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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - NinjaMirage

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Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Hit point debate
« on: January 11, 2016, 00:08:01 »
For realizam and to force strategic and serious play I have put forth a rather unique Idea no other mmorpg has ever done before... there may be a reason i'm not sure.

the hit point you have at character creation barring some jutsu affect or kekke genkai mutation, are the hit points you have for your character  for the entirety of the life of your character.

if you start with 500 life points
you will still have 500 life points at jonin or kaga levels

survivability at higher levels should not come from being able to take  multiple powerful attack because you have 300% of the life points you started with, but should be based on the skills and abilities you train your character in and the squad you work with(if any!! i know any medical or genjutsu user will want to be)

i believe this can be dune with out affecting balance because of the level of jutsu available to players from start to finish. as well as time spent training in skills such as blocking, sensory abilities, defencive ninjutsu, and taijutsu. as well as ninja tools such as smoke bombs and traps

one would obviously expect more damage out of higher level jutsu so with static hit points this leads to the possibility of a one hit KO.

this is where the debate begins

is there a middle ground here?

would it still be fun to play if hit points stayed the same?

would you want to be able to train a jutsu to a one hit point?

Since there is no rare gear or weapons to lose if you die... Is it really that big of a deal
to lose your character in a kill zone to a player of equal or similar ability?

would you be in a killzone alone?

this is a radical Idea for a MMORPG
Are we looking for ways to be different from other mmos out there?

General Discussion / Re: General disscusion
« on: January 10, 2016, 23:08:18 »
i guess i don't understand why anyone would willingly just hang out in a killzone by themselves if they were not on a mission... wouldn't there time be better spent training??

General Discussion / Re: General disscusion
« on: January 10, 2016, 20:25:59 »
this is why i suggested the defencive cue.
with it active in your cue you don't need to activate it around every corner.
and you're starting to talk about the order of a squad now. a defencive jutsu user i would put out front to absorb any ambush attack from someone that only trains in offence.
it forces strategy and planning for everyone to be on a even playing field as far as hit points are concerned. it also punishes those that go rogue for they will likely not have back up unless they enlist the help of other rogues in a organization. even the akatsuki traveled in 2 man squads. I know if i was kaga i would not send a member of my village in to a killzone alone.
the other thing about one hit kills.
one hit will bring up the  option to kill or leave him.
if you choose to kill them you must still deliver the final blow...
so one hit kill is not truly a one hit kill.
this also gives a medical ninja time to assist and get you out of this situation. and if your medical ninja has stayed out of the fight till now your opponent has no idea what kind of jutsu they use so they cant target the medical ninja first .... they can take a lucky guess .... but that's the risk of any high level  mission. which i think is kinda the fun on any mission you might actually die.

General Discussion / Re: General disscusion
« on: January 10, 2016, 19:44:08 »
I still think high level jutsu like chidori could kill in one hit but that is high level jutsu
only people that have played for a long time and trained in it can do it. i suggest this because in battle between equally experienced shinobi there will be a lot of diversionary and
indirect combat that will use chakra and stamina. eventually you will run out of chakra and when that happens it will be however has more chakra will win. to avoid this if you can get around there defence and connect with a powerful jutsu then you can end it right there.I do not think this should be easy and should have something to do with them making a mistake
but i don't think that noobs should even be considered in this because were are talking about advanced battle techniques.

and you make a good point noobs will probably get more punch drunk then other players especially genjutsu users. however the effect of being able to take more hits comes out of stamina not life.. this is why taijutsu users train in stamina and mostly only stamina because it mean they can absorb more damage form hits i'm not saying you can't be beaten to death but the taijutsu attacks will drain stamina till they pass out at this point even if they still have life points(unlikely) the fight is over.(think gaara vs rock lee)
 so training to limit the amount of samina each blow drains is another key training tool for a shinobi

General Discussion / Re: General disscusion
« on: January 10, 2016, 19:17:45 »
I know its a different concept from other mmorpgs

but look at it from this point of view. when i was 18 getting stabbed 5 times in the chest would kill me, i'm 33 now i know how to avoid strange places that makes this likely and i know how to disarm someone with a knife now but if some how i was in a bad place and could not defend my self getting stabbed 5 times will still kill me

i think the strength in this game should come from training jutsu maybe some jutsu can temporarily increase the amount of damage you can take at expense of stamina.
training block to a passive ability  so someone throwing a kunai can't just snipe you from a bush. there are countless jutsu to stop physical attacks, there is no reason to increase your hitpoints

