Shinobi Life Online

Shinobi Life Online Category => Shinobi Life Online Character => Topic started by: mamoudou52404 on July 06, 2016, 20:43:25

Title: Harukoo*Foxes On The Way (Updated)
Post by: mamoudou52404 on July 06, 2016, 20:43:25
Amazing artwork done by my dude @RaphoZentel   
Age: 15
Height:5'7" (and still growing)
Weight:117 Ibs?
HairstyleMessy Af but curly
Facial Hair:None, check out this baby face :P
Hair Color:BrownishOrange
Eye Color:Golden Sage
Blood Type:O-
Primary Chakra Nature: Wind
Hidden Village: Hidden Hills? Harukoo doesn't know his origins, he's traveled day after day on adventure
Clan: Tsukegami (,1403.msg17098.html#msg17098)
Good or Evil at Heart: Good

Weapons of Choice:
Basic Ninja Tools- Shuriken, Giant Shurikens, Kunai, etc.

-Haru can wield his chakra into any weapon, including these shuriken and Kunai.

 *Haru only utilizes his fists and Kunai, because he has never really killed anyone. Though he does posses a certain blade that has many different abilities. One ability is the ability to teleport, which Haru has not made progress in just yet. Another ability of the blade is that it may yield the user's chakra as a blade. Haru has made progress in this area of weaponry. And the sword also has the power to seal away anybody it pierces, though he barely uses the sword due to his personal 'fists and such' rule. It stays on his side most of the time and sometimes on his back, though he may wield it to injure an opponent or,if it comes to this, even kill an opponent. Harukoo doesn't believe that his opponents deserve to die, or mostly because he cannot bring himself to actually kill someone*
Kiryokû Blade

( (
-This sword can manifest the user's chakra, which in Haru's case means he can use it as a Wind Blade, or a Fire Sword.
-This sword has Teleportation Jutsu formulas meaning Haru can use this sword to teleport, however he has not fully mastered it yet.
-This sword can seal away anyone and anything it pierces.
*Kiryokû means Will Power*

Description of character's personality:The typical fun loving, impulsive, generous, smart but under-achieving, troublemaker who loves adventure, action and fun.

*Tsukegamis normally have white hair, my story should explain this difference in Harukoo


“The Beginning?” Hidden Forest
          As a child Harukoo knew nothing of his parents. In fact, Harukoo’s earliest memory? A place surrounded by trees, his earliest memory is of the village hidden in the forest or at least he assumes. He grew up on the streets, sometimes stealing from small vendors and merchants, but always paying them back. The first figure in his life was a shepherd who would stop by day by day and check up on Haru as a child. The shepherd’s name was Yama. He lived in a small place right on the central west edge of town, and he loved to play with the other kids and had many friends, there was never a day where he wasn’t smiling. He was very friendly and energetic, but also a bit of a troublemaker. The shepherd would tell Haru details about his parents every few nights and would tell him stories about his parents’ adventures. These stories told by Yama, made Haru’s taste for adventure grow stronger and stronger. 

          By age 7 Haru had already enrolled into The Academy, and was a very promising student, when it came to using his wits and and battling opponents. Although he wasn’t the best at written tests. The worst part was when they asked for his name, he had always written “Harukoo?” with a question mark at the end, because he had no idea whether that was in fact his real name or not. He couldn’t remember if he gave himself that name, of if Yama the shepherd, had started calling him this.
          Around this same time, Yama became curious of Haru’s chakra nature so one day, he took him out into the forest and gave him a Chakra Litmus Paper. As Haru concentrated on feeding the paper his chakra he could not control his excitement.

          A few minutes passed and then suddenly, skrshhh, the paper ripped in half, confirming that Haru’s chakra nature was Wind.

