Dev Blog – March 8th 2017 Greetings gentles and welcome to a very special edition of the dev blog, featuring
*actual development*! My name is Whatasnipe, and I'll be your fearless captain this evening as we embark on this exciting journey together! There isn't a whole lot of new news, because this Dev Blog is to update you on progress pertaining to things that have already been shown, however there are definitely some new things worth mentioning. To start things off, we've found two new team members. Make sure to toss your welcomes at Daniel in programming and Marci on webdesign when you get the chance! Marci is going to be working on a fresh new website to attract more attention and keep us looking professional. Daniel has been working on a building creation tool using our building kits for the community, meaning you'll be able to design buildings in the editor, and also actively help development as part of the community!
Texturing You can always count on Matt to be cranking out the goods here in the texturing department, so finally the long awaited Hidden Hill Village has been assembled and is more or less just pending the implementation process. For now Matt is working on some smaller. Stay tuned, enjoy some of his more recent work, and remember to tip your local texture artist/village builder.

Modelling/AnimationDarren and Matt L. have been putting a lot of time into the trailer over the last little while, ironing out all of the details and really stringing together different ideas so that they can start finalization. The trailer has really taken shape in the last couple of iterations, coming closer and closer to the final product. I suspect the next few weeks will be incredibly fruitful in terms of progress on this front. This also means that the new character model is getting close to deployment as well, and is only undergoing a couple more finishing touches to meet the SLO Brand of excellency.

Concept ArtAaron has been helping with the trailer for the time being, working on some different shots and creating some stills so that we have a clear direction for the final product, and we can really reflect the lore decisions while having some artistic flair to go with it.

VregAs you know the long awaited Kenjutsu update is finally here! Available first to chuunin donator + for testing, however will be available to the general public soon after. Our new Kenjutsu system allows you to use a Katana to cut down those who oppose you with a quick strike! Although it does less damage than being impaled by a fist full of lightning, it features damage based on your running speed at the moment of impact, as well as a dash that pushes you forward as you slash at your foes! This is the first time we've been able to murder our friends and enemies without the use of hand signs and fancy jutsu, truly a time to be alive! Get in on the swordplay as soon as possible, because as the Kenjutsu system evolves you'll be able to
sharpen your wits and really be on the
cutting edge of the SLO combat meta. (Not apologizing for the terrible puns). Vreg will be improving our Kenjutsu system as we go so remember that this is an early version, a foundation if you will, for what's to come. This means that all bugs caused by the implementation of Kenjutsu will be fixed shortly, and we appreciate everyone taking the time to report them.

That's it for the 8th installation of our Development Blog, keep your eyes peeled as the updates start rolling out, and as always check out or social media, discord server and the shoutbox for more frequent updates!