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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - Konohuro

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 ... 85
Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Capturing and restricting
« on: January 21, 2015, 15:50:41 »
Back carrying and knocking out are things I'd like to see in SLO some day.

On another note, knocking out won't be very practical during combat, it would be more of a stealth tactic.

About this, I was thinking not to add zoom in or zoom out comands like in other games, everyone should have the same distance between camera (the players point of view) and the character as everybody else thus one will not have a better visual range than another.

Sorry, Leebz, I hope you don't mind posting this on your suggestion topic.
I don't mind at all :)
However, I have to disagree with the idea. I personally would like the choice of first person or third considering I play third person. The only time I would play first person is if I was to use an Oculus.

As for what Vreg said about Stealth, that's great but I believe there is other ways to knock someone out. Like what Kono said, the choice could be added when you can choose to kill a person or they could fall unconcious if they use up all their chakra
He didn't mean the complete removal of the 3rd person. What I understood was: a fixed camera distance that can't be zoomed in or out of.


Naruto Fanworks / Re: The sin of Pride
« on: January 21, 2015, 15:36:56 »
I liked it. Good job.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Capturing and restricting
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:23:26 »
Back carrying and knocking out are things I'd like to see in SLO some day.

On another note, knocking out won't be very practical during combat, it would be more of a stealth tactic.

About this, I was thinking not to add zoom in or zoom out comands like in other games, everyone should have the same distance between camera (the players point of view) and the character as everybody else thus one will not have a better visual range than another.

Sorry, Leebz, I hope you don't mind posting this on your suggestion topic.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Capturing and restricting
« on: January 19, 2015, 16:53:00 »
Since is a game based in Naruto, i bet capturing will be available, but the problem is that DayZ is not as fast as SLO. in the freeze tag you move really fast and i find it hard to be able to cuff people and knock people unconscious. Although even in real life it's easier to kill than capture. Either with traps or knock people unconscious, I love the idea of making the display go blank on the screen of the captured, maybe also at the moment when you're being carry to the destination, in the captured-guy's display, the screen will follow your body.

I haven't thought at this problem. In my mind the things went in a different way. Vreg said that after you beat someone and his health goes low, he will fall as a window appears for the winner, where he can choose to kill or to spare that person. After I have read Leebs suggestion, I was thinking of adding another button:"Tie" and/or "Tie and make him unconscious".

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Capturing and restricting
« on: January 19, 2015, 16:44:02 »
Very good idea!
I would like to see it in game.

3D Modeling / Re: My 3d models
« on: January 17, 2015, 17:43:20 »
These are really cool! You're good.

You know that this:

are not made by him. It's just a site where some guys share the models from different naruto games, models that are extracted by them. (maybe there are some fan made models strayed, though)

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Some Clan Questions
« on: January 17, 2015, 17:35:59 »
My opinion:

For personal homes - Apartments will be sold within the villages, maybe like GTA housing but inside the house you can decorate and place furniture where you want. (rather than having the same place as everyone else)
If you're part of a clan and it has purchased some land within the village you can have a home inside it's walls (Like the Uchiha estate)

[I'm gonna take ideas from another MMORPG]

I say that inside personal housing you could buy a chest (furniture), where you can storage items from your inventory. Something like a bank, none can enter there, and open the chest (if you wanna make it a possibility). Also, since i don't really think that personal housing should be easy to get, i say that when you do, this personal house have some kind of ability. A button is a added to the interface, where you can be instantly transported to your house to dump what you want in the "chest", and then return to where you were. This doesn't sound realistic at all, so it might not be such a great idea.

@Leebz great ideas by the way :)

I don't see this as a good idea. There are too many bad points up there.

I think that at the begining, the firat generation of kage, should be suzeains (In brief a suzerain is a king or leader that holds the supreme power in a state. He practly is the god of that village, in our case.). Everything will be more interesting this way. A kage can decide to change state's organization, to separate the powers in his village, to create a council or to decide to handle himself with all the problems. Will he give up to his powers for the good of the village or he will became a feard dictator who will lead the village with an iron hand?

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Non-Rogue vs Rogue
« on: January 15, 2015, 20:15:35 »
What if the village decides to exile you?

