Forum > Shinobi Life Online Questions

Server(s) in DM

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Will there be multiple servers in DM??

i think it would be cool if you could rent a server like what BF3 did (but only too tho's of Clan Leaders and Org's Leaders so that way they can setup training for the Org's or Clan's.)  8)  :)

I love this idea, i made a post about it, but it was ignored XD

wait you made a post about it? when XD i think vreg should defenitly do this tho or atleast have muiltiple servers lol

I believe we used to have--or still do have--a feature where people could host their own servers. I think there were a few problems with it though, and besides that not many people used it (who needs a private FT server anyway?), so that feature sort of fell out of use. Not sure if we still have it, but that should pretty much answer both of those Qs.

Unless I'm wrong, in which case @Cedie can promptly boot me in the ass and correct my misinformation.

@dragon6624  i dident say FT i said DM meaning deathmatch im talking about the future of DM not FT XD


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