          Even though 7 year old Haru was a promising student in the academy, had many friends, and had a home, the stories told by Yama the shepherd, were gnawing at Haru and sooner or later, Haru knew he would have to leave the village in taste for adventure. He knew that he couldn’t resist trying to find his parents. He had questions, so many questions. And on top of all that, Haru had no idea whether Yama the shepherd, was telling the truth all this time. Before leaving the village, Haru had lots to do. He decided to pay back Kirame, the merchant, for those 2 pieces of candy he had once stolen.
And also, Mr. Initza, for all those free meals at his shop. And not to mention, the old man on the other side street of the Academy, for all the broken windows Haru had caused over the years. After repaying his debt to all the villagers he had impacted (who were actually all very fond of Haru), Haru had to somehow, let his friends know of his departure.
He let Nysh, Keneva, and Misaaki, his three closest friends know of his decision. All three understood Haru’s intentions and all wished to join him. Nysh, being the supporter, told Haru he would one day join up with him and they would travel together. Keneva, however, being the cautious, brass, and shy kind tried to talk Haru out of leaving the village. Misaaki was shocked as she knew she would miss Haru deeply. The news was passed on to the rest of Haru’s friends,and the rest of the village. Haru began to pack. News had also passed on to Yama,the shepherd and he stopped by Haru’s place and began to question him. After days, Yama realized he could not change Harukoo’s stubborn mind and decided to give him his blessing, for he would miss this child, that he the shepherd had grown to love, so so much. 

          “Where can I begin?” Haru asked Yama the shepherd on his final night.

As Yama the shepherd, wiped away tears from his eyes, he reluctantly answered, “Heizugakure”, as the rumors of a legendary couple, who had left behind a son, had started here.

“Huh?”, a dumbfounded Haru asked.

“The Hidden Haze”.

“Please let me ask one thing” said Yama, “Why, whats the point of leaving? Whats out there?”

“Everything, My parents, and a life of adventure” replied Haru with his trademark sly grin, and thumbs up.

As sunrise approached, the whole, rumored to be “lazy”, Hidden Forest gathered to see Haru off.

And as sunrise approached, a 7 year old Haru, gazed upon the horizon, ready to begin his new life of adventure…


"Foxes" On the Way
As Haru left the village, he daydreamed, as he normally did in class. He thought of many things including the adventure he had just begun. Had he made the right choice? Was he too young to be leaving the village? This was insane, he almost wanted to turn back, but just kept on walking. To distract himself from these thoughts, he thought of his parents. Everything he knew of his parents came from Yama. He had always questioned to himself, how Yama knew of his parents, but chose not to question Yama out of sheer hope that he was telling the truth. Was his father really a master of Genjutsu? And was his mother really lightning quick? How could he live up to those expectations? Nono- he had to stop thinking like this, this wasn’t the way he normally thought.
   After several hours of travel, Haru heard a *rustle*. Walking slower Haru began to pay attention to his surroundings, he was in a path in the middle of the forest, the sun shining brightly on the trees of the forest.
   The rustling noise kept following him

Haru draws his kunai, ready for any incoming action, and as the thing following him sees the shine of a kunai it jumps out unto the path. A fox had been following him, and now was seemingly growling at Haru. Behind the fox, hidden in the bushel of leaves, was a baby fox Haru could see. Haru understood, the fox was only trying to protect its kin. Haru tried walking away slowly but the fox attacked, charging at him and jumping at his face.
   Haru ducked, and put away his kunai. Haru had understood that once he took out his kunai, the fox instantly took it as a threat and was just protecting its baby. As the fox kept attacking Haru kept dodging, though the fox did get lucky once barely scratching his palm. When the fox finally chillaxed, Haru noticed that they had traveled a long way down the path, away from the baby fox. The fennec fox instantly thinking of its kin began fleeing towards the baby red fox. Haru stood there, not following the fox but not moving along. He was tired and sat down against a tree to rest. He thought he would fall asleep, then suddenly he heard the loudest of howls.
He ignored it at first, thinking back to working on Yama’s sheep litter, he had heard lots of wolf calls and sometimes could pinpoint the difference in them. This call though was more like a short howl.
Like a bark and howl at the same time and Haru knew it was an alarm bark, sometimes used to call others in the area if a cub is in danger.
  His curiousness led him back up the path, and he saw that the mother fox had been using a fox cry instead. In the distance he could see people heading off and the mother fox injured. Haru knew that they were hunters and decided to tail them.

Tailing the hunters led Haru to a forest hideout, where from way high up in the trees he could spot the baby fox in a basic cage. As it kept yelping, the hunter kicked the cage repeatedly telling it to “shut up”.

