, Trvvpkvvng, Uzai, Yuuki Hasegawa

If you're accepted you'll receive an PM with our Discord Channel invitation + Code for members.

In Order to Apply, Leave an application formatted like this :
Use the to search for an Yokai you might like and link it in your application (You don't have to search in this website only, take a look at any other website).

1. Name (Username and Character name):
2. Chakra Nature:
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link):
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo?
5. Nickname (If you have one):
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your very life?

Spoiler: show
1. Name: Speaking Rain, Kamakiri Chikai
2. Chakra Nature: Water
3. Yokai: Yatagarasu (
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? I'm good at roleplay and will bring my leadership skills to the org.
5. Nickname (If you have one):
6. Are you prepared to sacrifice yourself for the good of the org and those it protects? Hai!
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: mamita on November 25, 2016, 22:03:07
1. Name: Mamita, Jubokko Senpai
2. Chakra Nature: Fire
3. Yokai: Jubokko (
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? I am not particularily skilled in leadership, but I
enjoy roleplaying, and I will be a loyal servant of the Hyakki Yagyo. I will swear to respect my fellow members.
5. Nickname (If you have one): None
6. Are you prepared to sacrifice yourself for the good of the org and those it protects? I am.
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on November 25, 2016, 22:05:01
1. Name: Mamita, Jubokko Senpai
2. Chakra Nature: Fire
3. Yokai: Jubokko (
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? I am not particularily skilled in leadership, but I
enjoy roleplaying, and I will be a loyal servant of the Hyakki Yagyo. I will swear to respect my fellow members.
5. Nickname (If you have one): None
6. Are you prepared to sacrifice yourself for the good of the org and those it protects? I am.
Accepted! Now you're officially a Hyakki Yagyō member. Welcome to the family!
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Nova on November 25, 2016, 22:27:22
Best of luck with the revamped Nanatsu.
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: SpeakingRain on November 25, 2016, 22:28:15
More elaborate history and lore coming soon :)
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on November 25, 2016, 22:29:54
Best of luck with the revamped Nanatsu.
Thank you, Nova! <3
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Diamond Lee on November 25, 2016, 22:37:46
very nice and neat and professional! good luck.
I like the yokai idea.
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Tsunayoshi on November 25, 2016, 23:13:21
Night Parade of One Hundred Demons[/center]
Eyy, I loved that anime!

The symbol looks sexy as always @RaphoZentel . I wish you guys good luck!
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: SpeakingRain on November 25, 2016, 23:17:54
Night Parade of One Hundred Demons[/center]
Eyy, I loved that anime

Not based off the anime, but thanks :)
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Ghost0000 on November 25, 2016, 23:42:37
Good luck my Knullkompisar  :D
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Fraudulent on November 26, 2016, 10:13:19
Good luck with this. Hope it becomes as successful as Nanatsu was.
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: taigakun on November 26, 2016, 11:18:39
Best of luck guys!!!!
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on November 26, 2016, 12:45:42
Best of luck guys!!!!
Taiga! <3 Thank you.
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Mars on November 26, 2016, 13:58:15
You've all done really well, good luck my dudes!
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Kings_Head on November 26, 2016, 16:03:13
oh damn i like the little update you guys have done looks cool and that damn logo looks great @RaphoZentel anyways good luck with this!!
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on November 26, 2016, 23:27:13
oh damn i like the little update you guys have done looks cool and that damn logo looks great @RaphoZentel anyways good luck with this!!
come back bitch sensei!!
Rain misses you a lot
Spoiler: show
jk.... but I do :')
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: SpeakingRain on November 27, 2016, 17:43:04
Good luck with this. Hope it becomes as successful as Nanatsu was.