General Discussion / Re: General disscusion
« on: January 10, 2016, 19:01:42 »
ok lets get one thing straight i only care about your hit points. that's what i mean by what CAN kill you as a genin CAN kill you as a jonin. if it takes 3 hits 4 hits 10 hits with a kunie whatever if it kills you as a genin and if you get hit the same number of times as a jonin you will still a jonin this will be much harder this is the key point i what to get across.genine life points 100
          jonin life points 100
that's it that the only thing i am saying there is too many other ways to get strong then to gain life points

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Jutsu Creation Topic
« on: January 10, 2016, 18:42:27 »
strait up!!! sanji  i have thought about different jutsu i like and would like to see but Jawillia
takes it to another level!!! +rep for jutsu creations

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Mastering your chakra nature
« on: January 10, 2016, 18:26:00 »
it sounds like a good idea, fun and competitive. but to get master you would probably have to only train lightning(or whatever nature you are going after) and this would be a bad idea because you would be vulnerable to wind style users... but if you want the fame of it then i say more power to you and good luck!!!

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Learning to control chakra
« on: January 10, 2016, 16:58:38 »
i'm glad someone else thinks this is important!! i posted a topic yesterday as well on this subject so i will just use this (heads up its a long post),2033.msg27983/topicseen.html#new

"Chakra control should be an important part of using jutsu, namely elemental jutsu. Chidori is a combination of both chakra control and elemental chakra control."

i think you mean chakra form  and chakra nature

these both are skills or ways of using chakra control and they are advanced forms of chakra control 

chidori uses a change in chakra form ( the visible energy in the hand)
and then adds the change in chakra nature to that(lightning) to complete the jutsu.
Using my chart in the other post this would be a master level jutsu requiring level 5 or higher chakra control

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Jutsu Creation Topic
« on: January 10, 2016, 16:31:27 »
Jutsu Name: emergency evac
Jutsu Type: ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: this works similar to a transportation must next to a motaly wounded shanobi, must know medical ninjutsu to learn
Jutsu Level: Novice
Chakra Nature: Yang Release
Jutsu Range: short
Effects if hit: you are transported to a evac location marked with a tags with the formula on them.  this must be set up before the jutsu can be used

General Discussion / Re: General disscusion
« on: January 10, 2016, 16:16:10 »
If i was killed by noob after all my hard work i would be disappointed...but only in myself

the only thing i disagree with in your argument is this:

"The point of getting stronger,is that you can handle things easier."

its the core of your position which is why you and i don't agree on this. which is fine.

the POINT of getting stronger is to protect your village, clan, family,or something. this is never easy. 

 that its why this game cannot be like other mmorpgs were leveling up and getting new equipment make it so  'you can handle things easier."

remember that if your a jounin you will have greater chakra reserves then a new player
you will be more experienced at defencive jutsu and you will be faster then a new player.
you will have more powerful jutsu.

these are little advantages i know and can be overcome but gaining life as you level, i will never agree with that in this game, there are to many ways to stop attacks, dodge or block for there to be any reason to do that. what can kill you as a genin should be able to kill you as a jonin. this is the heart of my argument.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / chakra control system (STATS)
« on: January 10, 2016, 04:42:42 »
Skip to page two for the most updated ideas

i saw this and i wanted to bring this topic up because it is kind key to learning and executing jutsu. and something like this should be added to the current build when
you're ready to address trainable stats

a real simple way to do this is with a physical energy bar(stamina PE)
and a sprite energy bar(SE) experience in stats gets turned in to energy for these bars. see later posets(edited)and
chakra control(CC) levels :(edit- experience in this as well)
cc level mod-
.1           LV1
.2           LV2
.4           LV3
.8           LV4
1.6         LV5

PE 2000 to start
SE 2000 to start
total chakra at chakra control level 1:
 level 1=you learn to mix PE and SE to make chakra here is the equation:
(X pe+(SE x .33))cc level mod=desired chakra in bar- so if
chakra bar cap is 200 then
(1340PE+(660SE)).1=200 max molded chakra - use beginner jutsu
if you only train in chakra control then
(?PE+(SE.33)).2=400 chakra        level 2  level 1+ novice(tree climb)       
(?PE+(SE.33)).4=800 chakra        level 3 level 2 + intermediate(walk on water)
                     .8=1600 chakra       level 4  "      "    expert(your choice form or   
                                                                   nature change)                                               
                      1.6=3200 chakra      level 5 "       "    master(your choice form or
                                                                    nature change)
(these figures are only to illustrate the idea and do not represent actual game play figures, you start with a chakra bar value for the cc level and work back from there
i suggest this because we currently have a chakra bar value.)