“Who are you?” Haru asked the hunter

The hunter turned around, surprised to see a mere kid in his hideout.
   “Are you lost or something kid? You’re a long way from the nearest village”

   “I saw you take that fox away from its mother”

“So? Whats it to you?” asked the Hunter

“Why? The mother fox has been looking for it”

“Eh who cares about the fox? I’m a hunter, its what I do, which means I trap and kill animals for a living”
“Sorry but could you give it back?” Haru asked, grinning :)
   “Kid are you stupid? This fox has golden eyes, that’ll gimme an extra profit on the market you know”

“Please sir, I’m begging you”
   “Get lost” the hunter replied, as he raised a kunai towards the baby fox.

Haru knew he had to act, he knew his words alone could not convince this hunter and he hated that. So he did the only thing that would come to mind. He threw his kunai at the hunter’s feet, distracting him and then made a run for the cage.

“A ninja huh? Well you’re gonna get what's coming to you!”
The hunter swung his weapon at Haru instantly connecting. The hunter smiled, as the weapon powerfully hit Haru and sent him flying backwards.
   This satisfaction of the Hunter’s only lasted a mere moment.


It was a shadow clone, and as the hunter realized this, 4 other clones ran up behind him and restrained him.
“Hey let go of me” said the hunter struggling
Haru opened the cage and let out the fox, but it would barely move.

When Haru looked up, the hunter had kicked off all his clones.

Haru knew he had to battle this hunter if he was gonna get the fox out of here, he could simply run carrying the fox, but he would have no idea where the mother was. So he stood there thinking of a plan. The hunter took this time to pull out his shuriken and flung it at Haru. Haru dodged and cast 4 more clones.

“For a child you’re good”
The hunter, then threw more shuriken. But this time Haru was not his target, it was the baby fox.

Haru, diving in front of the baby, got cut multiple times in his back. Taking the pain, and his exhaustion from his encounter with the fox, haru knew taijutsu wasn’t his strong suit at the moment.

So staying close to the fox, he created 5 shadow clones, each one charging at the hunter,

Punches colliding with the hunter, the hunter was taking hit after hit and this battle lasted a long while. After Haru’s clones finally get to restrain the hunter, who is very exhausted, the hunter stops fighting and smiles.

From above, an arrow was flung towards Haru.

   The arrow, covered in a green chakra cloak, flung at high speed was not seen by Haru and then………

      Splat, blood flew into the air…..
But not Haru’s blood. The mother fox, appearing suddenly, jumped in front of Haru

Haru couldn’t believe it, The mother fox had purposely protected him. He wondered if this was how it felt to have a mother. As he saw this sight, his will grew stronger.

“Eiji you bastard, how could you miss?!?” The hunter shouted angrily
“How could you be beaten by a mere child” the person hollered back, and continued on shooting arrows cloaked in chakra.
As another arrow comes for Haru, which he could not see

Splat, the mother fox is hit again, jumping in Haru’s way.
The mother fox lays still on the ground still breathing but barely moving.

SSwaack, another chakra cloaked arrow is shot at Haru, but he is coming to sense gradually about this shooter. And with one swift movement, Haru catches the arrow, while simultaneously swinging a shurkien in the direction of the shooter. (Haru couldnt see the shooter but tried calculating angles).

   “Aaaahch”, the shooter hollered as he was hit in his arm, and instantly Haru created 3 more clones to restrain the shooter. Haru realizes that this was the hunter’s strategy all along, having his comrade hide that way if they ran into trouble, an enemy would fight one comrade not knowing about the other and could easily be picked off. The clones stagger the shooter out of the trees and have both men restrained, and as Haru looks down he sees the baby fox licking at the mother fox who was now completely still and was not moving.(she had succumbed to her injuries) 
The poor kiddo is licking at his mother’s feet.
Harukoo realizes that the mother had followed him towards the hunters and had taken the arrows for him…. As if it was his mom.
As Haru looked at the baby red fox, squaling and sniffing around its now dead mother, he realized that he couldnt leave the fox alone to fend for itself, he didnt want it to grow up without a mother’s love like he did, so Haru picked up the fox and began to walk away, his clones still restraining the hunters.
   “This is all your fault Mochizin” yelled the other hunter.
“Hey come back here” they yelled as Haru walked off,

The baby fox looked up finding comfort in Haru, and Haru, at this moment promises to take care of the fox and anyone else who needs his help.