Ha, I saw what you did there.
We'll become better than Nanatsu ever was, don't worry :P
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: adithya on November 27, 2016, 18:11:19
Hyakki will be great.
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: mamoudou52404 on November 27, 2016, 19:40:18
Well  I had fun here while it lasted but I'm sorry to announce that I'm leaving the org, I'm gonna miss all the members, you guys really are a unique group of people, and the best in all of SLO! :)
@psychorx  your a very cheerful person and probably one of my favorite people in SLO
@adithya  ur super smart, and got a great voice :P
@waly206 ur sleepy and awesome in your own way, not to mention we're twins (I lost my bracelet in the train but ill get a new one)
@juniorra i miss u maan, get back on soon and i hope u pass all those exams,
@AbeMelbs , gonna miss us skyping and me tryin to teach u how to pick up girls on Omegle, that was great :D i still can't remember who picked up the most but :P
@Toratsume Nyshn I cant picture the org without u tbh, :P ur awesome and you've been super helpful to me, good luck with you clan mate
and to everyone else I truly consider u guys good friends... Ill still be around to defend u guys ofc :)

Cya guys around :P

Moomoo, the beloved Cow god out. :P

Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Tsunayoshi on November 27, 2016, 20:20:56
Ouch... @mamoudou52404 never thought you of all people would leave Nanatsu..


You left Hyakki Yagyo.
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: JT_EPIC on November 28, 2016, 00:47:21
I'm down to join =)
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on November 28, 2016, 00:51:31
Will miss ya HAru :')
wish you luck with whatever you have in plan for the future :)
will catch up with you soon!

I'm down to join =)

apply then... :/
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: JT_EPIC on November 28, 2016, 00:58:19
1. Name Itsuki
2. Chakra Nature: lighting and hopefully water
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link):
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo?
5. Nickname (If you have one): will come when the game comes out more
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your very life? yes, no matter what I will keep my member alive
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on November 28, 2016, 01:07:06
Well  I had fun here while it lasted but I'm sorry to announce that I'm leaving the org, I'm gonna miss all the members, you guys really are a unique group of people, and the best in all of SLO! :)
@psychorx  your a very cheerful person and probably one of my favorite people in SLO
@adithya  ur super smart, and got a great voice :P
@waly206 ur sleepy and awesome in your own way, not to mention we're twins (I lost my bracelet in the train but ill get a new one)
@juniorra i miss u maan, get back on soon and i hope u pass all those exams,
@AbeMelbs , gonna miss us skyping and me tryin to teach u how to pick up girls on Omegle, that was great :D i still can't remember who picked up the most but :P
@Toratsume Nyshn I cant picture the org without u tbh, :P ur awesome and you've been super helpful to me, good luck with you clan mate
and to everyone else I truly consider u guys good friends... Ill still be around to defend u guys ofc :)

Cya guys around :P

Moomoo, the beloved Cow god out. :P

I still can't believe that. Tho i'll always be your friend and your Doshi of the Fox. If you ever think about re-join the org please come and talk to us, we'll be happy to accept you. Thank you for everything. Really, thank you!
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on November 28, 2016, 01:10:10
1. Name Itsuki
2. Chakra Nature: lighting and hopefully water
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link):
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo?
5. Nickname (If you have one): will come when the game comes out more
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your very life? yes, no matter what I will keep my member alive
Accepted! Welcome <3
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on December 06, 2016, 11:16:54

For everything you've done to the organization, for helping us in times of needs and giving your work, friendship and truth in ordinary moments, The Council has seen your spirit.
The Council has voted, and for now on @RaphoZentel is one of us, The Council!
Congratulations, bro! We love ya. <3
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on December 06, 2016, 11:24:26

For everything you've done to the organization, for helping us in times of needs and giving your work, friendship and truth in ordinary moments, The Council has seen your spirit.
The Council has voted, and for now on @RaphoZentel is one of us, The Council!
Congratulations, bro! We love ya. <3
Congrats to you Rapho! :)
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Rapho on December 06, 2016, 12:13:40

For everything you've done to the organization, for helping us in times of needs and giving your work, friendship and truth in ordinary moments, The Council has seen your spirit.
The Council has voted, and for now on @RaphoZentel is one of us, The Council!
Congratulations, bro! We love ya. <3
Congrats to you Rapho! :)

For everything you've done to the organization, for helping us in times of needs and giving your work, friendship and truth in ordinary moments, The Council has seen your spirit.
The Council has voted, and for now on @RaphoZentel is one of us, The Council!
Congratulations, bro! We love ya. <3

Thanks guys :)
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: SkullKid on December 09, 2016, 23:12:26
1. Name (Username and Character name): Username: Skullkid / Character name: Itami
2. Chakra Nature: Water
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link):
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? I am a great leader and love roleplaying
5. Nickname (If you have one): Skull
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your very life? Yes
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Sewshut on December 10, 2016, 03:10:11
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link):
Nice pick  ;D
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: bloodwolves13 on December 10, 2016, 17:14:49
Kamakiri Itami has been accepted. :3
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: SpeakingRain on December 10, 2016, 17:17:03
-.- wtf is wrong with you?

Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: bloodwolves13 on December 10, 2016, 17:19:13
You told me in discord though... sorry...
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: SpeakingRain on December 10, 2016, 17:21:45
-.- you're not even in Hyakki Yagyo. Let the council do their job please.

@SkullKid accepted! Sorry about that.
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: StriderOtaku on December 23, 2016, 16:39:51
1. Name (Username and Character name): StriderOtaku/Ikiryo Zenno no Sabaku
2. Chakra Nature:Earth release
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link): Kirin (
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? The concept of the organisation fascinates me, I love the RP aspects of it and I can promise loyalty
5. Nickname (If you have one): Hokori no doragon
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your very life? I do
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: SpeakingRain on December 23, 2016, 16:46:43
Accepted! Hope to start rp with you soon!
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Newcomb on December 29, 2016, 01:44:31

1. Name (Username and Character name): Newcomb, Kamakiri Toyohisa
2. Chakra Nature: Water
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link):
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? I have a strong sense of comradery.
5. Nickname (If you have one):
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your very life? Of course.
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: adithya on December 29, 2016, 03:44:31

1. Name (Username and Character name): Newcomb, Kamakiri Toyohisa
2. Chakra Nature: Water
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link):
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? I have a strong sense of comradery.
5. Nickname (If you have one):
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your very life? Of course.

Accepted. Pm one of the council for discord link
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: SpeakingRain on December 31, 2016, 03:53:59
@Reminance we found you the perfect yokai.

Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: mamita on December 31, 2016, 03:57:40
It's called a Shirime...
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: SpeakingRain on December 31, 2016, 04:02:24
But for you we named this one Remijobu :D
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: StriderOtaku on December 31, 2016, 06:42:57
But for you we named this one Remijobu :D
I almost puked. Good job Rain, sick as always
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: DrSuhi on January 02, 2017, 17:11:42
1. Name (Username and Character name): DrSuhi, Satoru Nii
2. Chakra Nature: Fire release
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link):
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? The lore is pretty cool, and I really like my preferred Yokai. The goals of the organization sound like something I would do anyway, so why not join and help others, who will in turn help me.
5. Nickname (If you have one):
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your very life? Yes, I promise
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on January 09, 2017, 01:48:51
Kyuzaki ( @AbeMelbs ) has been BANISHED due really important reasons!
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Gustavolegend on March 05, 2017, 19:21:56
Hello, I would like to join your organization, I'll tell you soon, I really like helping others, so whenever you need min I'll help. :D
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Gustavolegend on March 05, 2017, 19:22:35
Hello, I would like to join your organization, I'll tell you soon, I really like helping others, so whenever you need min I'll help. :D
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: SpeakingRain on March 05, 2017, 23:31:00
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: adithya on March 06, 2017, 05:51:34
Hello, I would like to join your organization, I'll tell you soon, I really like helping others, so whenever you need min I'll help. :D

Welcome to Hyakki Yagyo. PM me for discord link :D
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Maou-sama on August 10, 2017, 10:57:36

1. Name (Username and Character name): Maou-sama
2. Chakra Nature: fire
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link):
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? Because i want know strong shinobis to learn more
5. Nickname (If you have one): Maou-sama
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your very life? Yes i promise
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: OtakuGamer on September 21, 2017, 16:54:36
1. Name:Kutsuki Zeimatsu
2. Chakra Nature:Fire Release and Lightning Release
3. Yokai: chimi (
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? I will do my best to help the organization
5. Nickname (If you have one): None
6. Are you prepared to sacrifice yourself for the good of the org and those it protects?I will offer my life without thinking twice about my companions
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on September 25, 2017, 17:26:54
1. Name:Kutsuki Zeimatsu
2. Chakra Nature:Fire Release and Lightning Release
3. Yokai: chimi (
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? I will do my best to help the organization
5. Nickname (If you have one): None
6. Are you prepared to sacrifice yourself for the good of the org and those it protects?I will offer my life without thinking twice about my companions