Anyway, I've played a game that had the same idea, to copy as much as possible the naruto universe. I've played that game 2 years so I had enough time to experience almost all the paths a shinobi could have and I have to say that Vreg is right; the village life is not that boring as it seems. In fact there are more activities inside a village rather than outside it. As a rogue, the only interesting part is when you are finding a villager and fight him, besides this you just wonder around and eventually do what the leaders of your organization ask you to do (probably boring stuff too). On the other hand, when you are a villager you are always interacting with different shinobi, you are finding rogues if you want to hunt them down or you can guard your village territory, preventing enemies from infiltrating. All in one, when you are missing-nin the funny moments are when you are interacting with a villager or another rogue while when you are a villager you can interact and have fun not only with other villagers but with your sensei/students/kage, with rogues and with enemy villagers as well...

Which game was this @Konuhuro ? I want to try it out


Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Non-Rogue vs Rogue
« on: January 15, 2015, 15:49:23 »
What if the village decides to exile you?

Anyway, I've played a game that had the same idea, to copy as much as possible the naruto universe. I've played that game 2 years so I had enough time to experience almost all the paths a shinobi could have and I have to say that Vreg is right; the village life is not that boring as it seems. In fact there are more activities inside a village rather than outside it. As a rogue, the only interesting part is when you are finding a villager and fight him, besides this you just wonder around and eventually do what the leaders of your organization ask you to do (probably boring stuff too). On the other hand, when you are a villager you are always interacting with different shinobi, you are finding rogues if you want to hunt them down or you can guard your village territory, preventing enemies from infiltrating. All in one, when you are missing-nin the funny moments are when you are interacting with a villager or another rogue while when you are a villager you can interact and have fun not only with other villagers but with your sensei/students/kage, with rogues and with enemy villagers as well...

Games / Re: Your Mental Age
« on: January 14, 2015, 19:35:03 »

The Manipulation Art of a Thousand Swords

This is where a puppeteer instead of using puppets, uses swords that are attached by chakra strings! this way the multiple swords that are used can be infused with the users elemental chakra! because they are made by the same conductive metal as Asuma sarutobi’s daggers. The swords can be soaked with poison for added affect. The potential for this jutsu is quite lethal, the chakra strings can made invisible, and thrown in the air to scatter them all over the place. then pulled or thrown in which way to take the enemy off guard.
Just like in Naruto series there are more stages depending on the skills of the shinobi.

About the controlings I have some ideas... Depending on your characters skills you can control different numbers of swords from one up to ten. However there is a jutsu mastered only by those who are truly skilled and hardworkers, genius, when are summoned 100 swords.
Until you manage to master 10 swords things are like this: after you finished performing the handseals to summon the amount of swords you master, you enter in what I decided to call "mastering mode" when the keys that used to be associated to handseals are now representing one sword. (For ex.: y-first sword, u-second sword, i-third sword,o- fourth sword, p-fifth sword, g-sixth sword...l-tenth sword). While not pressing anything the sword symply float in front of you. To control one sword you have to press and hold the corespondent key like "y" and according to your mouse movement your sword is moving. Move your mouse upward and the sword is going ahead, move the.mouse to the left and the sword will go to the left; all this while you hold the "y" buttone. If you hold multiple keys than all the swords that corespond to the keys will follow the path given by the mouse. After you stop holding the key/keys those swords will gwt back in the initial position. (If you moved your character while your swords where in an attack, they will return near your character).
When  and if you master 100 swords than 10 swords will be assigned to one key so one hit will be ten times stronger. The disadvantage is that the attacks will be sligrhly slower. But a hit with all 100 swords at once can be critical.

Of course the controls can be changed if the GMs think so, but I think that this way the player really has the feeling of being a pupeeter Naruto style. Also, I think that this way, the shinobi skills rely more on players skills rather than automatics.

Games / Re: cfazt elkbgosw (Fat elbows)
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:21:45 »


Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Textures
« on: January 03, 2015, 15:28:13 »
Got it. Glad to hear those.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Textures
« on: January 03, 2015, 14:48:57 »
I was wondering how will look the final game.
It will have the textures similar to ones from the Demo or they will be more anime-ish like in the video below?

PS: The game showed above is dead.

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