remember that PE and SP are also trainable so the amount in the chakra bar should be a percentage of both...i will explain why in a min, but the mix should favor PE at least 2-1
and should cap out at 33% of SE. the same factors determine what jutsu you can successfully execute based on your current level of chakra control... this implies the level of concentration needed to execute that jutsu as well as provides a scaleable value for chakra.with PE and SE trainable the chakra bar will grow exponentially. IF YOU RUN OUT OF EATHER SE OR PE
this is why i added a PS at the end- but briefly it mentions molding chakra- by using 33% you insure you cant kill yourself by recovering chakra

this would also allow for taijutsu to use PE and only slightly affect chakra reserves. regeneration rates for PE should be based on stamina stat below and should continue to regenerate the total amount of the stat per sec but only while standing still. so long as you still have SE. this is to insure fast battle style.... sense the less PE a person can recover because of dodge,block or attack the more damage they will take from a weaker endurance(see hit point debate in suggestions and the equation in character stats below)

SE should only recover after you sleep or by an item. so after a battle chakra could only recover to the amount of SE you have left.. so using 33% you can replenish 3 times, either manually or not, before sleep.

(eventually i would like to see the regen rate for PE drop if you fight with low SE to long but for now we will keep it simple)

although with this set up it may be technically possible to learn all 5 chakra nature with each chakra control level i believe no more than 3 or 4 should ever be able to be mastered simply for game play and teamwork reasons.
The only exception to this i believe would be if you at the beginning of the game you inherit the village legacy then all 5 natures may be possible.
But i  like the current chakra nature plan, this gives you the option to learn more if you want.

also i believe each one of these should be the main focus of a specific type of jutsu

Taijutsu would require a higher PE value to execute combos and can be done at low levels of chakra control- my even only require PE! if they train in high enough levels of chakra control yin release ninjutsu and low level genjutsu may be available.

Ninjutsu would requires both SE and PE to master and require varying levels of chakra control based on the skill needed for the jutsu and chakra consumption. here is where you can add yin and yang release to the mix...literally... a yin release would use more SE than PE and a yang release more PE than SE.

Genjutsu is doesn't require much if any PE at all It is solely a Yin release. however unlike ninjutsu the level of genjutsu are based on your chakra control and do not take as much chakra to execute. however since SE does not recover like PE it has its risks. but this is also why i believe genjutsu can be strong. and so they are not at a complete disadvantage maybe there should be a tree skill that converts PE to SP at a rate of say                10  -  1 to start trainable, also this means less pure chakra to us regular ninjutsu to attack with, only yang release attacks should be available to genjutsu users.

for this system of jutsu to work- basic jutsu that wont use much chakra can just function off of the system in place now.but high level or yin yang release jutsu will need to be programed with a PE and SE consumption value! In order to even be available, the caster must have at least the programed PE and SE +1 values in there reserves and the requisite cc level to be able to activate the jutsu .since i only expect there will be a chakra bar in the upper corner, a list of jutsu you know at the bottom of the screen( you can still activate with the reserves of PE and SE you have )should be available so you know if you need to address a stats level in battle. through items like medical herbs-food pills or adrenaline.

this whole system can be worked back from the chakra level you already have in the current build. (cc level mod-.1 LV1,.2 LV2,.4LV3,.8LV4,1.6 LV5)(X pe+(SE x .33))cc level mod=currant chakra in bar- after you get the values round PE up to nerarest whole number and SE you need to multiply by 3 and round up to nearest whole number.
all skills can be worked of a % final values or current values of PE and SE and chakra control levels- each CC level should be assigned a numerical value for each level.

so here is what i think a character stat sheet should look like after creation:
health: set value
endurance=beginner (Total PE available)x.1=damage reduction
Total SE Stat=____- Intelligence, charizma, Imagination
           optional %'s   40/30/20    30/40/20    30/30/60
Total PE Stat=____strength,     Stamina,    dexterity/block.
           optional %'s 60/40/30    20/30/40     20/30/30
CC=level 1
chakra bar total:________
chakra nature= wind
       mission items

I apologize for the length of this  but i just want my ideas to be as clear as possible.

