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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - NinjaMirage

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 99
Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: I suggest we can do genjutsus
« on: September 28, 2021, 13:01:13 »
We have talked a lot about some of the issues with genjutsu. They will likely be rebuffs mostly- because any kind of visual alterations could be exploited to cheat.
There is a post-processing  effect that could temporarily blur the field of view vreg is experimenting with. But this is a long way off. the game needs so much more urgent work.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: New to the game
« on: November 13, 2020, 14:06:37 »
Hello, fellow gamers!

I have a few questions about the game;

1. What's the game like?
2. Can I learn multiple jutsu's?
3. How do I pick a village?
1. Downloads to pre alpha. The movement system takes a little getting used to.

2. yes there are currently 4 fire breath, wind bullit, chidori, And earth dome.
The jutsu are activated with a array of numbers from 0-9 example is 867 I think that was chidori, but it’s bin a while. You can check the jutsu list with the j key.

3 currently the villages are just forum concepts.

Shinobi Life Online News & Announcements / Re: Next Update
« on: November 02, 2020, 11:32:45 »
Voting has closed.

At the time of 40 votes, we had a tie for
Engine + graphics overhaul
Character and animation overhaul

Both of these will be tackled first. We will hold a separate voting for the remaining options once these two are complete.

Due to the nature of the options, I will start with the engine upgrade. We will hold another community test once this is complete. Afterwards, the character and animation overhaul will be worked on.

I will keep you guys posted on the developments.

Are you interested in a parkour style animation set?
It has  root motions and 8 directional strafe ,jump, and dodge with on the move attacks. It also comes with foot and hand IK’s with on the move weapon attacks.

Shinobi Life Online News & Announcements / Re: Next Update
« on: September 30, 2020, 12:06:54 »
Question about the engine overhaul?
You have done all this work for networking, so you’re likely not talking about switching engines, are you considered refactoring to ECS with Unity 2019 LTS? If so I’m for that one!! I think this game could really benefit from the newer production benefit and performance benefits of The DOTs work flow!

General Discussion / Re: The Lie That Never Lived: Shionbi Life Online
« on: September 13, 2020, 13:24:03 »
here is the thing about the IP.
Chakra is not something that can be owned by any IP. And its such a soft magic system in naruto, that you can build a hard magic system based on it for the game that they can’t touch you.

So as long as you don’t reference any world spacific content, such as jutsu, character, nations, economy, or the like... Naruto can’t touch you.

Also Naruto stole heavily from the journey to the west so any of those characters and ability’s such as transformation, monkey king, or elemental powers are all fair use.

A game like this could still work.

The other thing is the art style is covered by the IP so you have to develop your assets so they are at least 20% different from the original.

A good example of this is C3PO’s red arm. Disney did this to avoid paying royalties to Goarge on the toy sales.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: chakra control system (STATS)
« on: September 01, 2020, 23:48:47 »

So I have done it I have started implementing the Chakra system I set out to make using the ECS pattern with the Job system.

Some of you will recognize the math varents.
And I have all the components laid out for experience and Stats.

Now that I have a handle on the concepts I think I can start building more systems even the exp systems and a custom health system.

P.s. the fist job is using the wrong execute job interface. I will change it soon.
Also this was off the top of my head... so I forgot the Body type component that gives you your correct value for your physical energy.
And I have set the max energy’s = to the max experience in stead of current. And will control how much of the chakra is used on a per jutsu basis. You will also be able to replenish chakra up to your max trough chakra control.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Hit point debate
« on: August 18, 2020, 23:34:22 »
Search the forum dude this topic has bin done to death... also don’t expect quick responses.

This is yet another benefit of having a accurate chakra system based on spiritual and physical energies.

Having attacks that could one shot someone is fine when you have low level jutsu that negate all damage like the substation jutsu. However, if you have infinity replenishing chakra then there is 2 potential problems.

You need to limit how fast the chakra replenished- potentially slowing the pass of combat so you can’t infinity spam these jutsu.


you maintain the fast passes combat and keep the charge rate fast but then you have a the problem of trying to do damage faster then the target can negate it.

If there are limitations to how much chakra a player can use - you get the fast pass combat with high damage, and damage negation- and it adds more depth to combat because you have to be thoughtful about how you use your chakra.

The only slowdown you get is from how fast you can  analyze and execute your strategy, making combat completely skill based.

It’s one of the problems with perma-death.
There have bin many suggestions on how to overcome this. To make death have consequences but not  feel like a F-you you lost all your shit!!

The best idea so far was a generational approach where you marry and have a kid achievement. Then when you die you step in to the shoes(reincarnation) of one of the kids in the village or your own kids, who will then  inherit your belongings from your previous character.

The consequences are however you lost all your progress on that character, except for any inherited jutsu, or KKG. But that only matters if your character has skills and stats witch is still undecided.

Games / Re: Switching from PS4 to Xbox
« on: November 28, 2019, 06:14:59 »
Stick with the PS4 till FF7 comes out then switch.

Probably nonexistent

At least until bata launch

No I’m not a dev on this game but I am getting in to game development so I am learning what is and is not possible with game design.

These are just my ideas on how and why they should proceed with the current path rather then switching to unreal engine. 

Vreg has shot down just about all my ideas.
Believe me I’m as frustrated as you with the speed of development of this game. But Unity through a curve that Vreg can’t hit, in-fact no one can with out development of a Unity tool that converts prefabs to entity’s.
But I keep trying because this game has real potential.

Well let me explain my ideas that can utilize  DOTS and why DOTS is the Only way to do them.

Combat needs to be smooth! Having dedicated threads for combated is essential for rendering multiple Jutsu activating, colliding, and damage calculations over network connections. But for a sandbox ecosystem to be functional in the background controlling hundreds of thousands of entity in an open world, that is just to much to ask of object oriented organizations design.

So why is an ecosystem like this needed. Because we are promised NPC animals trying to survive. This means wild animals that hunt for food and water. Also eventually Animal summons should be a thing. Studying animals should provide you with Taijutsu stances, venoms and sensery skills that should not be available otherwise.

But that means animals with stats like age, sex, hunger, thirst, speed, strength and Intelligence and behaviors like search, evade, attack, and sleep. With a data bass of dropped resources, as well as a ecosystem rebalancing event that spawns our version of Bijou, essential World Bosses.

This also creates more missions to keep the ecosystem in balance or to farm resources to the point of an imbalance, causing the Bijou attack.

The only way to accomplish all this is to use the Jobs system available with the new DOTS Design to schedule the AI behavior running on the server side. Leaving the main thread open and dedicated for player inputs and rendering jutsu and animations of attacks.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / A Case for staying with Unity 2020
« on: October 29, 2019, 13:51:45 »
Well it’s bin a while since I made a New Topic.
I have since bin studying C# and Unity and the direction there headed. I believe it’s a Good idea to wait for The DOTS upgrade in 2020 rather then shifting to a new engine like Unreal.

My case for this is as fallows,

While the Data Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) might mean a longer wait for the games release, ultimately to achieve the end result of the description of this game I believe only  Data oriented design will work for the fallowing reasons, of witch I will post in-depth ideas of the systems it will allow:

1) a AI driven sandbox ecosystem.
2) multi threaded design means systems can run in real time that we as players can interact with without performance problems on the main thread witch will handle player combat.
3) player built clans- with clan specific Justu   (future updates after  initial  release)
List to be updated

My first update to this will be the AI animal survival systems and reasons for them.

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 99

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