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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - Nova

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 91
I wish you did a little more research before actually typing all of this.
Whilst the critique might be right if you look at it from just one close minded perspective, as you judged it as if it were the final product (MMORPG).
In no way does this stage resemble the final product.
If you paid a bit more attention you would've seen the "Pre-Alpha"
In case you have no clue what it means:

The most important part being the "Developers are usually still deciding on what features the program should have at this stage of software development. This stage comes before the alpha version, and is the first software development stage given to a program."
The only reason the pre-alpha version is playable is so that people can get an idea of the way the devs want to do this.
And so that it isn't just a forum based project (as is the case with some other side project indies).

Whilst I do agree that the mechanics / content is lacking at this point, I don't mind it as that is to be expected from a "pre-alpha" version.

Now to 'your' suggestions:
I feel like I have to say it before you don't understand: Things will be updated, nothing is final.
Most of the fighting suggestions that you've listed have either already been talked about, been confirmed or denied.
Several of the suggestions you've given are more for the later stages (closer to the final release) rather than an alpha stage.
For next time I suggest that you use the search function which can be found on the top navigation bar, to see if whatever you want to talk about whether it is a suggestion or anything else was already talked about.

Now to a tip:
If you want to critique a project, it'll be received better if you don't type it angrily.
As you repeatedly calling the devs liars and such for listing what they want to do with this project and it not being in the "pre-alpha" stage.

You should do more research before typing a book of critique about things that are wrong with the "game" that isn't even close to being done whilst still judging as if it were.
You should use the search function to see if your suggestions have already been talked about.
And probably the most important: You shouldn't type it so angrily, as people would be more understanding for faults if you explain it to them in a kind manner.

In this case you're pointing out flaws that have already been discussed, or aren't even that relevant at this point in a quite offensive manner.

Whether you stay or check back at a later stage is up to you.

this was my personal reply.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: SLO Memorial
« on: December 28, 2017, 10:43:01 »
No seriously, just post a post with the letter "F". It won't count as a shitpost, Nova promised.

I'll let it slide once, also aren't there more permabanned members that would earn your respect.
Kamashe was also a prime example oF shitposting and getting himself permabanned for misbehaving.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: Honō (Flames) clan
« on: December 26, 2017, 19:16:03 »
Good luck with the clan.
Will you add a history later down the line?

(And Blaze if Vreg be nice to me)
That is pretty irrelevant.

rules: if you are caught using Water release you will be whipped
Guessing you will kick members with a potential boil release? (Fire + water).

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: suggesting some stuff
« on: December 21, 2017, 17:15:20 »
I assume he was mostly satirical, while your suggestions are good.
They have been suggested numerous times in the past, I suggest you use the search function which can be found at the top on the navigation bar.
To search if your ideas have already been talked about.

Sadly there is no such option at this point, and I don't think we'll have that as an option anytime soon.

Please refrain from using any language other than English on this forum.
So that people can actually understand what you're saying.

What exactly do you mean by skin?
Skin tone, or clothes and all.

Introduction / Re: I have returned
« on: December 14, 2017, 11:19:20 »
Wb Mars, hopefully it won't happen again ^.^

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Nyshn
« on: November 30, 2017, 16:05:33 »
Happy birthday @Toratsume Nyshn hope you have/had a good one.

General Discussion / Re: How to add things to a post
« on: November 17, 2017, 11:17:58 »
Decent guide, although you didn't have to go out of your way to show the code using such things as (img)(/img) as there's a button for that.

That way you can simply use the actual code:
Code: [Select]
[b][/b] [i][/i] [u][/u] [s][/s] [img][/img] [url][/url] [email][/email] [ftp][/ftp] etc.
I also moved it to the general discussion rather than SLO discussion board.
All in all, good job Takami.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Nakai Clan.
« on: November 17, 2017, 11:05:40 »
Chakra Nature(s): (What chakra nature will you start with and what 2nd nature do you hope to get?)=Lightining and I hope to get Fire
Village: (Village you start in / plan to migrate to etc.)=I want to start in Hidden Thunder and going to migrate at hidden forest
Specialization: (Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.)=Kenjutsu
Reason for joining: (What made you interested in joining the Nakai clan?)=Becouse this clan has a good history and I want to learn and evolve from the history
Do you accept the rules and punishments linked to your actions?: (if the answer is no there's no point in applying.)=Yes.I accept
And please accept me

Seeing as you've applied to multiple clans at once your application for the Nakai clan will be rejected.
If you want a fair shot at being judged I suggest you to remove all other clan applications.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Yūrei
« on: November 07, 2017, 14:50:35 »
Didn't like half the members of this get banned from SLO... by other members?

Which ones got banned then? I only recall 1 person being banned but that's a temporary ban.

Introduction / Re: Yo
« on: November 03, 2017, 07:37:21 »
Welcome to SLO.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: SLO Character :D
« on: October 27, 2017, 15:54:53 »
Loading an image from your desktop doesn't work.
If you want an image to show up on the forum you need to upload it to the internet (Imgur is an example).

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Is this still a thing?
« on: October 25, 2017, 09:51:24 »
if vreg is SO busy.. why can't some other developer work for him for MORE than 1 hour a day

What an assumption, without any evidence to back it up.
Other devs do work, but up until now it was up to Vreg to add it into the game.
What Vreg is currently working on is a migration, so that when he's finished with that, other coders can start joining in on coding the game (thus less time inbetween updates {I hope}).

Introduction / Re: Finally posting
« on: October 24, 2017, 09:11:27 »
Welcome to the posting side of the community(?)
What made you finally decide to post? (Just curious, as there might be others who simply lurk.)

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