“Come on baby fox, lets find ourselves a family” Haru said walking off into the forest path. 
( (

Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: Kings_Head on July 06, 2016, 20:49:46
Looks good very naruto-ish xD if you need help with your story i can help you out
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: mamoudou52404 on July 06, 2016, 20:50:49
Looks good very naruto-ish xD if you need help with your story i can help you out
yeah that'd be great, and u know I love Naruto cousin Allake
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: Sage32801 on July 06, 2016, 21:20:55
Looking great, I looking forward to seeing your story.
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: Zama on July 06, 2016, 21:34:58
Looking forward to reading his history, good start :)

Spoiler: show
Did you mean "Lbs" for his weight?
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: waly206 on July 06, 2016, 21:37:04
Looking forward for the story too
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: Nova on July 06, 2016, 22:03:53
Looks alright, hard to distinguish some of the text due it all being the same size/thickness/color and such. (talking about main keywords such as "Height" etc.)

Will be waiting for your character story.
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: Manuster on July 06, 2016, 22:13:32
So if Naruto was black.......noice
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: mamoudou52404 on July 07, 2016, 02:25:12
Looks alright, hard to distinguish some of the text due it all being the same size/thickness/color and such. (talking about main keywords such as "Height" etc.)

Will be waiting for your character story.
Lol  i think you saw the post before I redited it again.... Does this look better? When I was looking at it the first time I realized that the text was kind of big and everything was orange so it made it harder to read. @Nova 
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on July 07, 2016, 04:11:27

this gif got my attention though.... And yeah you do look like naruto.... :P
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: mamoudou52404 on July 07, 2016, 05:24:03
Hey guys, I know I just created this post today, but so far I have made much progress on Part 1 of Harukoo's history... Lol trust me, its gonna be a long one thats filled with story after story, so I hope you guys like stories... For all of you waiting for the history, I'm thinking of posting either today (since its 12:23 over here rn) or tomorrow as I brush up some final details of part 1, :D Hope you guys enjoy! :)
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on July 07, 2016, 05:26:47
Hey guys, I know I just created this post today, but so far I have made much progress on Part 1 of Harukoo's history... Lol trust me, its gonna be a long one thats filled with story after story, so I hope you guys like stories... For all of you waiting for the history, I'm thinking of posting either today (since its 12:23 over here rn) or tomorrow as I brush up some final details of part 1, :D Hope you guys enjoy! :)
Part 1?? How many parts are you planning for btw :P
Title: Re: Harukoo*
Post by: mamoudou52404 on July 07, 2016, 06:04:38
Hey guys, I know I just created this post today, but so far I have made much progress on Part 1 of Harukoo's history... Lol trust me, its gonna be a long one thats filled with story after story, so I hope you guys like stories... For all of you waiting for the history, I'm thinking of posting either today (since its 12:23 over here rn) or tomorrow as I brush up some final details of part 1, :D Hope you guys enjoy! :)
Part 1?? How many parts are you planning for btw :P
lmaoo dude I'm planning to write a lot, like I mean a lot.... Anyways, I can add you to the doc for an early sneak peek ;) if u want lol.
Title: Re: Harukoo*(Part 1 Updated)
Post by: Zama on July 08, 2016, 13:34:13
A few minutes passed and then suddenly, skrshhh,

Cool story tho
Title: Re: Harukoo*(Part 1 Updated)
Post by: Yamasukage on July 08, 2016, 14:23:51
Yama the shepherd
My heart skipped a beat there and I was like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit but then I realised it I had no place in this story, but awesome character page, looking forward to part 2
Title: Re: Harukoo*(Part 1 Updated)
Post by: Manuster on July 08, 2016, 17:48:33

As Yama the shepherd, wiped away tears from his eyes


and for a 7 year old kid you are quite a big deal jeez xDD the entire village getting up to see you leave? lmao
Title: Re: Harukoo*(Part 1 Updated)
Post by: mamoudou52404 on July 09, 2016, 01:49:51