hey @OtakuGamer . Ngl, we are quite inactive. Some of the senior members have already left while many of the veteran members are inactive too. I suggest you search for other orgs which are still comparatively active while you wait for you approval here.
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on September 29, 2017, 20:51:18
He's right. If u wanna be part of this org it's okay, but we're unactive. :(
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: adithya on October 01, 2017, 11:10:38
:( We're all waiting on some movements on solid updates, because there's nothing to do as an org atm. When that changes, I'll make sure that at the very least, I'm active. But yes, as Gin and Nyshn said, we're not going to be very active till then. If you still wanna join, PM me for discord :)
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on October 01, 2017, 11:38:24
:( We're all waiting on some movements on solid updates, because there's nothing to do as an org atm. When that changes, I'll make sure that at the very least, I'm active. But yes, as Gin and Nyshn said, we're not going to be very active till then. If you still wanna join, PM me for discord :)
Exactly! :D
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: OtakuGamer on October 01, 2017, 17:14:52
1. Nome (nome de usuário e nome do personagem): Kutsuki Zeimatsu (OtakuGamer)
2. Chakra Nature: Fire Release and Lightning Release
3. Yokai (link da página de descrição de Yokai):
4. Por que você acha que merece ser parte do Hyakki Yagyo? Porque serei leal a organização e ao seu objetivo
5. Apelido (Se você tiver um):
6. Você promete proteger todos os outros membros com sua própria vida? Sim arriscarei minha vida sem pensar duas vezes

Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: adithya on October 01, 2017, 18:33:18
1. Nome (nome de usuário e nome do personagem): Kutsuki Zeimatsu (OtakuGamer)
2. Chakra Nature: Fire Release and Lightning Release
3. Yokai (link da página de descrição de Yokai):
4. Por que você acha que merece ser parte do Hyakki Yagyo? Porque serei leal a organização e ao seu objetivo
5. Apelido (Se você tiver um):
6. Você promete proteger todos os outros membros com sua própria vida? Sim arriscarei minha vida sem pensar duas vezes

Hey, please make sure it's in English, as most of the organization's members understand english only :P (me included lol)
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: psychorx on October 01, 2017, 21:07:34
1. Nome (nome de usuário e nome do personagem): Kutsuki Zeimatsu (OtakuGamer)
2. Chakra Nature: Fire Release and Lightning Release
3. Yokai (link da página de descrição de Yokai):
4. Por que você acha que merece ser parte do Hyakki Yagyo? Porque serei leal a organização e ao seu objetivo
5. Apelido (Se você tiver um):
6. Você promete proteger todos os outros membros com sua própria vida? Sim arriscarei minha vida sem pensar duas vezes

Otaku, as i said to you when we were playing (I'm Kamakiri Gin) you need to speak english to be accepted in the org... Can u please re-do your application so we could all read it? Thank you ;D
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: OtakuGamer on October 01, 2017, 21:25:42
1. Name (username and person's name): Kutsuki Zeimatsu (OtakuGamer)
2. Chakra Nature: Fire Release and Lightning Release
3. Yokai (link from the Yokai description page): /
4. Why do you think you deserve to be a part of Hyakki Yagyo? Because I will be loyal to the organization and its goal
5. Nickname (If you have one):
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your own life? Yes I will risk my life without thinking twice
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: adithya on October 01, 2017, 21:30:17
1. Name (username and person's name): Kutsuki Zeimatsu (OtakuGamer)
2. Chakra Nature: Fire Release and Lightning Release
3. Yokai (link from the Yokai description page): /
4. Why do you think you deserve to be a part of Hyakki Yagyo? Because I will be loyal to the organization and its goal
5. Nickname (If you have one):
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your own life? Yes I will risk my life without thinking twice
Accepted. PM either myself or Gin for Discord link :)
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: mamoudou52404 on November 05, 2017, 19:39:12
whoa wait a min, why are ya so inactive? and it shouldn't be because of no updates...

anyways wt else is new? long time no see
Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyō
Post by: adithya on November 10, 2017, 13:08:57
whoa wait a min, why are ya so inactive? and it shouldn't be because of no updates...

anyways wt else is new? long time no see

There's literally nothing to do as an organization lol, and atm the game itself is pretty dead; Even if the organization wanted to be active, there's nothing for individuals to do either way.

Well Chikai left again. That's pretty much it.
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Title: Re: Hyakki Yagyo
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