Image done by Ken and Nova.
Name: Konohuro
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 1.80 m
Weight: 70 kg
Hairstyle: A long straight hair falls on Konohuro's back. A medium and thin strand of hair covers a part of his left eye.
Facial hair: -
Hair color: White
Eye color: Grey (only one)
Blood type: B+
Primary chakra nature: Wind
Village: Hidden Ash
Clan: Kirishima
Good or evil at heart?: It depends on how you perceive good and evil. But he will be rogue.
Organizations:Personality:Face 1 (Konohuro refers to this side of his personality as: The Black Mask):
Konohuro is a tragic figure. Since his parent's death he kind of lost apart of himself in that moment too. His whole life since that night has been spent learning and teaching himself how to become a shinobi to save the world from hatred. He's the typical brooding loner type. Also because of his parents death he can appear cold and aloof towards others who wish to get closer. To him he'd rather play it alone because if he cares for someone, puts his heart out on the line, he'll eventually get hurt when he loses them. Still that cold and sometimes arrogant/prideful side is what most people (who don't know him well) see instead of the kind and compassionate person he truly is underneath it all. Though he is very compassionate to others he has trouble sometimes letting the darkness get too far; this can show off his impulsivity despite his calm nature. His friends presence is there for one reason: they're the light to his darkness. They may be the only things keeping him from over the edge.
Beside his attitude The Black Mask has an uncommon curiosity for humans origins and it’s purpose. Since he was a 13 he started travelling across the land seeking answers… answers that are not as important as the question otherwise. He got to three main ideas that are leading his life:
1. Words mean nothing.
2. The emotions are composing the person and are destroying it.
3.Our fate is fixed. It’s our destiny that must be sized.
Face 2 (Konohuro refers to this side of his personality as: The Red Mask):
In contrast with his first face, Konohuro shows that a part of him is a homicidal, psychopathic, ruthless, sadistic, maniacal, lunatic, manipulative, intelligent and diabolical criminal who wants nothing but chaos and anarchy wherever he goes. While The Red Mask covers his mind, Konohuro uses a high-pitched, comical, bouncy, silly, and over-the-top voice that occasionally stoops down to a slight growl. His malevolent, sadistic sense of humor and psychopathic tendency of murdering whoever stays in his way defines The Red Mask so it can't be mistaken with his other personality: The Black Mask. Konohuro also likes to corrupt his enemies in various media, however if he fails he has a vicious, uncommon pleasure of inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on his enemies before he kills them due to his ruthless mind.
Despite of the existence of two personalities, they don't manifest separately in fact they act like a whole. After the shift took place, the other personality remembers what the previous one did, in addition while one personality is controlling the body, the other one can easily take control over the other. In fact, a part of Konohuro's rationality remains neutral and decides how to act: like The Black Mask or like The Red Mask. What other people don't understand is that there aren't two different minds nor two different wills that are fighting for the control of the body, the two personalities are just two different types of behaving that Konohuro decides to adopt in order to act in a certain way; choice that is decided by his mood, too.
Description of the character's history: Chapter 1
A perfect imperfect life Small drops of lead are falling from the heights of the tinted clouds. One drip touches the still smooth skin of a young boy, followed by another one… in no time the whole horizon was covered by a mantle of rain.
The sound of a whip dragged on the hard ground, not wet yet, can be heard anywhere in the small glade. The whip is raised up to the sun than flicked backwards to the peak of the mountain and finally whipped toward the back of the quiet, humble boy. The skin burst under the three strikes of the three metal heads of the whip: ”I TOLD YOU TO DO AS I SAY!”… Those words were resounding like a thunder in the forest. The bushes nearby were shaking covering the frightened small creatures and leaves started falling when the scared birds were rising to the sky. Only three crows were standing on a fallen log from a corner of the glade, looking into the eyes of the boy, who was propping with his chest in a stump from the middle of the clearing.
Another strike of the whip, another set of wounds and another thunder of words: “You knew that those who don’t listen are punished and still you decided to disregard my words and my orders!”. The whip continued to strike as the man was shouting. “How can you dare to dishonor the name of our family, you, my son… to dishonor the name of the village chef, you, insignificant insect!”. Still, the boy wasn’t crying, wasn’t even yelling, he was just clenching and grinding his teeth biting from the old snag out of hate. His hands were wrapping the unfortunate place of punishment, while the heavy whip tore his back. Finally, after five insane whippings the punisher stopped, but for the 11 years old child, was too much to endure. He was now lying unconscious on the ground. The light rain made a fen of blood around the child. The enraged fathered turned to the two guards who were standing and watching all that time, and said: “You two, take him to the village, to his mother, I will come too eventually.” And the two guards executed the order, picking up very carefully the little kid and carrying him as their leader said.
Yashiro Usagi was a very valorous shinobi in the village hidden by ash. Being the most feared enemy of missing-nins and the ANBU Captain, Yashiro was the pride of the village. He was known for being the most merciless shinobi of his kind, thus he was very dreaded. He was young and full of glory, but his cold heart made of stone was soaked by a beautiful kunoichi of the Infernogakure, respected member of the noble clan Kirishima. Of course their love was never accepted in a world full of interests. However they had a son, that lived his early years of life near his mother in Infernogakure. After some time the couple assumed the risk and run away from their villages becoming missing-nin. Soon they got married and got established in a small modest village somewhere in the middle of a forest. Yashiro and his beautiful wife, Jichiru were fast accepted in their new home. Not unexpected at all, Yashiro became the leader of that village. Because Konohuro was now the son of the village leader, he never stayed with other children of his age. Since he was little, he spent his time with the two guards of Yashiro that thought him how to fight and how to survive. His father wanted him to be a good warrior, a good survivor… a beyond compare shinobi.
Black. Everything’s black, but a shiny ray is making its way through the eyelids slightly open. Yet, a sunshine is not always welcomed… Konohuro opens slowly his eyes waking up in his bedroom. No one in his room, no one in his house, only the noise of a crowd outside the house was disturbing the silence. Heading toward the entrance, some grimaces appears on Kono’s face as the wounds still hurt when he is twisting even just a bit his chest. He opened the door and found a mess; everyone was running chaotically, children were crying and women were screaming: their village was under attack. Konohuro, bewildered, was trying to find a familiar face in the crowd. Without a notice, a hooded rider grabbed Konohuro, threw him a bit in the air, just the right height so he could lend on the horse. Riding together, they managed to escape from the agglomeration. The rider took off his hood and revealed himself. It was a women, Konohuro’s mother. Of course… Kono could have bet on this… that soft touch of the white refined skin could be only his mother’s. He found out that his father got killed in the attack while he was trying to distract the intruders.