Important News

We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - GhostParadise

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7
Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Hidden Thunder
« on: April 05, 2016, 05:36:34 »
right here @Leebz  including my sister that is, we are ready for anything
btw shes progressing very well in training

nah man i dont mean it to be mean XD its just newcomers, if they get sent from that website they will potentially leave the game and bash it cuz they will think its in beta, just stating he better read the FAQ and when in game it clearly stats it in the bottom right that its in pre alpha

I think he should edit his post on that website so people dont get confused  ;)

well tbh its in PRE ALPHA lol,
bust seriously next time do ur research and read the FAQ about the game rather than make a post on a game you clearly are very new to and no nothing about XD

p.s not bashing just a suggestion  :P

 1:When do you think (ET) will be first person mode?

2:And when First Person mode is in will it be followed by the first addition of VR eg: Oculus Rift mixed with FPM (First Person Mode)?

3:And also are you guys working on community created stores like for instance Mars ramen or will players be able to buy the shop in the final game and then add a logo onto it and customize the store?  :P

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: SLO-RP, Discord server
« on: March 27, 2016, 02:18:25 »
sent you the link via PM will make, Mars's Ramen both text and voice right away!   :P

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / SLO-RP, Discord server
« on: March 27, 2016, 02:01:33 »
SLO-RP discord Server!

What is it: SLO RP (roleplay) is a Discord server meant for roleplaying and communication for team battles in SLO. It has been in the works for the past day (still very new but it has a lot of features), and it has groups for each village for your character, both for voice and text. If you do not have a microphone or simply do not wish to use one, you may use one of the text channels. The reason I gave each village their own voice and text chats is so that you guys can come up with battle strategies and not have everyone eavesdropping in.
Only moderators and creators like myself can join all channels to make sure that everyone is having fun and keeping the chats flame and bullying free -  this will not be tolerated.

The same rules apply to the Discord chat that are found in the SLO community guidelines and rules.

Thanks to jcryer, we have a live music bot that plays Naruto OST's in the general Voice chat.
This channel even has a rogue channel, as well as clan channels for discussion during RP, all you have to do is ask me (GhostParadise) to add your clan to the Discord server and give you the rights so you can change your channel as you see fit.

If you would like to be a moderator or have your clan added please either PM me or post it down below. Keep note: we are modifying it and making it better, as this is a long term RP server. We will add what the community wants while also maintaining the balance of the server.

Note: if you would like to join in on the action early I will send you a Discord link. Though, only a select few will be permitted to join. These people will vary in ways such as affiliation, organisations, clans etc.

I will be hosting a test so i can get feedback on the server shortly.

General Topic Discussion (Text Only)
Live Music:  Music bot made by (Jcryer)
Clan Channels (Text and voice)
Village Channels (Text and voice)
Rouge Channels (Text and voice)
Organization Channels (Text and voice)

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Shishida Amigake
« on: March 05, 2016, 21:33:50 »
Cool Character can't wait too see it in the Final Game XD

Team Battle Gamemode IMPROVEMETS

team battle MAX player size 32 players
team size max: 8
team size min 4
        TEAM NEEDS

1-2 med ninja
 1-2 player scout
 4 battle ready players
   Team Black:

   Team White:

   Team Red:

   Team Blue:

tell me what you think!

this goes with my other topic seen here:

this would be good for events!  :P

So recently Vreg stated he would want to put a jutsu to heal yourself, well i made my own little improvemts to his idea and what i think it should be like-let me know what you think!

Medical self healing-heals yourself but its slower-as in the naruto universe med nin when healing them self its slower
aid with other player/Player healing another player: heals other player but has more of a faster rate of healing than the "Medical self healing"

This would encourage teamwork,players during team battle would have to have a standby medical team or swap out other players so they could get healed

im making a post after this one for an extension of this current topic

3D Modeling / Re: Matt's Hotbox
« on: February 13, 2016, 06:56:17 »
looks sick af! nice work, keep it up  :P

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Black Leg SANJI
« on: February 03, 2016, 19:58:08 »
yo sanji what about me ur rival buddy? XD nice history and hope to battle you one day! i wont lose no matter what!  8)

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: More missions
« on: January 21, 2016, 22:14:23 »
please do not make a thread unless you read the FAQ, the FAQ already stats put it simply yes they will its a simulation of shinobi after all!

heres the FAQ:
please read this!

General Discussion / Re: Happy Holidays
« on: December 25, 2015, 02:10:13 »
merry Christmas everyone! hope you guys have a good one!

hey i got 2nd place on my Bday so hell yeah!!!!

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Rōguhantā
« on: November 13, 2015, 20:11:00 »
Sanji why did you mention me XD no but seriously why tag me....msg me on skype bro idk what ur reason is but just tell me in a PM or over skype if you want here for ya!

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