-from the Fate/Stay series
The Yugure Council Members:
Note: Yugure act independently from each other most of the time, however, they are unified in their serving of the group's goals.
(Click any image to go to the respective Yugure's character, or profile if they haven't made a character yet.)
Leader: None, we are ruled by a seven-member council called Yugure who decide on what is best for Katakiuchi. They are named after the seven sins.
Affiliation: Rogue OrganizationPurpose/Goals: We are the ones who strike when injustice is done. When people suffer due to one man's sin, we will do what is necessary to bring justice, and we will stop at nothing until we fulfill our goal.
History:Several Shinobi from different walks of life came together through sharing the same ideals and values.
Rankings:Yugure: Seven Member Council (see leader section)
The Umbra: A group of 14 elite shinobi. Each Yugure has two Umbra who serve only them. The Yugure member is in charge of recruiting their own Umbra. If something is to happen to the Yugure, and he is no longer in the organization, one of his two Umbra take his place.
General: The ones that are usually in touch with the Umbra and Yugure, highly trusted.
Deputy General: In charge of all Officers and giving them orders, and making sure they're not slacking off.
Officer: They have authority to lead a small brigade of troops below their rank.
Veteran: Those who have distinguished themselves from the masses with out of the ordinary skills.
Infantry: Lowest official rank, often known as foot soldiers.
Initiate: Not yet a part of the org, they must prove themselves to gain a place in Katakiuchi.
The Umbra:
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Katakiuchi Officers:Ruffin1t, MadaraS, Rayzote
Overall Member List: Rayzote, Ruffin1t, Shivraj, dannybosa, Teamaren, Rednas, jawillia1987, mislav000, Hiruko, Hiroto, Twisted_nM, KanoMiwa, Vipto, FraQ, wingzi, Nas, Drasholav, Crono, tyler179, klockan, Juniorra, Taigakun, Trafalgar, SpeakingRain, ExiledEnvy, Kings_Head, Hasato, Tawaz, crononmos, Craz3upuppetmaster, Takoi, ItachiHatake, RennieRLR, Shuninx, Borael
Member Count: 35
Allies: HeathenEnemies: Roguhanta, Bitoku
To apply, leave a reply formatted like this:Name:
Ninja Rank(If possible):
Chakra Nature(s):
Kekkei Genkai or Chakra Mix:
Previous Village:
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.):
If you don't know any of this information, just put N/A
If you want to join the Katakiuchi Skype, or Discord Chat, PM your skype/Discord to a Yugure.
People who join before the Deathmatch Version is released will be instantly promoted to Katakiuchi Member, however, after the Deathmatch Version is released recruits will have to pass a test to get promoted from Initiate to Katakiuchi Member.For in your profile.