Forum > 3D Modeling

Sadaiyan's model

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Hello world  :)
I recently start to modeling and i would like to know your opinion on my work .

Jimmy neutr:
fucking suck cuz

What ? :o

It looks pretty decent, may want to sharpen the blade up a bit though (as it looked really round, from what I could tell of it anyways)
Other than that well done (I'm not that familiar with modeling, so can't really give you that much feedback)


--- Quote from: Nova on June 08, 2017, 15:15:48 ---It looks pretty decent, may want to sharpen the blade up a bit though (as it looked really round, from what I could tell of it anyways)
Other than that well done (I'm not that familiar with modeling, so can't really give you that much feedback)

--- End quote ---
A mans blade is only as sharp as his mind, Nova.

As for the model, it's pretty good but you definitely have room for improvement. Maybe sharpen the tip and maybe make it curve slightly less? Seems too curved to be alegit katana.


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