As Yama the shepherd, wiped away tears from his eyes


and for a 7 year old kid you are quite a big deal jeez xDD the entire village getting up to see you leave? lmao
i am deee special onee

"dee special one" manuster :D
Title: Re: Harukoo*(Part 1 Updated)
Post by: mamoudou52404 on August 04, 2016, 00:13:38
Ive updated the character lol, All the amazing work done by @RaphoZentel, dudes great, go check him out! :)
Title: Re: Harukoo*(Part 1 Updated)
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on August 04, 2016, 02:46:13
Amazing artwork and weapon idea. imma +rep @RaphoZentel and bribe him to do mine (cuz I have a lot of outfits :3 )

I like the four sides shuriken.... it's my fav
Title: Re: Harukoo*(Part 1 Updated)
Post by: mamoudou52404 on August 04, 2016, 03:48:16
Amazing artwork and weapon idea. imma +rep @RaphoZentel and bribe him to do mine (cuz I have a lot of outfits :3 )

I like the four sides shuriken.... it's my fav
lol thanks nysh, i literally have a bunch of outfits for this character too lol and rapho created them all for me and so i had to choose one,

heres an example of a few we made, if the pics dont work then ill post their official urls down below



I was gonna pick this one but it looked a little too naruto-ish so i didnt wanna rip off or make people think i ripped off of naruto^

the one in the post was the final product, the color scheme was hard to choose cause i wanted orange and blue, my two favorite colors but i didnt wanna rip off naruto with the orange @Toratsume Nyshn
Title: Re: Harukoo*(Part 1 Updated)
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on August 04, 2016, 07:43:14
Well... ofc they are nice...
But by different outfits I meant something like a charecter evolution...
Like when I was young, how I should look then when I joined the academy, my shinobi uniform when i works for the morigakure army, then the clothing after I was discharged from the forces... :P
It's too much work for Rapho so :3
I won't bother him rn
Title: Re: Harukoo*Foxes On The Way (Updated)
Post by: mamoudou52404 on August 05, 2016, 08:44:21
can anyone help me? I just updated part 2 of my story up along with some images but they aren't showing
Title: Re: Harukoo*Foxes On The Way (Updated)
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on August 05, 2016, 09:26:46
Title: Re: Harukoo*Foxes On The Way (Updated)
Post by: Kai on August 05, 2016, 09:47:55
You might want to re-size those images.

If you want you can use this:

( (

Code: [Select]
[img][/img] [img][/img]
Title: Re: Harukoo*Foxes On The Way (Updated)
Post by: mamoudou52404 on August 05, 2016, 16:40:29
You might want to re-size those images.

If you want you can use this:

( (

Code: [Select]
[img][/img] [img][/img]
THANKS U SO MUCH, i was looking for help
Title: Re: Harukoo*Foxes On The Way (Updated)
Post by: mamoudou52404 on August 24, 2016, 17:23:18
:) I like that name
Title: Re: Harukoo*Foxes On The Way (Updated)
Post by: Manuster on August 25, 2016, 02:34:48
Though he does posses a certain blade that has many different abilities. One ability is the ability to teleport, which Haru has not made progress in just yet...

And the sword also has the power to seal away anybody it pierces, though he barely uses the sword due to his personal 'fists and such' rule.

might as well give the guy immortality too

but cool story nevertheless xDD i like the way you ended up with the fox
Title: Re: Harukoo*Foxes On The Way (Updated)
Post by: mamoudou52404 on August 28, 2016, 04:12:07
Part 3 of "THE ADVENTURES OF LITTLE HARU" coming out soon @everyone

@Toratsume Nyshn ^ :)
Title: Re: Harukoo*Foxes On The Way (Updated)
Post by: Sewshut on August 28, 2016, 04:15:13
The story update looks good, looking forward to reading the rest in the future.
Title: Re: Harukoo*Foxes On The Way (Updated)
Post by: Toratsume Nyshn on August 28, 2016, 14:36:11
Part 3 of "THE ADVENTURES OF LITTLE HARU" coming out soon @everyone

@Toratsume Nyshn ^ :)
wait no!!! Its not complete yet! unless you did it!
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