PS.i know that no one wants to have to mold chakra manually
but with this system it does not need to be that manual. one key could activate a animation of a one hand sign that simply does some math to fill a chakra bar, based on your chakra control level..

if you are not moving to do this PE regeneration can work at the same time. i suggest that this can be done while moving but one must be careful because you could pass out...potentially... if you run out of PE

this would be advantages for 3 reasons.

1. stealth- most scenery ninja bass there ability on sensing chakra-
no chakra means blind- so i propose a way to discharge all molded chakra
just one keystroke to bring chakra bar to 0.and reintegrate resources back to reserves.

2. ninjutsu can use less premolded chakra then if activated without it based off of the level of chakra control.

3.spending time molding chakra gives you another way to train chakra control

here is how a ninjutsu could work without premolded chakra-
CHIDORI jutsu info
master level jutsu-cc mod 1.6
molded activation 200 chakra (number from 1.0.8 version)
unmolded activation 150 PE and 100 SE= 400 chakra
needed unmolded+1
IF  3             +                  9                 +                   8  =molded(out of
then 150 PE       +         100 SE    =      250 TE    x      1.6 cc =unmolded
                                                               Total Energy
using a simple if then code you could make pre molded chakra the default source of the the jutsu and  unmolded the back up so long as the character has the unmolded values +1 in reserve. as you can see in battle it would be twice as hard or more to mold chakra and activate a jutsu then if activating it out of molded chakra. because of the added difficulty of programming these jutsu with this ability maybe only high level jutsu should have this ability to start.  Again the values here are only for illustrative purposes testing would be needed to get a balanced game play. this should also be a learned skill based on intelligence.

General Discussion / Re: General disscusion
« on: January 10, 2016, 03:33:31 »
yeah just trying to make my ideas clear...

General Discussion / Re: General disscusion
« on: January 09, 2016, 23:47:49 »
lets look at all the things that would have to happen for that balloon thing to kill a jonin player @Shivraj.

2. you would have to be caught of gaurd or not paying attention in a KILL ZONE!!!!
3. all your defences must be down..... IN A KILL ZONE!!!!!!!!
4. you must be in a kill zone alone with no medical ninja in your party- the only likely thing in the list!!!

now as for medical ninja in a party- they would likely be monitoring a battle in a kill zone very carefully

after substitution jutsu activat and other defensive jutsu go down(at jonin level this would take some doing) and your team mate goes down!
i imagine  a smoke bomb activated by the medical ninja  that allows you to go in and extract your team to a near by point pre set up.. this would require stealth and timing on the part of the medical ninja as well as planing  the extraction point ahead of time... all things you would likely do if you were entering a kill zone the medical ninja can administer first aid and evac to the nearest hospital.
as you have all said this dose not guarantee that you will not die but it is not as easy as you all seem to think it will be.

even a one hit kill jutsu that connects with substitution jutsu does no damage. and obviously  a wind style shield would be very effective against a jutsu like chidori.  just because a jutsu CAN be a one hit kill dose not guarantee that it will be a one hit kill.

i have one other suggestion to make things more interesting too...

what if jutsu like substitutions and other defencive jutsu(low level) can be captured in a cue at jonin or even chunin levels...
since by the time you hit those levels those elementary jutsu should seem   second nature to execute. you would still need to wave the hand sings but it would be captured in the cue and activate on contact. freeing you up to attack with another jutsu.

for instance lets assume you are attacking with chidori but are worried about a counter attack,

substitution 123
chidori 874

by waving the signs 123874

the substitution is captured in the cue and chidori activates
IF... they counter offensively with a ninjutsu  or other close range chakra based attack the fight is pretty much over... chidori will connect and depending on how high a level you have trained that jutsu it could one hit kill. and how awesome would it be to see all the hard work( of raising your chidori to that level)pay off when they drop after one hit!!!

however IF.. they have a substitution of there own active and they counter with taijutsu or other physical attack then you as the attacker should look out for a incoming attack.. be ready with a block, dodge, or some taijutsu.
many options from here.

and so battles will be decided by the skill of the player, the jutsu you use and being able to decipher the opponent's jutsu, strengths,weaknesses, and possibly more important there fighting style. the people that pick this up quicker will have a bigger advantage. I do not believe that just because you are a higher level you should automatically win over a newer player (while i do agree that you should have a advantage and your battle experience should be much higher). take every battle seriously.... or don't fight.

if we can pull this kind of battle format off it will move this from a simple
mmorpg to a massive multiplayer online role playing simulation.

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